My little brother, my responsibility.
This girl asked me recently if she could change the baby brother's diapers and when I said okay, she actually shouted "Yay!" and did a happy dance. Being the one who adores babies, dotes on the newborn and showers him with lots of hugs and kisses everyday, this is yet another level of love altogether. So thank you, my dear.
Anyway, he has been experiencing some nappy rash these days so besides making sure he is wiped clean, we also apply a layer of Bepathen Ointment daily. It contains Provitamin B5 which helps to soothe, heal and repair his delicate skin.
While the ointment is thick, it spreads out easily to form a thin, breathable layer which helps to effectively combat irritants. It's not sticky so there's very little friction between the baby's bum and the diaper. I also like that it's free from fragances, perservatives, colourants, and antiseptics which makes it perfect for my boy's sensitive skin.
I can see that his rashes have cleared up by a lot after using it so that is a relief for me. Having a dual action benefit means my baby is protected against nappy rash too, woohoo.
I'm truly thankful to have my little helpers during diaper changes and this baby boy is definitely blessed to have siblings who love him to the moon and back. ❤
#ahappymum #bepanthen #nappyrash
#diaperchange #sp #siblingsarethebest #daughtersareawesome #thankfulforyou #ilovemybabybrother #bepanthenbaby
nappyrash 在 肥脾育成記 Facebook 的最佳解答
自從細佬發濕疹後,媽媽又開始不停研究唔同嘅濕疹護膚品🤓 咁啱之前用開嘅護膚品用晒,又見最近好多介紹天然醫學護理品牌 Grahams Natural,榮獲澳洲 TGA 醫療級認證,備受澳洲專業醫療機構推崇,所以又決定買返黎俾細佬試吓😊 佢哋有六款專為嬰兒緩解濕敏肌膚問題嘅產品,而我今次就試咗天然嬰兒濕疹修護霜、天然嬰兒濕疹修護沐浴油同嬰兒護臀霜三款產品。
濕疹BB皮膚好容易就乾,所以我覺得保疹霜係最重要,要濕疹唔惡化,一定要不停保濕,皮膚夠水分就冇咁易痕同R到損晒。Grahams Natural 天然嬰兒濕疹修護霜含燕麥膠、可可脂、橄欖油和乳木果油,有效鎖緊皮膚水分,鎮靜並舒緩紅腫和發炎。細佬用完之後感覺好保濕,紅腫嘅部位明顯淺色咗,而且溫和唔刺激,可以放心俾小B用😌
沖涼方面我一直傾向用沐浴油,因為對濕疹B較為滋潤,亦唔會洗走皮膚表面嘅油脂。Graham’s Natural 天然嬰兒濕疹修護沐浴油含橄欖油、葵花籽油、酪梨油和荷荷巴油,有效滋潤和保護孩子幼嫩肌膚,鎮靜肌膚、抑制細菌傳播,以及補充皮膚水份。細佬沖完涼上水嗰一刻已經覺得皮膚表面好滋潤,效果好好。
最後由於細佬仲好細個,臀部肌膚好幼嫩,💩完皮膚好易紅。Graham’s Natural 嬰兒護臀霜,含氧化鋅、乳木果油、葵花籽油和杏仁油,有助吸乾在干燥會引起刺激的多餘水分及有助預防和緩解紅腫和尿布疹的症狀,細佬用完再冇出現紅屁股,唔洗再怕佢著片片唔舒服😌 #sohappy💕💖
Grahams Natural 現已於 HKTVmall 率先公開發售!
#GrahamsNatural #GrahamsNaturalHK #Eczema #EczemaCare #BabyEczema #NaturalSolutionForEczema #NappyCream #NappyRash #濕疹 #嬰兒濕疹 #天然濕疹護理 #尿疹 #尿布疹 #紅patpat
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nappyrash 在 摩洛哥公主と皇后の日常 Facebook 的最佳貼文
開始轉天氣,有少少濕疹同皮膚敏感嘅我同娸娸又開始周身R ,所以皮膚問題真係令我好困擾。
好彩我遇到澳洲天然醫學護理品牌 Grahams Natural,擁有澳洲政府TGA醫療級認證,研發出真正天然、高效、不含藥性但又具高品質認證嘅醫療級天然濕疹護理產品。 了解寶寶幼嫩肌膚嘅需要,為嬰兒濕疹、乾燥、敏感肌提供天然護理,而且產品絕不含類固醇或皮質醇等藥性成分。
Grahams Natural🌿 産品由澳洲原產地研製,原裝進口。
於 HKTVmall 上公開發售🛒
#GrahamsNatural #GrahamsNaturalHK #Eczema #EczemaCare #BabyEczema #NaturalSolutionForEczema #NappyCream #NappyRash #濕疹 #嬰兒濕疹 #天然濕疹護理 #尿疹 #尿布疹 #紅patpat
nappyrash 在 The Local Choice Pharmacy Grayston - Nappy rash is ... 的推薦與評價
Nappy rash is common and can happen no matter how carefully you look after your baby's bottom. Almost all children who wear nappies get nappy rash at... ... <看更多>