今天,美國運動大使荷莉·沃里珂(Holly Warlick)和關張綺君(Carol Jue)教練在師大進行一場精彩的演講「女力崛起:在運動中追尋勇氣與自信」,她們鼓勵台灣年輕人勇敢追夢,沃里珂教練以田納西大學前球員凱勤(Tameka Catchings)的故事為例,這名聽障球員最後克服阻礙四度拿到奧運金牌,並成為一名深具啟發力的講者。在下午,她們於台大體育館帶領一群優秀的女籃球員進行實際訓練, 包括了高中運動員以及曾代表台灣參加國際賽的選手。#AITat40 #ArtsCultureandSportsMonth #ChapmanUniversity #LadyVols #SportsDiplomacy
U.S. Sports Envoys Holly Warlick and Carol Jue encouraged young people in Taiwan to dream big during their talk on the “Transformative Nature of Sports on Women and Girls” at National Taiwan Normal University today. Coach Warlick shared the story of former University of Tennessee basketball player Tameka Catchings who overcame a hearing impairment to become a 4- time Olympic Gold medalist and motivational speaker. In the afternoon, Coaches Warlick and Jue led a basketball clinic and scrimmages at National Taiwan University for some of the best female basketball players in Taiwan, including high school players and older players who have represented Taiwan overseas.
ladyvols 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
AIT很榮幸邀請到美國女籃運動大使 — 荷莉·沃里珂教練(Holly Warlick)和關張綺君教練(Carol Jue)來台!荷莉·沃里珂教練是美國田納西大學女籃校隊前任總教練,關張綺君教練是美國查普曼大學女籃總教練,她們很高興能來台灣,也很期待與台灣的運動員分享她們的籃球經驗。7月16日至22日,兩位教練將在台北及高雄進行媒體訪問、工作坊以及籃球營。敬請期待更多精彩照片和活動分享!#AITat40 #ArtsCultureandSportsMonth #ChapmanUniversity #LadyVols #藝文與運動月
AIT is pleased to welcome the U.S. Women’s Basketball Sports Envoys Holly Warlick and Carol Jue to Taiwan! Former University of Tennessee Women’s Basketball Coach Holly Warlick and Chapman University Women’s Basketball Coach Carol Jue are excited about their visit and look forward to sharing their basketball experience with athletes in Taiwan. From July 16 -22, Warlick and Jue will conduct media interviews, workshops, and basketball clinics in Taipei and Kaohsiung. Stay tuned for more photos and updates!