Thank you boss for repping team 69 and thank you boss for taking care of bass like what @davie504 said bass and ass are epic hihihi #Repost @kennerd.plays.the.bass with @make_repost
Taiwanese Brutal Death Metal band Gorepot(血麻) official "Gorepot 69 Taiwan" jersey by Brutal Mind.. Such a beauty! Who wants some school girl sashimi? 😋 Thank you Rothstore Belanjaataumati 🤘🔥☠️🇹🇼 #Gorepot #血麻 #Taiwan #TaiwaneseBrutalDeathMetal #BrutalDeathMetal #Grindcore #BrutalMind #Rothstore #MetalUpYourAss #KeepMetalAlive #KeepItLoudAndHeavy #MetalForLife #MetalTillIDie #InMetalWeBlast #ExtremeMusicForExtremePeople #SpreadLoveThroughMusic