最近LOL 出左最新嘅手遊wild rift,簡直愛上左,打到廢寢忘餐,終於打到上翡翠🤪
因為香港宜家無server,要率先玩到就唯有要用VPN,而確保用VPN更安全同保障自己嘅私隱,就梗係揀翻SmarTone嘅「網絡至安保」啦!佢有齊「Norton網路安全」、「 Norton安全VPN 」同「來電管家」3種防護,無論打機,睇戲,定買野,都可以安心又安全🛡️,全面照顧網絡同通話安全嘅需要😇
📱用Norton VPN匿名上網保私隱,免被追蹤起底。用嚟海外網購又有著數,因為有啲產品或服務價格會因應地區而不同,換成海外IP就可以跨區拎優惠。打機著數除左上面講嘅率先玩到海外遊戲外,入Game前用VPN連接該區伺服器,或可降低網絡延遲,打機更爽。
🔐Norton Security可以防資料盜用 ,防止連上詐騙網站,免誤中惡意程式令手機的資料被盜。若連上假冒網購平台亦會即時發出警示,避免引致金錢損失。
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nortonsecurity 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最讚貼文
New year, new resolutions? With 2021 around the corner - and the new school term! - it’s time to take stock and review whether our online security protection is adequate. I mean, you don’t head outdoors without a mask nowadays, do you? So why would you not install an all-in-one protection software in your devices to guard against the risks of malware, spyware, phishing, and identity theft?
If you have kids, my recommendation is to go for the Norton 360 Deluxe with Parental Control which gives parents a peace of mind when it comes to their kids’ online activity and presence. Whatever you want to monitor, you got it. And it’s currently going for a promotional rate at $69 per year which allows you to install in up
to FIVE devices! Offer ends on 6 Jan 2021 so start the new year on the right note!
Visit https://www.kqzyfj.com/click-100215964-10506010 for more information and to purchase.
*For more details on how Norton 360 Deluxe with Parental Control works for my family, read my review at www.cheekiemonkie.net/2020/09/norton-360-deluxe-antivirus-parental-control-for-families-review.html
#nortonsecurity #internetsafety #cybersafety #dataprivacy #scams #antivirus #parentalcontrol
nortonsecurity 在 Cheekiemonkies Facebook 的最佳貼文
Typical scene in my household during the school holidays, with all three glued to their respective devices. 😅 You can’t see it in the photo but there’s an invisible protector guarding the monkies against the risks of malware, spyware, phishing, and identity theft. This saviour comes in the form of Norton 360 Deluxe - with Parental Control!
Because not only does this warrior equip my devices with Anti-Spyware, Antivirus, Malware & Ransomware protection, it also has Norton Parental Control which gives me the tools to see what videos they watch, websites they visit, terms they search for, and mobile apps they download, including GPS location monitoring for Android & iOS, content filtering for PCs, and more! All I had to do was to install the app on each monitored device to enforce rules and monitor activity. Easy peasy!
And this protector is currently offering his services at a promotional rate - only $69 per year for FIVE devices. That’s $1.15 monthly per device! But be quick because this Best Christmas Deal is only for a limited time offer and ends on 6 Jan 2021! Visit https://www.kqzyfj.com/click-100215964-10506010 to snag it!
*For more details on how Norton 360 Deluxe with Parental Control works for my family, read my review at www.cheekiemonkie.net/2020/09/norton-360-deluxe-antivirus-parental-control-for-families-review.html
#nortonsecurity #internetsafety #cybersafety #dataprivacy #scams #antivirus #parentalcontrol