今天早上,在查看《台灣婦產科百年史》時,看到張耀東醫師的介紹,想找找張婦產科的現況,卻查到這則 https://www.facebook.com/groups/185427322881021/permalink/381414979948920/
As in all higher primates, only more so in the human case, prior experience and learning loom large in the way mothers and allomothers nurture infants in their charge. Compared with other mammals, like dogs or cats, human mothers have a near absence of what ethologists call "fixed action patterns". Nurture, in our species, is more nearly an art form passed down from mothers or others to subsequent generations. Contrary to the notion of a "maternal instinct", a person's responsivness to the needs of infants is to a large degree acquired through experience --- through both the experience of nurturing and the experience of being nurtured. As we have seen throughout this book, both males and females start out with an innate capacity for empathy with others and for nurture, but past experiences along with proximate cues are critically important for the development and expression of nurturing responses.
Mothers and Others: The evolutionary origins of mutual understanding By Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
圖片來源: https://goo.gl/KPB1gs
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過18萬的網紅IKKO'S FILMS イッコーズフィルムズ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please Subscribe♪ I teach you Japanese Amazing Culture. Ramen Jiro is of course technically ramen, but it is somewhat different from any other ramen ...
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[時事英文] 美國總統大選最終辯論會
Consider the risks and opportunities involved.
Do you want low short-term risk with fewer opportunities or high short-term risk with more opportunities? What about the long term?
是選擇低短期風險但較少機會,還是高短期風險但較多機會? 倘若放眼長期又該如何?
What risks and what opportunities?
These are questions Taiwan must figure out.
同時也來看看浩爾口筆譯 ft. 創譯兄弟的即時同步口譯: https://youtu.be/kgQCwcrT_Nk
Go, go, Howard!
Full Debate:
LIVE 2020美國總統大選 最終局辯論(即時同步口譯)
China loomed large in the debate, but largely as a caricatured place of shady deals and a deadly virus.
For a few fleeting moments on Thursday night, it looked as though President Trump and former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. might actually debate the nation’s greatest foreign policy challenge: its relationship with China.
1. loom large 顯得突出;變得嚴重
2. a few fleeting moments 幾個瞬間
3. look as though 看起來好像
週四晚上的幾個瞬間,川普總統和前副總統小約瑟夫·R.拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)看起來好像真的是要就這個國家最大的外交政策挑戰: 美國與中國的關係展開辯論。
But Mr. Trump quickly pivoted the conversation to unsubstantiated allegations that Mr. Biden enriched himself through his son’s dealings with Chinese officials. Mr. Biden, seeking to assert his tough-on-China credentials, recalled a trip to Beijing in 2013 when he pushed back on China’s attempt to control a wide swath of airspace in the contested East China Sea by requiring foreign planes to identify themselves when they flew through it.
4. pivot (v.) 轉動;扭曲
5. unsubstantiated allegations 未經證實的指控
6. enrich (v.) 使富有,使富裕
7. dealings(尤指商業上的)活動,往來;交易
8. a wide swath of 廣大的一片區域
9. contested (adj.) 有爭議的
The move ignited tensions with Japan, a key American ally, and Mr. Biden warned President Xi Jinping to show restraint. On Thursday, Mr. Biden referred to Mr. Xi as a thug and accused Mr. Trump of cozying up to him.
10. ignite tensions 激起緊張關係
11. show restraint 保持克制
12. cosy up (to sb) (處於謀私的目的)與…交好
That was as far as the candidates got in discussing what many analysts view as one of the world’s most dangerous flash points — a place where Chinese and American warships might someday fire on each other.
13. flashpoint (暴力)即將爆發的地點(或階段)
For the rest of the night, China became a watchword for allegations of shady business dealings, a deadly virus, and a carbon-glutted atmosphere, which Mr. Trump described as “filthy.”
14. a watchword 口號;標語;格言
15. shady business dealings 不正當的商業交易
16. filthy骯髒的、汙穢的
Their exchanges on trade captured the caricatured role that China has played in the campaign. Mr. Trump repeated his erroneous claim that China is paying the United States billions of dollars because of his tariffs. In fact, most of those costs are passed on to American consumers.
17. caricatured role (諷刺)漫畫性/滑稽的角色*
18. erroneous claim 錯誤的說法
19. tariffs 關稅
20. pass on to 轉嫁到
*caricature: https://bit.ly/31CfVLo
Mr. Biden claimed that the American trade deficit with China had gone up, not down, during the Trump presidency — not true, given the protectionist measures that Mr. Trump imposed.
21. trade deficit 貿易逆差
22. impose protectionist measures 實施保護主義措施
The president said he pulled the United States out of the Paris climate accord because it did not impose the same demands on China, and other major developing economies, as it did on the United States.
23. pull out of 退出
24. the Paris climate accord/ Paris Agreement巴黎氣候協議
25. developing economies 發展中國家
Mr. Biden said he would rejoin the accord specifically to hold China to the pledges it made under that agreement. “We need to be having the rest of our friends with us saying to China — these are the rules,” Mr. Biden said. “You play by them or you’re going to pay the price for not playing by them, economically.”
