#1. The best 85 migrate sentence examples
Migrate sentence example ... During and after supper, conversation seemed to continually migrate back to Cynthia. ... Entire villages migrate after the harvest to ...
#2. The Word "Migrate" in Example Sentences - Page 1
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Migrate" in Example Sentences Page 1 · [S] · [T] I wonder why birds migrate. (CK) · [S] · [T]
#3. Use “migrate” in a sentence -
Use “migrate” in a sentence | “migrate” sentence examples · 1. These animals migrate annually in search of food. · 2. I wish we could migrate from here every ...
#4. Use Migrate in a Sentence Example
migrate in A Sentence · Migrate both your code andyour tests to your new project. · Answer- 4“Not all animals Migrate by choice”. · Will they ...
#5. use "migrate" in a sentence
use "migrate" in a sentence ... Gray whales migrate down the coast of our state every year. Migrant workers follow the fruit harvesting across the state every ...
Examples of Migrate in a sentence. 1. Doris was desperate to migrate to the U.S, but in the end she remained living in Europe.
#7. migrate in a sentence - Cambridge Dictionary
Examples of migrate in a sentence, how to use it. 100 examples: According to the model, these migrating populations brought with them ...
用migrate造句和"migrate"的例句: 1. The migrated position of the contour can be found . ... It's difficult to see migrate in a sentence. 用migrate造句挺難的 ...
#9. Migrate definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Examples of 'migrate' in a sentence. migrate ; Each winter · Zindell, David THE BROKEN GOD ; But even · Tepper, Sheri S. · A PLAGUE OF ANGELS ; But suppose · Zindell, ...
#10. Usage examples for "migrate" in English -
See how to use migrate in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word migrate.
#11. Migrate Definition & Meaning |
How to use migrate in a sentence. It's the fact that people have migrated to very few platforms because it makes sense to go where your friends and ...
#12. emigrate vs. immigrate vs. migrate : Choose Your Words
The choice between emigrate, immigrate, and migrate depends on the sentence's point of view. Emigrate is to immigrate as go is to come. If the sentence is ...
#13. Migration, human rights and governance - OHCHR
1.5 Gender and migration: the situation of women migrants. 31. Checklist for parliamentarians. 35. Chapter 2. International law, migration and human rights.
#14. MIGRATION ACT 1958 - SECT 501CA Cancellation of visa
(1) This section applies if the Minister makes a decision (the original decision ) under subsection 501(3A) (person serving sentence of imprisonment) to cancel ...
#15. 找Migrate sentence相關社群貼文資訊
關於「Migrate sentence」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. Definition of migrate - Merriam-Webster。 Migrate definition is - to move from one country, place, ...
#16. MIGRATE | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
UK English definition of MIGRATE along with additional meanings, example sentences, and ways to say.
#17. Labour migration - ILO
Yet, the migration process implies complex challenges in terms of governance, migrant workers' protection, migration and development linkages, ...
#18. Is migration good for the economy? - OECD
Migration is a feature of social and economic life across many countries, but the profile of migrant populations varies considerably. In part this is because of ...
#19. Migrate In A Sentence - SearchSentences
Short & Simple Example Sentence For Migrate | Migrate Sentence · Yonder mountain must migrate into your mind. · Here the birds migrate up and down instead of ...
IOM is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. As an intergovernmental organization, IOM acts with its ...
#21. Use "migrate" in a sentence -
Migrate in a sentence | migrate example sentences. Where did humans migrate out-of? They have struggled to migrate to a. The males migrate, while the ...
#22. Introduction to International Migration - Academic Accelerator
Modern trends of the international labor force migration 10.1051/SHSCONF/20196509001. International Migration - Scientific Sentence Examples.
#23. Mobility in the EU - Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
... 81 subsection (4), first sentence, of the Residence Act [AufenthG]). ... recourse to public funds (section 2 subsection (3), second sentence, No.
#24. migrate off | English examples in context -
High quality example sentences with “migrate off” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better ...
#25. Migrate - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
[+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. — compare emigrate ...
#26. Parole Board Canada:
eligibility: 6 months before full parole eligibility date (PED) or. 6 months into the sentence, whichever is greater. For offenders serving life sentences, 3 ...
