1. 南非等許多民主國家發展到後來是國民財富縮水、犯罪率暴增。
2. 當然更甭提此人經濟學基礎不扎實,除了數學公式亂丟之外,經濟內涵是一知半解,多次被我糾正其錯誤。
郭台銘這一句話傳遍世界。我碰過即使不懂中文的分析師,也聽過台灣的Terry Gou,不認同民主制度這件事。民主是否幫助經濟成長,是一個被討論了幾世紀的古典議題。隨著二戰後量化經濟學的發展。對於民主與經濟議題,逐漸由近代較為精準的數據,以及統計等數學模式,取代了解過去的辯論,做出較有信任度的結論。1997年,著名的經濟學者Rodriguez 一篇論文,用了90+國家的資料,做出了分析。某些專制國家,確實也出現高度經濟成長。但民主國家,依據Rodrik分析,有著以下幾個優勢:
Rodrik, "Democracy and Economic Performance", 1997, Harvard University
1. 民主國家長期的經濟增長,更具可預測性。
2.民主國家之經濟穩定性較高: 從實際GDP、實際消費、以及實際投資等三方面而言,民主國家長期性的震動,都比專制國家低的許多。
3. 民主國家對經濟衝擊,應對能力較高: 許多觀點認為,在大環境巨變,經濟受到不尋常壓力之處境下,政府權利較高的國家, 比較可能積極對應衝擊。然而事實與此假設完全相反。根據1970年代,油價攀升、地緣政治動盪之國際情勢下,經濟衝擊最小的,乃是政府權力最低,而人民政治參與率最高的國家。相對於極權政府的一意孤行,高度民主化的國家,較容易吸收民間的各項改革和對應方針。
4. 民主國家勞工薪水比較高: 過去資料顯示,越是民主國家,其勞工薪資越高 (這個結論已經排除了,各國經濟附加價值之不同,購買力不同,以及人均GDP等因素)。
2002年左右,哥倫比亞大學的另一篇論文,更進一步談到,民主制度國家,其全因素生產力(total factor productivity)有比較高的成長。
Rivera-Batiz, "Democracy, Governance and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence", 2002, Columbia University
Rivera-Batiz理論的一個重點在於,民主體制內部的制衡效應,將腐敗政府官員和機制,逐漸排除,提高治理質量。民主制度大體上有增加"政府質量"(quality of governance)之效應,但中南美洲以及非洲的幾個例子,將整體民主對經濟的效應拉下。但這並不是常態。Piero Gleijeses說了以下這句話,描述拉丁美洲的所謂民主: “The box on the outside is labeled a democracy, but inside you have an authoritarian system.”。
78585 - 請幫我幫我
Selden, "Chinese labor protest and trade unions", 2016, Cornell University
Selden, "Apple, Foxconn and China's New Working Class: Political Economy of global production", 2013, Cornell University
new growth theory 在 林建甫 Facebook 的最佳解答
20161006 早上參加台經院國際處舉辦的The 31st Pacific Economic Community Seminar “Quest for Economic Growth Engines”研討會。我被安排開幕做一個致詞,及第一場的主持。結束就已經近12點。致詞稿如下,請批評指教。(說實在有點太長,會不會?)
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the 31st Pacific Economic Community Seminar. The theme of this year’s seminar is “Quest for Economic Growth Engines”, which is also an international project of PECC. We initiated this project to the PECC Standing Committee in Yangzhou, China last week.
The reason for proposing such a project is because we have noticed that the IMF has constantly revised downward its outlook for global economic growth since the fourth quarter of 2014. In addition, economists have been stressing a “new normal” or a “new mediocre.” Strong growth or solid recovery seems very unlikely for the time being.
In addition, geopolitical factors are furthering uncertainties amid deteriorating economic conditions; large economies are not showing leadership to pull the world economy along, rather they are desperately trying to cope with their own difficulties. In the face of heavy fiscal constraints and debt pressure, extreme monetary operations, through quantitative easing, have become one of the few workable options. Overcapacity due to overinvestment at bad times has been an issue causing inexhaustible structure reforms, whereas continuous reforms have also slowed growth momentum and limited growth potential. When big players are dealing with either tepid growth or periodical headwinds, soggy demand holds back others that are closely associated with global or regional supply chains.
