法國觀點:《Taïwan, le prochain repli stratégique de l'Occident ?》
美國大西洋報刊登China’s ‘Very Tricky Situation’一文之後,法國大西洋報訪問了法國學者的看法。原文翻譯如下:
(文中受訪學者是Barthélémy Courmont是里爾天主教大學的講師,也是IRIS的研究主任,負責亞太部門。)
❓Atlantico: 美國《大西洋報》強調了臺灣在美國和中國的地緣政治角逐中的重要性。讓這個島嶼如此具有戰略意義的原因是什麼?
🟢Barthélemy Courmont : 台灣的重要性並非最近的事,只是受到重新評估。從1950年代起,在朝鮮戰爭的邊緣地帶,臺灣被美國視為防堵共產主義在東亞擴張的堡壘。主要是艾森豪政府中的共和黨政治家,不惜一切代價保衛臺灣以抵禦中國大陸的壓力。這種由兩國之間的協議所確認的戰略重要性,一直持續到冷戰結束,甚至持續到美國承認中國之後。因此,1979年的《臺灣關係法》擴展了兩國的戰略夥伴關係。美蘇兩極對抗結束後,人們對臺灣的興趣發生了變化。台灣在1980年代建立和鞏固了民主制度,臺北政府化身對抗極權政權的民主制度捍衛者,與此同時,臺灣也成為國際經濟中的一個重要角色。另一方面,中國則以天安門事件驟然澆熄了民主化的希望,兩個中國(les deux Chine)的經濟同樣快速起飛(臺灣在這方面先於中國大陸),但採取了相反的政治軌道,造持兩者之間差距越來越深。
在過去的20年裡,中國對國力的宣揚,加上美國逐漸從亞洲撤出,導致人們擔心美國會在亞洲失去所有的影響力。因此,盟國們動員組成了 "反中國陣線"( front anti-chinois),結合對民主的肯定、加強戰略對話並警惕與中國崛起有關的危機。因此,華盛頓不斷重申其與日本和韓國的關係,美國這兩個國家的軍事影響在冷戰結束30年後仍然非常強大。沒有得到外交承認的臺灣,在與中國發生安全危機的情況下,仍然受到華盛頓的保護,至少在其公開的意圖中是如此。鑒於北京和華盛頓之間的競爭日益加劇,臺灣的 "心結"(noeud,借用美國政治學家Richard Bush的說法)因此越來越緊。雖然把臺灣描述為「世界上最危險的地方」似乎略嫌誇張,正如《經濟學人》去年春天的表現,但無可爭議的是,這個擁有2300萬居民的島嶼,其戰略重要性與今天美國和中國之間的權力爭奪密切相關。這裡要提醒的是,中國將台灣視為叛亂省份,並自1949年分離後要求恢復領土。
🟢這不太可能,但同時也應該謹慎行事。為什麼不太可能,因為臺灣的民主政府和島上的絕大多數人(écrasante majorité)將中國視為戰略對手,甚至是對其主權的潛在威脅。在某種程度上,中國是臺灣唯一的敵人,而臺灣是中國唯一的敵人。面對這種威脅,考慮到過去二十年來軍事權力平衡已經改變,北京目前占優勢(別忘了直到2000年代中期,臺灣的軍事能力還能威懾中國),臺北必須依靠能夠提供援助的戰略夥伴。因此,與美國的聯繫是不可或缺的,與日本或歐洲國家之間的合作也是如此,還有東南亞國家。華盛頓的戰略影響在臺灣仍然非常有存在感。
同時,美國這種戰略支持的可信度如何,以及最重要的,臺灣人如何看待這種支持?一個經常被忽視的插曲可以說明狀況。2005年,中國通過了「反分裂法」(loi anti-secession),旨在勸阻陳水扁總統當時主張的臺灣獨立宣言。美國重申其對臺北的戰略支持作為回應,但明確指出,這種支持不是自動的(automatique),在臺北「挑釁」的情況下不適用。換句話說,華盛頓保留干預或撤退的權利,這取決於對具體事件的評估。如果中國對臺灣進行軍事攻擊--順帶一提,這種可能性必須讓我們參考博弈理論(la théorie des jeux)-- ,美國將在該確切時刻判斷介入的程度。而如果在美國看來,是臺灣挑釁北京,那麼美國的承諾很有可能減縮成態度上的宣示。臺灣並不會等到阿富汗的潰敗才意識到戰略對話和軍事承諾之間的區別。
🟢首先,應該知道,從阿富汗 "撤軍 "是美國在該地區外交政策的失敗,而並非只是部隊移動…。二十年來,中國一直是美國領袖,包括民主黨和共和黨人的心頭大患,而且這種心頭大患還在繼續擴大,有可能會忘記地緣政治不僅僅是兩國之間的拉鋸戰。華盛頓並沒有等到從阿富汗撤軍才認定中國是其一貫的對手,無論該認定是對是錯。在這種格局下,美國不斷尋求鞏固其在亞太地區的盟友網絡,利用口號(印度洋-太平洋是最新的口號)和威脅,有時是真的,有時不太是。QUAD(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue四國峰會)包括日本、澳大利亞和印度以及華盛頓,是拜登政府的優先事項。然而,在這個非常異質的集團本身的限制之外,其成員有時有非常不同的利益,華盛頓召集新的戰略夥伴的能力似乎有限。說服首爾加入QUAD的努力至今沒有成功,而對中國崛起的擔憂非常強烈的東南亞,也沒有被這個集團的邏輯所吸引。再加上這裡提到的所有國家,除印度外,都是與中國一起簽署RCEP(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership 區域全面經濟夥伴協定)的國家......。簡而言之,中美對決在華盛頓被大力宣傳,但在亞太地區,對該地區的國家和公司而言,其現實情況又是如何?
