蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao大使日前在「全美議會交流理事會」(American Legislative Exchange Council, ALEC)發表演講,我看了完整影片,感觸很深。
ALEC基本上是全美各州州議員組成的跨黨派組織,過去我在美國工作時,便曾經籌組新墨西哥州(New Mexico State)議會訪團訪問台灣。
當然,州議員不是聯邦參眾議員,就好比市議員跟立委的政治重要性不同。州議員是非常地方的,正如蕭大使在演講中所說,她在台灣的從政起點也是來自地方,All politics are local(所有的政治都來自地方)。
她並沒有說她來自Republic of China。
這很好啊!我們對外,就是Taiwan,多講Taiwan的名, #以台灣為名 。Taiwan很好聽,一點都不尷尬。
就因為無論台灣做什麼,中共都會生氣,那為何台灣有些人,卻總是對中共展現軟弱態度,老是怕中共生氣呢?甚至,為了怕中共生氣,一廂情願地說:「只要有 #九二共識,中共就不會生氣了」
我就是在說 #江啟臣 跟 #羅智強 們。
同時也有126部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー,也在其Youtube影片中提到,為Fortinet擔任論壇司儀~ 活動圓滿大成功! 粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈 Follow Connie Website: www.conniewong.hk Facebook: www.facebook.com/conniewty 黃紫盈 (Con...
「legislative 中文」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於legislative 中文 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於legislative 中文 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於legislative 中文 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於legislative 中文 在 羅冠聰流亡倫敦他對黃之鋒留在香港有何感受?- BBC News ... 的評價
legislative 中文 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最讚貼文
文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!
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您鎖得住我的肉體,卻鎖不了我的靈魂,更加鎖不了我把口!希望各位在牆外的朋友,尤其是今天這麼熱的日子,見字飲水,KEEP 住我們的動力,我們終有一天是會勝利、是會成功的!
[6.12: Voices in pursuit of democracy, freedom, justice and the rule of law are still the majority in Hong Kong]
Two years ago, on 12 June 2019, we in Hong Kong united to stop, at least temporarily, the Extradition Bill. It is very important to note that on that day, we showed our courage and solidarity in Admiralty. Although we have succeeded in stopping the Extradition Bill back then, look at Hong Kong today - we are still under the shameless Carrie Lam regime. At that time, the regime realised that even if they had the majority in the Legislative Council, we democrats were still capable of resisting, so now they have introduced a new electoral system. Under the new system, the representativeness of the Legislative Council is not much different from that of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and there is no need to discuss whether to run for election or how to vote.
I must remind you that no matter how difficult the situation is today, no matter how hard the regime tries to suppress us, REMEMBER - the majority in Hong Kong are in the pursuit of democracy, freedom, justice and the rule of law. This is precisely why this government has gone to great lengths to distort the current legislature, to distort the whole system, and they have even gone so far as to throw anyone in opposition into jail.
You can lock up my body, but not my soul, and not my mouth!
I don't know when I'll be back, but I hope that all of you outside the walls, especially on such a hot day, to take care of yourselves, and keep up our momentum, so that one day we will win and succeed. In the mean time, take care!
文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!
⭐️Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐️
legislative 中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的精選貼文
#到底我地係咪行緊雨傘條舊路【#AntiELAB Movement vs #UmbrellaMovement: are #HKers walking on the old path?】
5/ Global reach for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.t 11 pm on 30 June 2020:
1/ HK's protests have indeed reduced due to the COVID19 and the National Security Law. Hong Kong Government mass arrests protestors, and crackdown on the education, mass media, medical and judicial industries. But, NO, we're not walking the old path of division between different sides in the pro-democracy bloc. In fact, we're winning. Here's why:
2/ In 2014,
- 70% of polls call for the occupation to stop
- Division within Pro-democracy bloc
- Average results in the District Council Election
- Pro-Beijing bloc gained 57% seats in Legislative Council
- CCP's economic diplomacy is doing well
- Few countries support HK
3/ From 2019 till now,
- Pro-democracy bloc swept 85% of the seats in the District Council Election
- it's likely for the pro-democracy bloc to gain more than half of the seats in the Legislative Council Election, which forced the #CCP to cancel the election
Polls did by 香港民意研究計劃 HKPOP request by Reuters showed that
- 70% support an independent investigation committee
- 63% support universal suffrage of the Legislative Council and Chief Executive
- 58% support Carrie Lam to step down
- 56% oppose the riot characterization of the antiELAB Movement
- 49% support the release of the arrested people
- 60% oppose the NationalSecurityLaw
- 31% support the NationalSecurityLaw
- 57% vote for pro-democracy candidates
- 25% vote for pro-government candidates
4/ Normally, public opinion of social movements will reverse after a while, like the #UmbrellaMovement, #BlackLivesMatter and the #YellowVests. But after a year, the majority of public opinion is still on the protestors' side ...