#27. Why do people migrate? - Migration trends - GCSE Geography
Learn about and revise the definition of migration and policies on migration with BBC Bitesize GCSE Geography.
#28. Bird migration - Wikipedia
Bird migration is the regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds. Many species of bird migrate.
#29. (A) As soon as winter comes, birds migrate to the south.(B) No ...
Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. ... Example: (A) No sooner had the match finished than it began to rain. (B) Hardly ______.
#30. Bird Migration Frequently Asked Questions - TPWD
What is migration? Do all birds migrate? Why do birds migrate? Where do migrating birds go? Do birds follow established migratory routes?
#31. International migration and development in the Americas
Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Inter-American Development Bank ... B.2 International migration, and economic integration and convergence .
#32. Monarch Butterfly Migration and Overwintering - USDA Forest ...
The monarch is the only butterfly known to make a two-way migration as birds do. Unlike other butterflies that can overwinter as larvae, pupae, or even as ...
#33. Uzbek Migration: low pay, life sentence | openDemocracy
Uzbek Migration: low pay, life sentence ... But covering problems of labour migration both external and internal as it does, it is revealing ...
#34. Google 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#35. Great Migration | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
Great Migration, in U.S. history, the widespread migration of African Americans in the 20th century from rural communities in the South to large cities in ...
#36. Reversing the Sentence of Impossible Nostalgia - jstor
#37. 16 Synonyms & Antonyms for MIGRATE |
Find 16 ways to say MIGRATE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
#38. Introduction to Human Migration | National Geographic Society
Students discuss types of migration and people who migrate. Then they brainstorm reasons for migrating.
#39. Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory ...
Where a person is convicted of the aggravated offence of people smuggling, the court must impose a sentence of imprisonment of at least five years and set a ...
#40. Learn English: Migrate, emigrate, immigrate - ABC
Do you know the difference between 'migrate' and 'emigrate'? And what about 'immigration'?
#41. Pro-refugee Italian mayor sentenced to 13 years for abetting ...
Domenico 'Mimmo' Lucano listens to court sentence in Locri, ... to more than 13 years in jail for abetting illegal migration and for ...
#42. How to use "migrate" in a sentence - WordHippo
... 300 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "migrate". ... During human fetal development, the primordial germ cells migrate to and ...
#43. Marriage is the biggest reason for migration in India - The Hindu
As many as 20.58 crore women in India migrated for marriage, ... which means that 70% of married women had to migrate to another location.
#44. Critics: Greece criminalizes migration, prosecutes helpers
“It's not possible that someone who comes to claim asylum in Greece is threatened with such heavy sentences simply because they were forced, ...
#45. The Basics of Bird Migration: How, Why, and Where | All About ...
Of the more than 650 species of North American breeding birds, more than half are migratory. Why do birds migrate? Birds migrate to move from ...
#46. Migrate Urdu Meaning with Definition and Sentence(s)
Migrate Sentence. Many Germans migrated to South America in the mid 19th century. Advertisement. Migrate Synonym.
#47. 10 Fun Facts About Migrating Birds - Kaytee
1. Hummingbirds are the smallest migrating bird ; Migratory Hummingbird 2. Migrating birds can travel VERY far ; 3. Some birds migrate at high altitudes ; 4.
#48. Grammar 101: Subjects and Objects in English - IELTS Australia
Subjects and objects have the opposite functions in a sentence. ... Q2: They took the General Training IELTS test for migration purposes.
#49. Former pro-migration Italian mayor gets harsh sentence for ...
Former pro-migration Italian mayor gets harsh sentence for 'abetting illegal migration'. By Viola Stefanello | Sep 30, 2021.
#50. The Great Migration - Causes, Significance & Effects - HISTORY
The Great Migration was the relocation of more than 6 million African Americans from the rural South to the cities of the North, ...
#51. Vocabulary – Immigrate, Emigrate, Migrate - engVid
The Plains Indians of North America emigrated often to follow the movement of the buffalo herds. Is this sentence correct? Yes. No. They migrated often to ...
#52. Apply for citizenship – for adults - Swedish Migration Agency
Before you can become a Swedish citizen: you must serve any prison sentence you have; the probationary period in connection with a conditional ...
