[187761] 54561. 犬夜叉:神樂之舞與神無之鏡"InuYasha" Kagura's Dance and Kanna's Mirror (2001)★★★
[187762] 54562. 犬夜叉:風之傷被破解了"InuYasha" The Wind Scar Fails (2001)★★★
[187763] 54563. 犬夜叉:被折斷的鐵碎牙"InuYasha" Tetsusaiga Breaks (2001)★★★
[187764] 54564. 犬夜叉:灰刃坊的邪惡之劍"InuYasha" Kaijinbo's Evil Sword (2001)★★
[187765] 54565. 犬夜叉:殺生丸揮舞鬥鬼神"InuYasha" Sesshomaru Wields Tokijin (2001)★★∿
[187766] 54566. 犬夜叉:獸郎丸與影郎丸"InuYasha" Juromaru and Kageromaru (2001)★★
[187767] 54567. 犬夜叉:奈落殘留的鬼蜘蛛靈魂"InuYasha" Onigumo's Heart Still Beats Within Naraku (2001)★★
[187768] 54568. 犬夜叉:想回到相遇的地方"InuYasha" Return to the Place Where We First Met (2001)★★★∿
[187769] 54569. 犬夜叉:琥珀失去的記憶"InuYasha" Kohaku's Lost Memory (2001)★★
[187770] 54570. 犬夜叉:那張臉絕不會自心底消失"InuYasha" That Unforgettable Face! (2001)★★
[187771] 54571. 犬夜叉:犬夜叉的心被吃了"InuYasha" Inuyasha's Soul, Devoured (2001)★★
[187772] 54572. 犬夜叉:抑止不了的妖怪本性"InuYasha" The Demon's True Nature (2001)★★★
[187773] 54573. 犬夜叉:父親的宿敵龍骨精"InuYasha" Father's Old Enemy: Ryukotsusei (2001)★★
[187774] 54574. 犬夜叉:鐵碎牙的奧義爆流破"InuYasha" The Backlash Wave: Tetsusaiga's Ultimate Technique (2001)★★★
[187775] 54575. 犬夜叉:石之花與七寶的初戀"InuYasha" The Stone Flower and Shippo's First Love (2001)★★
[187776] 54576. 犬夜叉:迷霧深處的美女誘惑"InuYasha" Temptress in the Mist (2002)★★
[187777] 54577. 犬夜叉:一切源自桃源鄉之夜 上集"InuYasha" Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part I (2002)★★
[187778] 54578. 犬夜叉:一切源自桃源鄉之夜 下集"InuYasha" Fateful Night in Togenkyo, Part II (2002)★★
[187779] 54579. 犬夜叉:美少女姊妹花拜師學藝"InuYasha" The Beautiful Sister Apprentices (2002)★★
[187780] 54580. 犬夜叉:黑巫女50年的詛咒"InuYasha" The 50 Year-Old Curse of the Dark Priestess (2002)★★
[187781] 54581. 犬夜叉:突然出現的桔梗與式神巫女"InuYasha" Kikyo and the Dark Priestess (2002)★★
[187782] 54582. 犬夜叉:高深莫測的阿樁咒術"InuYasha" Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell (2002)★★
[187783] 54583. 犬夜叉:阻擋在前的紅白巫女"InuYasha" The Red and White Priestesses (2002)★★‒
[187784] 54584. 犬夜叉:多寶塔的巨大鬼怪"InuYasha" Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower (2002)★★
[187785] 54585. 犬夜叉:再會了,青春歲月"InuYasha" Farewell Days of My Youth (2002)★★
[187786] 54586. 犬夜叉:奈落的結界,神樂的決心"InuYasha" Naraku's Barrier - Kagura's Decision (2002)★★
[187787] 54587. 犬夜叉:狂亂飛舞的背叛之風"InuYasha" The Howling Wind of Betrayal (2002)★★
[187788] 54588. 犬夜叉:給七寶充滿憤怒的挑戰書"InuYasha" Shippo Gets an Angry Challenge (2002)★★
[187789] 54589. 犬夜叉:恐怖的無臉男人"InuYasha" Terror of the Faceless Man (2002)★★
[187790] 54590. 犬夜叉:再次甦醒的鬼蜘蛛記憶"InuYasha" Onigumo's Memory Restored (2002)★★
[187791] 54591. 犬夜叉:一場混亂的死鬥"InuYasha" Three-Sided Battle to the Death (2002)★★
[187792] 54592. 犬夜叉:刀刀齋的奇妙考驗"InuYasha" Totosai's Rigid Training (2002)★★
[187793] 54593. 犬夜叉:紫織母子與犬夜叉的心情"InuYasha" Shiori's Family and Inuyasha's Feelings (2002)★★
[187794] 54594. 犬夜叉:破除結界的紅色鐵碎牙"InuYasha" The Red Tetsusaiga Breaks the Barrier! (2002)★★
[187795] 54595. 犬夜叉:豹貓四天王的陰謀"InuYasha" The Plot of the Panther Devas (2002)★★
