Hi everyone, I rearranged the song "A Million Dreams' by Ziv Zaifman, Hugh Jackman & Michelle Williams,
it is one of my favourite songs from the movie "The Greatest Showman".
Hope you all enjoy my piano arrangement and interpretation of the song!
Please LIKE & SHARE if you do! ?
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JJ 《交換餘生》: https://youtu.be/fqN27zHRmaQ
自創曲 《巨嬰》: https://youtu.be/a1ZpAUBe9-8
周杰倫 《Mojito》: https://youtu.be/gSHk7Y2cEKM
Love Song- 方大同 : https://youtu.be/dDYgn6BUTXA
與我無關: https://youtu.be/kYEHVo_UhxA
踮起腳尖愛 - 洪佩瑜: https://youtu.be/9eyf3nw78xw
Forever Young- 艾怡良 : https://youtu.be/T6nwsfdQt7U
周杰倫 -說好不哭 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ksHoFCmknk
林宥嘉 - 兜圈 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0tP4XrPJ18
陳綺貞-殘缺的彩虹 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S87YcebHRI
五月天 - 好好 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKzbkPdgyng
我還年輕 我還年輕:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8I2yDcWSlM
旋木 X 梦一场 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f13LGH9zv6w
《 答案 》:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af8ZN9w9MAA
戴佩妮 -你要的愛 :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0xK8ok6hQw
最長的電影 x 偷故事的人 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyvZx7uhjfQ
莫文蔚 《慢慢喜歡你》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL2oVwPvbpI
盧廣仲 《幾分之幾》 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5jFUAeAhHo
連名帶姓 X 聽見下雨的聲音: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePy5vVsxsOs
Imagine Dragons - Next To Me : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4I4RP8F4m4
田馥甄 -愛了很久的朋友: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAE0bQv7s44&t=51s
體面 X 說散就散 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIAjhp-6OrE
I close my eyes and I can see
The world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design
'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make
There's a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
The special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say we've lost our minds
I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy
Runaway to a world that we design
Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

make up one's mind to v 在 Re: [文法] 下定決心- 精華區Eng-Class 的推薦與評價
※ 引述《suffis (Il me quitte)》之銘言:
: 請問下定決心做某件事的英文
: make up one's mind 是直接加Ving嗎? 還是要再加什麼介係詞?
: 謝謝!
make up one's mind to V.....
關於to V 以及 Ving之間的差別....
I make up my mind to become a good student.
這時要用to V~來表示一個還沒發生~不確定的事情...
上句可以看成這樣~I make up my mind that I will become a good student.
此時要補充的是...助動詞 will, should,can,may,must都有一個to V的片語來對應...
will = be going to
should = ought to
can = be able to
may = be probably to
must = have to
I make up my mind that I will become a good student.
= I make up my mind that I am going to become a good student.
所以把I,am 省略~此時that也可一併移出...這時剩下的going其實並不代表任何意義...
於是便出現了 I make up my mind to become a good student.
I regret playing a joke on her.
I regret that I was playing a joke on her.
於是I regret playing a joke on her.
I regret that I played a joke on her.
而to V則反之....代表一個希望~願望......
最後附上一些常用的接to V以及Ving的動詞..書上還有附口訣咧..
我之所以能 避免 後悔 這得 感謝 朋友給我 建議: 繼續 練習 以 完成 冒險 大業
avoid regret appreciate suggest keep practice finish risk
我為了 逃避 給人 討厭 :我 否認 他人 介意 ,承認 自己的 失誤 ,請求 原諒。
escape dislike deny mind admit miss excuse
她 假裝 很 注意 地 選擇 生日禮物給媽媽,其實 希望 媽媽能夠 同意 ,
pretend care choose hope agree
並且 答應 她的 決定 。
promise decide
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