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅translation,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#'94年にSNKが稼働させた、AC用対戦型格闘作のシリーズ二作目。 前作の異常な人気をうけ、1年余りで制作、グラフィックの全面的描き直し、新キャラ追加に加え、新システムも山盛りな非常に力の入った作品。 主な特徴としては、キャラが前作の12人からタムタムが削除され、新キャラ4人が追加の計15人、目...
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manufacturer: 1994.10.28(mvs),1994.12.02(ng) SNK
system: MVS,NEOGEO
hardware: Z80,YM2610
composer & ARRANGER: snk shinsekai gakkyokuzatsugidan (yasuo yamate,yasumasa yamada)
00:00:00 01.Neo Geo Logo (ネオジオロゴ)
00:00:10 02.Lion Dance :Title (獅子の舞 ~ タイトル)
00:01:07 03.Fifteen Swordsmen :Player Select (十五士 ~ 選択画面)
00:02:01 04.Battle Again :Start Demo (新たなる戦 ~ スタートデモ)
00:02:14 05.Fare and Square (いざ尋常に ~ Ready...Go!)
00:02:21 06.Masculine Road :Haohmaru (男道 ~ 覇王丸)
00:06:01 07.Banquet of Nature -Spring- :Nakoruru (自然の宴 春 ~ ナコルル)
00:10:28 08.Silence :Jubei Yagyu (静寂 ~柳生十兵衛)
00:15:19 09.Rebirth :Middle Demo 1 (復活せし者 ~ 中間デモ)
00:15:50 10.Knight :Neinhalt Sieger (騎士 ~ ナインハルト・ズィーガー)
00:18:08 11.True Shadow :Hanzo Hattori (真影 ~ 服部半蔵)
00:21:27 12.Bluefin :Galford (黒鮪 ~ ガルフォード)
00:24:03 13.Vengeful Ghost :Middle Demo 2 (怨霊 ~ 中間デモ)
00:24:20 14.Flower on the Moon :Ukyo Tachibana (月の花 ~ 橘右京)
00:27:24 15.Foreign Lady Part 2 :Charlotte (続舶来女 ~ シャルロット)
00:29:26 16.Magatama Beads Part 2 :Kyoshiro Senryo (曲玉 ~ 千両狂死郎)
00:31:40 17.Animal Girl :Cham Cham (獣女 ~ チャムチャム)
00:33:40 18.Bad Luck -Accident- :Middle Demo 3-1 -Accident- (凶 "洋" ~ 中間デモ)
00:34:23 19.Bad Luck -Orient- :Middle Demo 3-1 -Orient- (凶 "和" ~ 中間デモ)
00:35:15 20.True Evil :Middle Demo 3-2, 4 (真魔 ~ 中間デモ)
00:35:49 21.Ogre's Road :Gen-an Shiranui (魔道 ~ 不知火幻庵)
00:39:38 22.Blackhearted :Earthquake (腹黒 ~ アースエイク)
00:43:05 23.Inhumanity :Genjuro Kibagami (鬼 ~ 牙神幻十郎)
00:45:51 24.Wan-Fu :Wan-Fu (王虎 ~ 王虎)
00:48:14 25.Illusionary Fog :Nicotine Kafuin (迷い霧 ~ 花諷院和狆)
00:51:58 26.Conclusion :Conclusion (勝負あり ~ 試合終了)
00:52:13 27.Victory :Winning Demo (勝戦 ~ 勝利者デモ)
00:52:23 28.Making a Challenge :Here Comes Challenger (道場破り ~ 挑戦者あり)
00:52:29 29.Elated Rock :Kuroko (お調子六句 ~ 黒子)
00:55:03 30.Here I Go :Middle Demo 5-1 (いざ行かん ~ 中間デモ)
00:55:22 31.Final Battle :Middle Demo 5-2 (最後の戦 ~ 中間デモ)
00:55:53 32.Evil God :Mizuki (邪神 ~ 羅将神ミヅキ)
00:59:00 33.Mad Strangeness :Boss Disappearance Demo (狂奇 ~ ボス消滅デモ)
00:59:30 34.New Road -Orient- :Ending -Orient- (新道"和" ~ エンディング"和")
01:44:00 35.New Road -Occident- :Ending -Occident- (新道"洋" ~ エンディング"洋")
01:01:33 36.Festival Music #2 :Credits Roll (祭り極める ~ スタッフロール)
01:05:53 37.Encore :Continue (再演の所望 ~ コンティニュー)
01:06:06 38.Curtain Fall :Game Over (終演 ~ ゲームオーバー)
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"Shiro-Nuri" (painted in white) artist MINORI interview & June 2014 exhibition
Minori is a Shiro-Nuri (painted in white) makeup artist who uses Japanese traditional Shiro-Nuri techniques to express nature-centered themes since 2009.