[187796] 54596. 犬夜叉:目標是殺生丸跟犬夜叉"InuYasha" Target: Sesshomaru and Inuyasha (2002)★★
[187797] 54597. 犬夜叉:豹貓族與兩支牙劍"InuYasha" The Panther Tribe and the Two Swords of the Fang (2002)★★
[187798] 54598. 犬夜叉:向珊瑚表白的唯一的愛"InuYasha" Only You, Sango (2002)★★
[187799] 54599. 犬夜叉:邪見奪取鐵碎牙的計畫"InuYasha" Jaken's Plan to Steal Tetsusaiga (2002)★★
[187800] 54600. 犬夜叉:殺生丸和被擄的小玲"InuYasha" Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin (2002)★★
[187801] 54601. 犬夜叉:奈落大壞蛋下落不明"InuYasha" Vanishing Point; Naraku Disappears (2002)★★★
[187802] 54602. 犬夜叉:奔波於現代與戰國之間"InuYasha" Gap Between the Ages (2002)★★
[187803] 54603. 犬夜叉:妖狼族少女和月虹的約定"InuYasha" The Female Wolf-Demon and the Lunar Rainbow Promise (2002)★★
[187804] 54604. 犬夜叉:速度超快的準新娘"InuYasha" Koga's Bride-To-Be (2002)★★
[187805] 54605. 犬夜叉:妖氣沖天的鬼頭城"InuYasha" The Evil Within Demon's Head Castle (2002)★★
[187806] 54606. 犬夜叉:公主被附身的秘密"InuYasha" Secret of the Possessed Princess (2002)★★
[187807] 54607. 犬夜叉:桔梗的孤獨旅程"InuYasha" Kikyo's Lonely Journey (2002)★★
[187808] 54608. 犬夜叉:猿神大爺的三個小嘍囉"InuYasha" The Three Sprites of the Monkey God (2002)★★
[187809] 54609. 犬夜叉:他和他之間的探病大戰"InuYasha" Nursing Battle of the Rival Lovers (2002)★★
[187810] 54610. 犬夜叉:草太大膽的愛情告白"InuYasha" Sota's Brave Confession of Love (2002)★★
[187811] 54611. 犬夜叉:怪異的巫師和黑雲母"InuYasha" The Suspicious Faith Healer and the Black Kirara (2002)★★
[187812] 54612. 犬夜叉:復活者的野心"InuYasha" Plot of the Walking Dead (2002)★★
[187813] 54613. 犬夜叉:神出鬼沒的好色法師"InuYasha" The Mysterious, Lecherous Monk (2002)★★
[187814] 54614. 犬夜叉:四魂之玉的偽造者 上集"InuYasha" The Sacred Jewel Maker Part I (2002)★★
[187815] 54615. 犬夜叉:四魂之玉的偽造者 下集"InuYasha" The Sacred Jewel Maker Part II (2002)★★
[187816] 54616. 犬夜叉:邪見爺爺生病了"InuYasha" Jaken Falls Ill (2003)★★
[187817] 54617. 犬夜叉:雲母為什麼沒回家?"InuYasha" Kirara Come Home! (2003)★★
[187818] 54618. 犬夜叉:山洞裡只有桔梗和日暮籬兩人"InuYasha" Kikyo and Kagome: Alone in the Cave (2003)★★∿
[187819] 54619. 犬夜叉:鋼牙和殺生丸,狹路相逢"InuYasha" Koga and Sesshomaru, A Dangerous Encounter (2003)★★
[187820] 54620. 犬夜叉:真實的惡夢,可悲的森林之役"InuYasha" The Truth Behind the Nightmare: Battle in the Forest of Sorrow (2003)★★
[187821] 54621. 犬夜叉:七年之後一場令人懷念的大雪"InuYasha" The Snow from Seven Years Past (2003)★★
[187822] 54622. 犬夜叉:被亡魂襲擊的妖狼族"InuYasha" Assault on the Wolf-Demon Tribe! (2003)★★
[187823] 54623. 犬夜叉:七人幫重返人間"InuYasha" The Band of Seven, Resurrected! (2003)★★
[187824] 54624. 犬夜叉:悄悄接近的毒郎君,霧骨"InuYasha" The Stealthy Poison Master: Mukotsu! (2003)★★
[187825] 54625. 犬夜叉:恐怖的重裝備鐵甲人"InuYasha" The Ghastly Steel Machine! (2003)★★
[187826] 54626. 犬夜叉:日暮籬、彌勒、珊瑚!命在旦夕!"InuYasha" Kagome, Miroku, and Sango: Desperate Situation! (2003)★★
[187827] 54627. 犬夜叉:犬夜叉初次落下男兒淚"InuYasha" Inuyasha Shows His Tears For The First Time (2003)★★
[187828] 54628. 犬夜叉:純潔無垢之光的秘密"InuYasha" The Secret of the Pure Light (2003)★★
[187829] 54629. 犬夜叉:前往藏在大霧中的白靈山"InuYasha" Hidden in the Mist: Onward to Mt. Hakurei! (2003)★★