5/ Global reac for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.t 11 pm on 30 June 2020:
- Jul 1: over 100k people took to the streets
- Jul 11-12: over 610k people vote in the democratic preliminary election
- Aug 12: 530k copies of 香港蘋果日報 Apple Daily were sold & 282 tocks are sold after Jimmy Lai was arrested
- Aug 27: all HKers dressed in black to say no to the Police rewriting what happened on 21 Jul 2019
- Aug 31: hundreds mourned for the #831PrinceEdwardAttack
6/ Gobal reactions
🇺🇸: Sanctioning HK and CCP officials and change "made in HK" to "made in China"
🇬🇧: Banned the buying of Huawei and offering HKers "lifeboats"
🇦🇺: US-Japan South China Sea military exercise took place in Australia. CCP intimidated journalists in Beijing
🇪🇺: Stop exporting sensitive tech and treat HK the same way as China
🇩🇪: Wang Yi intimidated Czech Senate speaker
Miloš Vystrčil for visiting Taiwan. Heiko Maas criticized with an open letter.
🇫🇷: Forced telcos to ditch @Huawei and announced of won't treat China naively
🇨🇦: Showed no sign of thawing with China. Hostage diplomacy continues to deadlock.
🇯🇵: partnered closely with the Five Eyes and acted tougher after 周庭 Agnes Chow Ting was arrested
🇮🇳: border clashes continued and ditched Chinese mobile apps like WeChat, Alipay and Tik Tok.
🇹🇼: international reputation continued to rise after having the least COVID19 confirmed cases in the world with its anti-pandemic policy
🇭🇰: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany ended extradition agreements
7/ #HongKongers have achieved remarkable results fighting against the second-largest, evilest country in the world in just one year. The idea of phoenixism is that we know the chance of winning is low, so we try to increase the costs beard by the #CCP to achieve what we demand.
8/ Everyday we are guided by our thirst for freedom and a sense of duty to bring democracy to our children and grandchildren. So long as we follow that path, we will always be on the right side of history. The island of HK may be small the resolve of its people is anything but.
╞#存亡號召 #絕處逢生
legislative 中文 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳解答
為Fortinet擔任論壇司儀~ 活動圓滿大成功!
粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈
Follow Connie
Website: www.conniewong.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/conniewty
黃紫盈 (Connie) 現為司儀、主持、影片監製及跨媒體自由工作者,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,為各類型公開活動擔任司儀(包括晚宴、產品發布會、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等),同時監製和主持旅遊、飲食及時尚生活資訊節目,包括《盈遊世界》、《尚駿生活》和《友飲友食》等。Connie 精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,她曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》以及《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie 畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
興趣: 旅遊、行山、美容、烹飪、攝影
Connie Wong is a professional emcee, programme host and producer actively involved in multi-media work. She is experienced in hosting various events (such as gala dinner, product launch, press briefing, award ceremony, music concert etc.), as well as infotainment programmes covering travel, food and lifestyle, e.g. "Travel Smart" and "Chic Life". Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Previously, Connie was news anchor at TVB where she hosted several key featured news programmes including Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, and 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied International Relations at Cambridge University in U.K., and Japanese Studies at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).
Hobby: Travel, Hiking, Beauty, Cooking, Photography
Tags: 中英日四語司儀, 大型活動司儀, 商場活動司儀, 發布會司儀, 晚宴典禮司儀, 婚禮司儀, 粵語司儀, 國語司儀, 英語司儀, 日語司儀, 普通話司儀, 日文司儀, 英文司儀, 中文司儀, 專業司儀, 星級司儀, 節目主持, 無綫電視, 新聞主播, 新城電台, 黃紫盈, Connie Wong, Emcee, MC, Host, TVB, News Anchor, DJ, Cantonese MC, English MC, Japanese MC, Mandarin MC, Putonghua MC, Annual Dinner, Gala Dinner, Award Ceremony, Product Launch, Grand Opening
#MC紫盈 #司儀 #主持 #主播 #中文司儀 #日文司儀 #英文司儀 #英語司儀 #日語司儀 #廣東話司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #國語司儀 #黃紫盈 #ConnieWong #HKMC #Emcee #MC #English #Japanese #Mandarin #Putonghua #Cantonese

legislative 中文 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳貼文
為教育局擔任論壇司儀~ 活動圓滿大成功!
粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈
Follow Connie
Website: www.conniewong.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/conniewty
黃紫盈 (Connie) 現為司儀、主持、影片監製及跨媒體自由工作者,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,為各類型公開活動擔任司儀(包括晚宴、產品發布會、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等),同時監製和主持旅遊、飲食及時尚生活資訊節目,包括《盈遊世界》、《尚駿生活》和《友飲友食》等。Connie 精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,她曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》以及《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie 畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
興趣: 旅遊、行山、美容、烹飪、攝影
Connie Wong is a professional emcee, programme host and producer actively involved in multi-media work. She is experienced in hosting various events (such as gala dinner, product launch, press briefing, award ceremony, music concert etc.), as well as infotainment programmes covering travel, food and lifestyle, e.g. "Travel Smart" and "Chic Life". Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Previously, Connie was news anchor at TVB where she hosted several key featured news programmes including Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, and 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied International Relations at Cambridge University in U.K., and Japanese Studies at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).
Hobby: Travel, Hiking, Beauty, Cooking, Photography
Tags: 中英日四語司儀, 大型活動司儀, 商場活動司儀, 發布會司儀, 晚宴典禮司儀, 婚禮司儀, 粵語司儀, 國語司儀, 英語司儀, 日語司儀, 普通話司儀, 日文司儀, 英文司儀, 中文司儀, 專業司儀, 星級司儀, 節目主持, 無綫電視, 新聞主播, 新城電台, 黃紫盈, Connie Wong, Emcee, MC, Host, TVB, News Anchor, DJ, Cantonese MC, English MC, Japanese MC, Mandarin MC, Putonghua MC, Annual Dinner, Gala Dinner, Award Ceremony, Product Launch, Grand Opening
#MC紫盈 #司儀 #主持 #主播 #中文司儀 #日文司儀 #英文司儀 #英語司儀 #日語司儀 #廣東話司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #國語司儀 #黃紫盈 #ConnieWong #HKMC #Emcee #MC #English #Japanese #Mandarin #Putonghua #Cantonese

legislative 中文 在 黃紫盈 Connie Wong コニー Youtube 的最佳解答
為 Mitsubishi Materials 擔任純日語司儀~
#MC紫盈 大獲好評,活動圓滿大成功!
粵英普日 全方位主持|優雅時尚・活力百變 | Connie 黃紫盈
Follow Connie
Website: www.conniewong.hk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/conniewty
黃紫盈 (Connie) 現為司儀、主持、影片監製及跨媒體自由工作者,活躍於商界及政府機構主辦的活動,為各類型公開活動擔任司儀(包括晚宴、產品發布會、頒獎禮、記者會和音樂會等),同時監製和主持旅遊、飲食及時尚生活資訊節目,包括《盈遊世界》、《尚駿生活》和《友飲友食》等。Connie 精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,她曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》以及《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie 畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
興趣: 旅遊、行山、美容、烹飪、攝影
Connie Wong is a professional emcee, programme host and producer actively involved in multi-media work. She is experienced in hosting various events (such as gala dinner, product launch, press briefing, award ceremony, music concert etc.), as well as infotainment programmes covering travel, food and lifestyle, e.g. "Travel Smart" and "Chic Life". Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin and Japanese. Previously, Connie was news anchor at TVB where she hosted several key featured news programmes including Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, and 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also studied International Relations at Cambridge University in U.K., and Japanese Studies at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).
Hobby: Travel, Hiking, Beauty, Cooking, Photography
Tags: 中英日四語司儀, 大型活動司儀, 商場活動司儀, 發布會司儀, 晚宴典禮司儀, 婚禮司儀, 粵語司儀, 國語司儀, 英語司儀, 日語司儀, 普通話司儀, 日文司儀, 英文司儀, 中文司儀, 專業司儀, 星級司儀, 節目主持, 無綫電視, 新聞主播, 新城電台, 黃紫盈, Connie Wong, Emcee, MC, Host, TVB, News Anchor, DJ, Cantonese MC, English MC, Japanese MC, Mandarin MC, Putonghua MC, Annual Dinner, Gala Dinner, Award Ceremony, Product Launch, Grand Opening
#MC紫盈 #司儀 #主持 #主播 #中文司儀 #日文司儀 #英文司儀 #英語司儀 #日語司儀 #廣東話司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #國語司儀 #黃紫盈 #ConnieWong #HKMC #Emcee #MC #English #Japanese #Mandarin #Putonghua #Cantonese

legislative 中文 在 羅冠聰流亡倫敦他對黃之鋒留在香港有何感受?- BBC News ... 的推薦與評價
BBC HARDtalk訪問現在流亡於倫敦的羅冠聰。中國對香港的強硬策略是否已經在起作用?BBC News 中文 : https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen訂閱BBC N... ... <看更多>