26. rejoin the accord 重新加入該協議
27. pledge 承諾、保證
28. play by the rules 遵守規定
29. pay the price 付出代價
Though China loomed large over trade, climate, and geopolitics, Mr. Trump kept the focus on allegations that Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter, had tried to cash in with the Chinese on his father’s name.
30. loom large over 在…顯得突出 (此指顯得重要)
31. geopolitics 地緣政治
32. keep focus on聚焦在
33. cash in on sth 藉由某事牟利
Mr. Biden fired back, noting the report in The New York Times that Mr. Trump had an undisclosed bank account in China.
34. fire back 反擊
35. an undisclosed bank account 未經披露的銀行帳戶
“I have many bank accounts and they’re all listed and they’re all over the place,” Mr. Trump replied. “I was a businessman doing business.”
36. all over the place 到處都有
紐約時報完整報導: https://nyti.ms/2J0vUN8
圖片來源: https://bit.ly/34oCzbY
選舉關鍵字彙 (167頁): https://bit.ly/3dA6CAu
美國總統大選首場辯論: https://bit.ly/3j5lDvv
川普拜登市民大會: https://bit.ly/37Ae7GT
So, who should Taiwan support? Why?
loom large 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[時事英文] 中美網絡戰鬥力
在過去的二十年中,對常規軍事作戰的理解已從二維戰場(battlefield)轉變為多維系統的作戰空間(battlespace),資訊戰(information warfare)也早已開始。我們今天先透過紐約時報的報導探討傳統資訊戰的定義。
《2015 紐約時報》報導:
As China president Xi Jinping begins a trip to the United States that could include the first arms control accord for cyberspace between the United States and China, a new RAND report that rates the cyber warfare capabilities of the world’s two largest economies shows how important such an agreement could be. The report, which rates the capabilities of both militaries over the course of two situations, a conflict over Taiwan and one over the Spratly Islands, dedicates an entire chapter to the respective cyber capabilities of both sides.
1. arms control(國與國一致進行的)軍備控制
2. accord (n.) (國家之間的)協議;條約
3. cyberspace 網際空間
4. rate (v.) 評估
5. cyber warfare 網路戰
6. a conflict over ⋯⋯的衝突
7. dedicate 奉獻,獻出(全部精力、時間等)*
8. respective 各自的;分別的
*dedicate: https://bit.ly/2VNp0NL
As it maps out the potential conflicts, and in turn the potential ways each country could attack the other’s network, it becomes apparent why a first agreement between President Obama and Mr. Xi might focus on the rules of the road for attacks on core infrastructure instead of on better publicized Chinese attacks aimed at gaining advantages and intellectual property for companies.
In particular, it argues unclassified networks for key infrastructure are more vulnerable than those of the military, and that broad attacks have a huge potential to cause unanticipated escalations. Even so, it says that the United States would probably do better than might be expected given the high-profile media coverage of Chinese cyberattacks.
9. map sth out 詳細安排;籌劃
10. potential conflict 潛在的衝突
11. the rules of the road 使用規則
12. gain advantage 取得優勢
13. intellectual property 智慧財產權
14. have a huge potential 有著巨大的可能性
15. unanticipated escalation 意料之外的逐步升級
16. high-profile 高調;備受關注的
17. cyberattack(由駭客發起的)網路攻擊
The Chinese military “has been heavily involved in large-scale cyber espionage since the mid-2000s, which has made it the subject of much media attention.
Because the most common targets of these attacks have been lightly defended corporate and unclassified government systems, this activity may have created an exaggerated sense of the capabilities that China might bring to bear in an operational military context,” it concludes. Citing a 2013 document distributed throughout China’s People’s Liberation Army called “The Science of Military Strategy,” the report adds that the Chinese army recognizes the major advantages to being aggressive in cyberwar.
18. cyber espionage 網路間諜活動
19. media attention 媒體關注
20. bring to bear 運用
21. cite 引用
22. throughout (prep.) 遍及
23. China’s People’s Liberation Army 中國人民解放軍
One danger of that, and also more broadly of employing cyberattacks in a situation of escalating conflict, is that of unintentional escalation. Using several hypothetical situations, the report shows how a cyberattack could deepen a conflict. For example, it points out that if China were to make a move for Taiwan, a cyberattack aimed at hurting the potential for the United States to intercede, could contradictorily force the U.S. to come into the conflict. Likewise it argues that in the case of some kind of regional conflict, United States attacks on Chinese infrastructure that in peace-time would be deemed mainly of civilian importance could take on deeper military implications.