As every economy is specialized in specific ways, almost none are immune to shrinking world demand. Therefore, to pick one’s growth potential is no longer simply to seek the betterment of oneself, but the well-being of all. Consumption, investment and trade are main engines that used to drive economic growth yet have seemingly lost steam in recent times. Decision makers are responsible for building healthy environments that are able to encourage consumption, investment and trade.
Private or household consumption is the most important component of GDP. Despite consumption preferences and decisions being dissimilar among the economies, it is a rule of thumb that demand for consumption goods is strong in good times, whereas consumers tend to retreat in bad times. Since the marginal propensity to consume theory indicates that an increase in consumer spending occurs with an increase in disposable income, avoiding income traps is essential to support consumption. Income traps have been present in different forms: emerging economies are suffering from middle-income traps, while advanced economies are stressing high-income traps.
In addition, to escape from income traps, building sound social safety nets is also a necessary task to promote private consumption. Saving is critical, especially for developing economies when lacking sufficient social safety nets. However, high saving rates restricts other economic activities, such as consumption. With well functioning safety nets, people will be more willing to spend.
As for investment, it is the key for growth. Besides the fact that investment is a crucial component of domestic demand, it also paves the way for supplying external demand. Not only emerging, but also advanced economies have strived to attract foreign investments. For emerging economies, foreign investment comes with technology and the chance to upgrade economic capacity. For advanced economies, foreign investments bring in capital and job opportunities. Complicated and excessive regulations, poor infrastructure and unstable political systems are some of many reasons that could impede potential foreign investments. Hence, capacity building to create healthy environments through information and knowledge sharing among economic partners to eliminate or mitigate those unattractive factors is much needed.
Last but not least, trade is an engine for GDP growth; otherwise negotiations for most free-trade agreements would not be so difficult to conclude. The conclusion of the TPP has been in the spotlight, as regional supply chains will be reshuffled when the treaty comes about. The TPP also sets a high quality benchmark for others, including the RCEP and the TTIP. However, we are certainly not sure if TPP can be ratified at this moment with respect to so many uncertainties.
Even so, free trade is in theory good for all participants. If an agreement covers the region, then it would be beneficial for the entire region. When a free-trade deal is implemented, tariff and non-tariff barriers are eliminated. As a result, suppliers’ and consumers’ surpluses are maximized; overall welfare increases and resources are optimally allocated. However, free trade poses serious threats for outsiders. For example: rules of origin require a high percentage of intermediate components of a final product to enjoy duty-free treatment. Those requirements reduce outsiders’ chances to compete with members in that trading bloc. As more members will certainly create more benefits, making sure every economy is included would be to seek the well-being of all.
To address the “new mediocre” and revive or explore growth engines, CTPECC is undertaking an international project in line with this seminar. We are honored to have many opinion leaders here to share their views with us today.
Ladies and gentlemen,
With these words, I wish our seminar all success and I wish you all an enjoyable day in Taipei. Thank you.
new growth theory 在 方志恒 Brian Fong Facebook 的最讚貼文
社會科學有所謂「現代化理論」(Modernization Theory),指經濟發展將帶動中產階級興起,並由此而引發民主化訴求,1980年代台灣和南韓的民主化,都是學者常常引用的案例 ── 但中國明顯地是一個例外。幾年前,政治學家Jie Chen就發表過研究,指由於中國政府全面控制了社會和經濟,中國的中產階級實際上依附於政權而生,因此他們的政治取向保守,傾向維持現狀多於民主化,「現代化理論」並不適用於中國。
1980年代提出的「民主回歸論」,其實有很強的「現代化理論」傾向,認定中國走向改革開放,將逐步帶來政治開明,香港回歸後就有機會實現民主(有興趣的朋友,可看曾澍基教授的《巨龍囗裏的明珠》和張炳良教授的《心繋國是》);就連美國過去對華友好的「接觸政策」(Engagement policy),也有「現代化理論」的影子。
Economist: The new class war
Jie Chen: A Middle Class Without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects for Democratisation in China
Jie Chen and Chunlong Lu: Democratization and the Middle Class in China: The Middle Class’s Attitudes toward Democracy
#中國 #中產階級 #中國中產階級 #現代化理論 #民主化 #民主回歸論 #接觸政策
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