Her art is not limited to photos, she is herself a living work of art, exhibiting her Shiro-Nuri makeup as a fashion style in everyday life. She calls this style "Monshiro-Joh", which would mean "Miss Small-White" (a play of words with "Monshiro-Choh" which means Small Cabbage White butterfly).
Shiro-Nuri is a Japanese traditional makeup style, and is used by Geisha and actors of Kabuki for a very long time.
Since the Meiji era (1868-1912) the Japanese arts have been greatly influenced by the Fine Arts from the occident,
and started moving from simple handicrafts to fine arts, and lately with the new technologies Japanese arts start another transformation.
This exhibition called HYOH-BYOH is centered around the artists whose art is based on traditional Japanese detailed crafts and workmanship, and still not influenced by new technologies.
Tokyo Street Fashion KAWAII♥PATEEN
--- Have fun with Fashion! ---
Also on Facebook with tons of photos :
Official site : http://waoryu.jp
creating decorations as I desire, like a canvas.
People do get scary
I do not care about the criticism
There are clothes I want wear, and I do my make-up accordingly, so with the white painting I also wear it as a fashion.
I truly like the Gothic and the Lolita, and since those types of clothes are decorated, or should I say, the decorations are very detailed, there was a part of me which said it does not match very well with my looks.
During that time, I was not creating, but the desire to express my originality grew more and more. Thus, I started creating on my own or re-make, and I had continued to change my make-up accordingly.
When my face is white, I am able to change the decoration or create a new face like a canvas.
I brought in my favorite "nature" aspect, and gave it more originality.
During that time, I was not creating, but the desire to express my originality grew more and more. Thus, I started creating on my own or re-make, and I had continued to change my make-up accordingly.
When my face is white, I am able to change the decoration or create a new face like a canvas.
I brought in my favorite "nature" aspect, and gave it more originality.
I have different mindsets on fashion photos and art photos. The fashion is based on purely for my enjoyment, but the art photos is an experiment on how much I can express on one theme of nature. And, based on that nature theme, I make my own costume or tell the photographer on how I want to shoot the photos and create something together.
It does make people scary.
The white painting. Yes, when the face is white, people tell me I look dead or it looks creepy, but other than that I do not have any problems.
I have this pure feeling of loving it, and I have a strong feeling of expressing through this white painting style, and it is the strongest thing I want to do in my life. Although others may call it creepy, I do not care much. Seeking what I want to do and finding the meaning of my life is what keeps me going despite the criticism.
This exhibition is called "HYOH-BYOH" (vast and indistinct). It is an exhibition of masterly art of selected artists who create by hand, which is analog but very detailed work.
I was invited by Ikeuchi-san, the curator who thought my make-up to be great and eye catching. Based on the theme of nature becoming visible from the inner face is the main theme. The title is "metabolism". The image I have is absorbing and releasing new things in and out of your self.
It seems there is a body mechanism of blinking without consciousness. I believe in that short moment appears the true nature within me. So, I shot with the theme of nature coming out and disappearing every time I blink my eyes.
The art works have been taken in 4 patterns.
From the top, "sun" "plants" "water" and "earth"
From the left is shown the "sleep" "awakening" "enlightenment" "death".
I am not only changing my make-up, but also my hair as well.
One of the themes is the "sun" from its "awakening" until its death.
This took us a whole day to photo shoot. Starting from the very first status of sleep, I added more make-up and finalized it. It goes same with the hair where I arrange using one whole thing on the same day and at the end, accordingly with "death", I either burn it or spray paint it.
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Occident Design. 10013 likes · 20 talking about this · 43 were here. Magazin de mobila si decoratiuni. ... <看更多>
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Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Occident · Nolwenn Leroy La cavale ℗ 2021 Polydor (France) Released on: 2021-11-12 Associated ... ... <看更多>