My weight has been one of the biggest challenges for me after I gave birth - actually even before at times - I would loose tons and then gain again. Sometimes there was no in between for me.
As you can see on this photo, I still have that stubborn little front pouch I got after birth. It’s SO hard to get rid of and my love for food obviously doesn’t help 😂
But I’m not gonna quit food (or beer) and I’m not going to say I wanna be stick skinny and go on any diet.
It’s about eating in moderation (weekends not included 😂) and obviously, I need to have more discipline regarding my workout routine.
I will be working on more cooking videos (As requested) and also about skincare @psknudsen as we have something exciting coming very soon ❤️ x
#MCO2021 #CookingVideos #WorkoutRoutines #HomeWorkouts #LiveVideosComingSoon