#53. The character test explained | Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 lists a variety of reasons why someone may ... The visa holder must also be serving a full-time custodial sentence.
#54. Migration sentences Flashcards | Quizlet
Start studying Migration sentences. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
#55. Migrate meaning in Hindi - माइग्रेट मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
migrate माइग्रेट / मिगरते / मिग्रते. MIGRATE= दूसरे देश में जाना [pr. ... Loading Sentence usage for migrate .
#56. Two years in gaol for migration fraud - Commonwealth ...
... said breaches of Australia's migration laws are serious offences and the sentence would assist to deter others from such offending.
#57. Migration and Its Impact on Cities -
Migration and Its Impact on Cities. Foreword. More than half the world's population resides in urban areas, and cities continue to attract ...
#58. Greens make progress on amending Migration Act to ... - ParlInfo
Greens make progress on amending Migration Act to cut mandatory sentences The Greens have today introduced into the Senate a bill to amend the Migration Act ...
#59. ELA/Literacy Released Item 2018 Grade 7 Research ...
features of animal migration in order to write an essay. ... migration). The use of sentence variety helps to establish an effective style (The HawkWatch.
#60. He Saved 31 People at Sea. Then Got a 142-Year Prison ...
The practice has intensified as Greece hardened its migration ... Mr. Mohammad's sentence was heavier because two women drowned in that ...
#61. Sea Turtle Migration
Sea Turtle Migration. Most sea turtles migrate between foraging and nesting grounds, and seasonally to warmer waters. Often these migrations take them ...
#62. The migrating myoelectric complex of the small intestine
During fasting, the predominant pattern of activity is the migrating myoelectric ... The keep this sentence in! hormone motilin also plays a role in the ...
#63. The Long-Lasting Legacy of the Great Migration | History
The people who migrated would become the forebears of most African-Americans born in the North and West. The Great Migration would expose the racial divisions ...
#64. Channel migration zone Definition | Law Insider
Define Channel migration zone. means the lateral extent of likely movement of a stream or river channel ... Examples of Channel migration zone in a sentence.
#65. What is migration?
And we also migrate between countries. The majority of the historical sources on this site are concerned with the latter type of migration – that between ...
#66. Migration route in a sentence
20 sentence examples: 1. Well, Lancre was on one of the main migration routes, for birds of all sorts. 2. "Overnight, a traditional elephant ...
#67. Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill ...
This was primarily due to its inclusion of designated offences with a statutory maximum sentence of not less than two years, regardless of ...
#68. Were your ancestors transported to Australia as convicts?
After serving some of their sentence, they could work for ... from the Migration Museum exploring 400 years of emigration from Britain.
#69. Migration from and to Ghana: A Background Paper - GOV.UK
Other Ghanaians, mostly from fishing communities, were known to have migrated across international boundaries to Benin and Ivory Coast (Odotei ...
#70. Causes and effects of human migration (article) | Khan Academy
Migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intent to settle. Learn more about why it was important!
#71. Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration
Sentence 1 applies accordingly in the cases of section 26 (4). ... the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees when the foreigner applies for a residence ...
#72. Why people migrate: 11 surprising reasons - Global Citizen
In many countries, but not the United States, families and individuals who immigrate to escape conflicts like war and violence can be ...
#73. Bangladesh's judicial encounter with the 1951 Refugee ...
Forced Migration Review ... after completing a formal prison sentence, the Supreme Court held that the 1951 Refugee Convention had “become a ...
#74. Commemorating Migrant Lives Lost due to US Migration Policies
Deterrence or Death Sentence: Commemorating Migrant Lives Lost due to U.S. ... (PTD) implemented along its southern border to stifle migration flows.
#75. Where Are Venezuelan Migrants and Refugees Going? An ...
The hospitals are a death sentence. ... Migration data and refugee status information primarily comes from the host countries.
#76. Migration and Globalization – Forms, Patterns and Effects
Europe is currently faced with daunting challenges: monitoring and protecting its borders, managing migration flows, attracting skilled labor to address its ...
#77. Emigrate vs immigrate vs migrate - definitions, meanings ...
Finally, the word migrate also means moving from one location to another, but it is used in the sentence when you're trying to emphasize the ...
