#NetworkingEvent #Tokyo #IVP #LPSummit
Thanks to Infinity Ventures for inviting Garage+ to join Q3 LP Summit tonight! Our startups presented their products to full house Japan investors and corporations. We look forward to hearing good news in the near future!
In the afternoon of Oct. 31(Thur.), we will host the launching event of “Asia Startup Express” in Tokyo. Japan companies looking for building future businesses are most welcome to attend!
>> RSVP Event: https://garage191031.peatix.com/
>> Presenting startups: O S E N S E光禾感知科技, Omnibpm 雲端工作流程管理專家, IdeaBus點睛科技|APP開發與軟硬整合, ucfunnel.com, InfuseAI, Jubo.health, 奇點無限 and Uprithm