24. escalating conflict 逐步升級的衝突
25. unintentional 無意的;非故意的
26. hypothetical 假設的;假定的
27. deepen a conflict 深化衝突
28. point out 指出
29. aim at 瞄準;對準
30. make a move 採取行動
31. intercede 介入;調停
32. contradictorily force 反而迫使
33. regional conflict 區域衝突
34. peace-time 和平時期
35. be deemed 被認為;被視作
36. take on 呈現;開始具有(某種特徵)
37. implication 暗示;牽連
Even so, there are plenty of reasons that China and the U.S. would be unlikely to carry out a major attack aimed broadly at civilian populations. In particular, the report points out that close economic relations could mean an unintentional business fallout at home while the interconnectedness of the Internet makes the effects of broad attacks unpredictable (for example, Chinese data stored abroad could be inadvertently disrupted). Also likely to be on the front of Beijing’s mind, the report argues, are a few larger concerns. In particular, during wartime issues surrounding control of potentially destabilizing information within China and tracking of dissident activity are also likely to “loom large.”
38. carry out 執行
39. fallout 不良影響;惡果
40. at home 在國內
41. interconnectedness 緊密關係
42. inadvertently 無意地;非故意地
43. on the front of sb’s mind 在……的腦海中
44. wartime 戰時
45. destabilize 使不穩定;暗中顛覆(反對政權)
46. dissident (n.) 異見者;意見不同者;持不同政見者
47. loom large 顯得突出;變得嚴重
資訊戰爭講義 (Information Warfare): https://bit.ly/2xcimbQ
loom large 在 IKKO'S FILMS イッコーズフィルムズ Youtube 的最讚貼文
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I teach you Japanese Amazing Culture.
Ramen Jiro is of course technically ramen, but it is somewhat different from any other ramen in Japan.
It is tonkotsu broth with shoyu added, but the broth is more like a thinner (but very rich) pork gravy and in most branches it has a large amount of suspended fat (abura).
The noodles are (typically) very thick and chewy but not quite as eggy or yellow as regular ramen noodles, and many of the branches make their own, if you see a big green or blue machine that looks like a weaving loom and has flour all over it somewhere in the shop, that's what they make them with.
The pork is a very rough cut, usually from the tenderloin but sometimes from some less recognizable part of the pig, and occasionally will be mostly fat.
The veggies are usually cabbage or moyashi (bean sprouts), and each branch has its own ratio of the two.
Add to this a large amount of chopped garlic (if you want it), usually fresh but not always, and then a few individual stores have optional toppings such as eggs (raw/"nama", 生 or boiled/yude, ゆで), cheese, curry or extra fat from the soup pot, and then curry powder or black pepper on the counter.
Many Jiros do not have tissues to wipe your mouth with, or spoons for the broth.
Ramen Jiro is certainly not for those who are health conscious, and those of weaker constitutions can feel a bit queasy after eating there for the first time, especially if they force themselves to finish the whole bowl. The general recommendation that I have heard from Ramen Jiro customers is that on the day you go to Ramen Jiro, you should eat a pear ("nashi" or 梨 in Japanese) for breakfast or lunch that day, and nothing else. If you can't find a pear then perhaps an apple. My personal advice is that you should not force yourself to finish the bowl, this business about ramen shop chefs getting insulted when you leave some soup in your bowl is generally not true, I'm sure they would prefer to get "insulted" by you leaving some in your bowl rather than get insulted by you getting sick all over their shop floor. Also a yogurt drink, available from any conbini, helps soothe the stomach afterwards.
The overall taste is not like any other ramen available in Japan. It's hard to explain on paper or to understand how the flavors all come together without actually tasting it. Ramen Jiro has achieved something of a cult status in Japan, especially among young men - there's only been one or two times out of the 40-50 times I've visited Ramen Jiro branches that there has not been a line of at least 5-10 people (sometimes more than 30) waiting to get in, and 95% of the customers are men (admittedly a non-scientific survey at best). Lines typically start to form 30 minutes or so before each store opens. There is no talking or lingering at Ramen Jiro branches, just eating. Generally I find that a good rule of thumb is that each person on line means on average a 3 minute wait, e.g. 10 people on line in front of you means 30 minutes before you can sit down. Then it may be another 5-10 mins before you actually have a bowl in front of you.
As of this writing (January 2010), there are 33 Jiro branches in Tokyo and the surrounding areas of Yokohama, Chiba, Ibaraki and Tochigi. Most of them are in Tokyo. There are no other Jiro branches in any other regions AFAIK. I have eaten at 32 of them and I plan to finish all of them by early next year. Some of them are in more remote areas of Tokyo (1-1.5 hours from the Yamanote-sen train loop and then some walking) so it's not always easy to get to them, especially when you have a real day job.
I believe Ramen Jiro is more like a franchise than a chain. The original store is the Mita Hon Ten 三田本店, from which almost all of today's Ramen Jiros are descended, typically by a staff member who goes on to start his own shop. I am currently researching the lineage of the different stores and will update this page when I have more info.
☆過去の「2016年度 けつがバター醤油」動画

loom large 在 報章英文成語教室- 學英文困難,昰因為要懂很多,看很多例句 ... 的推薦與評價
According to him, potential dangers still loom large. 根據他的說法,潛在的危機仍然很大。 8擴大。 The threat of a terrorist attack looms large ... ... <看更多>