[187830] 54630. 犬夜叉:七人幫的首領蠻骨現身"InuYasha" Enter Bankotsu, The Leader of the Band of Seven (2003)★★
[187831] 54631. 犬夜叉:火星撞地球!蠻龍VS風之傷!"InuYasha" The Big Clash: Banryu versus the Wind Scar (2003)★★
[187832] 54632. 犬夜叉:浮出水面的聖島之結界"InuYasha" Afloat on the Lake Surface: The Barrier of Hijiri Island (2003)★★
[187833] 54633. 犬夜叉:神聖的金鋼杵和肉身菩薩之謎"InuYasha" The Sacred Vajra and the Mystery of the Living Buddha (2003)★★
[187834] 54634. 犬夜叉:鋼牙輝煌的戰役"InuYasha" Koga's Solitary Battle (2003)★★
[187835] 54635. 犬夜叉:黑色光的恐怖吸力"InuYasha" Lured by the Black Light (2003)★★
[187836] 54636. 犬夜叉:真相終於曝光了"InuYasha" The Exposed Face of Truth (2003)★★
[187837] 54637. 犬夜叉:消失於火河中的壞蛋"InuYasha" Vanished in a River of Flames (2003)★★
[187838] 54638. 犬夜叉:白靈山裡面又裡面"InuYasha" Into the Depths of Mt. Hakurei (2003)★★
[187839] 54639. 犬夜叉:法相莊嚴的雙面聖人"InuYasha" Divine Malice of the Saint (2003)★★
[187840] 54640. 犬夜叉:再見了!蛇骨的安魂曲"InuYasha" Fare Thee Well: Jakotsu's Requiem (2003)★★
同時也有18部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅GDJYB雞蛋蒸肉餅,也在其Youtube影片中提到,405 Method Not Allowed | #GDJYB 雞蛋蒸肉餅 Common faces she wears a common make-up Common lives live in a common way Common hobbies and common people We a...
「nightmare band」的推薦目錄:
- 關於nightmare band 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於nightmare band 在 味•道人生 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於nightmare band 在 暗黑使者 Darkness Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於nightmare band 在 GDJYB雞蛋蒸肉餅 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於nightmare band 在 暗黑使者Darkness Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於nightmare band 在 佛跳牆Buddha Jump Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於nightmare band 在 the WORLD[OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - YouTube 的評價
- 關於nightmare band 在 NIGHTMARE - Facebook 的評價
- 關於nightmare band 在 nightmare, visual kei, jrock - Pinterest 的評價
nightmare band 在 味•道人生 Facebook 的精選貼文
[TAIPEI - JL Studio x Liberté x Sho @ logy 😋]
已是第三年由歐洲主辨單位全球Gelinaz Chefs Shuttle,今年因為疫情關係,沒有不同國家的chefs互換。但台灣本土疫情還算受到控制,所以還可以有本地的主廚互換。
這場是在台北兩星logy為埸地,而主廚有三位分別為最近在台中米其林唯一兩星JL Studio的Chefs Jimmy 和從日本空降東京一星Liberté a table de Takeda 和東京 Den (傳) 在高雄剛開的 Liberté 和 Sho(承)的兩位主廚,總共三位主廚六手聯彈。
通常guest chefs 來台灣都喜歡試本地食材試新菜式,我已碰壁太多次所以期望都不大。但這三位主廚在台灣都有餐廳對本地食材已足夠熟識,所以我比較有信心。
餐後公開菜單為奧地利Healthy Boy Band 的菜單。
Tastes in Life / 味•道人生:
IG: https://instagram.com/tastesinlife?r=nametag
Palates in Life / 酒•道人生:
IG: https://instagram.com/palatesinlife?r=nametag
味道人生級別 / TastesInLife (TIL) Index:
😍: 非常好 - 必須再去 / Excellent - Must revisit regularly
😋: 滿意 - 應該要再去 / Satisfactory - Should revisit regularly
☺️: 不錯 - 可以再去 / Not bad - Can revisit once a while
😌: 一般 - 不去也沒損失 / Average - No lost for not going
🤐: 不行 - 不值得去 / Bad - Not worth the visit
😭: 災難 - 噩夢一場 / Disaster - A nightmare
#tastesinlife #味道人生 #palatesinlife
nightmare band 在 暗黑使者 Darkness Facebook 的最讚貼文
Benis music
Jackal Queenston - Rubber Band