#78. Migrate Meaning - YouTube
#79. Transnational Migrants: When "Home" Means.. - Migration ...
This is what many researchers refer to as transnational migration. ... while such a sentence is forbidden in their country of origin?
#80. How do you rewrite the following sentence in the present tense?
Present Tense. Explanation: Simple present : The birds return from their migration. Present Continuous : The birds are returning from their ...
#81. 6 Facts About Migration You Should Know |
Both were founded by migrants, which showcases how migration is a valuable source of innovation. (Google co-founder Sergey Brin migrated from ...
#82. Push or Pull Factors: What Drives Central American Migrants ...
Individuals around the globe migrate for a broad variety of reasons, ... The data regarding migration from Central America does not explain ...
#83. The TOEFL iBT ® Test Keeps You Moving Forward - ETS
The TOEFL iBT test is accepted by 100% of universities and for all migration visas. 1. Learn more about studying in Australia or New Zealand ...
#84. Asylum residence permits revoked or refused also in case of ...
Minister for Migration Dijkhoff is further tightening the policy ... also in case of a suspended prison sentence or community service order.
#85. Sentence | Cloud Natural Language API
AI-driven solutions to build and scale games faster. ... Migration and AI tools to optimize the manufacturing value chain. ... Digital supply chain ...
#86. Immigration Enforcement data: Q3 2021 - GOV.UK
number of records in the Pre 2008 Migration Refusal Pool at the end of ... and the length of time since the end of their custodial sentence ...
#87. [1] Migration In The Caribbean: Current Trends, Opportunities ...
Irregular migration, facilitated by porous bor- ders and advanced smuggling networks, has negative implications for both the migrant as well as the recipient ...
#88. 'Extensive migration fraud' lands Perth-based Chinese ...
'Extensive migration fraud' lands Perth-based Chinese national jail sentence of more than six years. The 38-year-old woman was jailed for ...
#89. A Death Sentence for California Salmon - San Francisco ...
These violations hurt a variety of species, including native smelt, steelhead, and juvenile salmon, as they tried to migrate to the ocean ...
#90. Immigrant Vs Emigrant vs Migrate - What Is the Difference?
Immigrate and emigrate are words in English that are pronounced the same. ... You will also learn about the word migrate, and how to use it in a sentence.
#91. Migrate, Emigrate, Immigrate | Vocabulary - The Nature of ...
Migrate. The verb migrate comes from Latin (migrare) and means to move from one place to another. It is often used to refer to the seasonal migration of ...
#92. Migrate Meaning in Urdu - Hijrat karna - Hamariweb
Migrate meaning in Urdu Hijrat karna ہجرت کرنا. Migrate has 3 different meanings, translation & definations. Also with Migrate sentences, similar words, ...
#93. 9 Awesome Facts About Bird Migration - National Audubon ...
Whether it be in spring or fall, migration is a truly awe-inspiring phenomennon. In North America, most bird species migrate to some extent, ...
#94. US Coast Guard sends 119 migrants back to Cuba - Al Jazeera
The Cuban government says it advocates for legal, orderly and safe migration. It has blamed the US for the uptick in migration, saying the ...
#95. Gurmit Singh Was "Ready To Migrate" After Hearing That The ...
Gurmit Singh Was "Ready To Migrate" After Hearing That The ... she loved adding in words like “hor, huh, oi” at the end of her sentences.
#96. Microsoft Privacy Statement
The Microsoft Privacy Statement explains what personal data Microsoft collects and how the company uses it.
#97. Colorado Trucker's Life Sentence Highlights Injustices In U.S. ...
In December, 26-year-old commercial truck driver Rogel Aguilera-Mederos was sentenced to 110 years in prison for a 2019 runaway truck crash.
#98. How Denmark's hard line on Syrian refugees is an aid group's ...
Senior editor at Lighthouse Reports covering migration, conflict, ... two-month prison sentence over a different hardline migration policy.
#99. The Challenges of Diaspora Migration: Interdisciplinary ...
Figure 4.1 non-word repetition, nwr (Pgn Phonologisches arbeitsgedächtnis für nichtwörter) sentence repetition, sr (sg satzgedächtnis) and age While age was ...
migrate sentence 在 Migrate Meaning - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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