Flowey Theme-YOur Best Nightmare
New Video:
nightmare band 在 GDJYB雞蛋蒸肉餅 Youtube 的最讚貼文
405 Method Not Allowed | #GDJYB 雞蛋蒸肉餅
Common faces she wears a common make-up
Common lives live in a common way
Common hobbies and common people
We are all printed on a digital page
Duplicated lives Duplicated loves
Who duplicated the ones who duplicated us
Reading the same code watching the same scene
Who shout out loud and breaks the sky in dreams
Someone is chasing behind me
Like a shadow like a copy
Something wrong about this city
Like a nightmare like a cage
Some sell their souls
Some trade for their lives
Staggering under the light
Who will take the flight
Some chase for meaning
Some run from lies
Some can’t even find a reason why
Till the day they die
Someone is chasing behind me
Like a shadow like a copy
Something wrong about this city
Like a nightmare like a cage
Someone is watching over me
Like a spider like a crow
Something evil is happening here
Like a black hole like a curse
Someone please show me where I should go
Just don’t go left and don’t go right
I can’t find the way to leave
Like a nightmare like a cage
I can’t find the way to leave
Like a nightmare like a cage
Like a cage
Music Composed & Arranged by | GDJYB
Lyrics Written by | Soft@GDJYB
All Guitars & Synthesizers by | Soni@GDJYB
Bass by | Wing@GDJYB
Drums by | Heihei@GDJYB
All Vocals by Soft@GDJYB
Recording & Mixing Engineer | Jay Tse
Mastering Engineer | Anthony Yeung@AYM Studio
Illustration by | Soft@GDJYB
Animated by | Wing@GDJYB, Jas
Music also on:
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/33LrlyE
KKbox: https://kkbox.fm/zSdB5R
iTunes/Apple Music: https://apple.co/2PCIHFl
friDay音樂 (TW):https://bit.ly/2XN9Utv
JOOX: https://bit.ly/3kwVHdR
nightmare band 在 暗黑使者Darkness Youtube 的最讚貼文
more Penis music video
will coming soon...
【Music/音乐】 :
Jackal Queenston - Rubber Band
Flowey Theme-Your Best Nightmare
Sup me in Patreon:
nightmare band 在 佛跳牆Buddha Jump Youtube 的最讚貼文
詞 / 曲:戴佩妮
我又失眠 已經是第三天
where is my nightmare
我又失眠 已經是第三天
where is my nightmare
this is my nightmare
我又失眠 已經是第三天
where is my nightmare
this is my nightmare
我又失眠 誰不失眠
我又失眠 你又失眠
忘了時間 忘了睡
忘了地球 忘了失眠
nightmare band 在 NIGHTMARE - Facebook 的推薦與評價
... #band #instagood #instagram #post #follow #like #support #share #tbt #comment #instapic/vid #rehearsal #concert#musicvideo #nightmarefrance #nightmare ... ... <看更多>
nightmare band 在 nightmare, visual kei, jrock - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Hitsugi, rhythm guitarist of the Japanese visual kei band Nightmare. He is such a beautiful man. Tatsumi Seiren SakamakiNightmare. ... <看更多>
nightmare band 在 the WORLD[OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] - YouTube 的推薦與評價
ナイトメア Nightmare - the WORLD[OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]. 15,481,802 views15M views. Oct 27, 2011. 220K. Dislike. Share. Save. ... <看更多>