【拜登Town Hall談中國】
美國總統拜登2月17日參加了由CNN主辦的一場Town Hall(市政廳討論/辯論)。市政廳討論這種型式在美國非常常見,就是由政治人物直接面對群眾,回答問題。許多國會議員都會定期在自己的選區舉辦這樣子的會議,親自回答選民的問題(但由於疫情,從去年開始許多都改採線上進行了)。在台灣似乎較少有這種公開的辯論或討論機會。
在這場Town Hall當中,拜登談到疫情、最低工資、政黨輪替後的狀況等等,也談到中國及人權議題。而其中和台灣最相關的,當屬他被主持人問到關於中國的人權問題,而他揭露自己和中國領導人習近平過往的談話內容。不過,他在這場講話的狀況並不是很好,有很多地方講不太清楚或口誤,所以在推特上也引起了猜話(?)大作戰。
➤ 白宮逐字稿:https://reurl.cc/NXqLom
➤ 中國問題片段:https://reurl.cc/0DE49A
➤ 文字報導:https://reurl.cc/zbApYN
台灣這邊在網路上也已經有很多片段流傳,不過在內容的解讀上似乎有許多不完整之處。這裡有一篇 Translation Matters 翻譯有要緊 的翻譯詳解,推薦大家參考:https://reurl.cc/V38Y7y 。
1. 拜登認為習近平做為中國的領導者,跟歷屆領導者一樣,認為中國在歷史上是西方的受害者,而中國必須使用強力的控制來統治,這樣才能夠反映中國價值;
2. 做為一個美國的領導人,拜登理解習近平所認為的這種反映中國價值的統治方式,因為美國的領導人也必須反映他所認為的美國價值;
3. 美國仍然會像過去一樣,持續地在國際上扮演維護人權的角色,尤其是聯合國相關機構。中國方面一直都想要當世界老大,但假設違反人權原則的話,不太可能做到,中國將會面臨反作用力(repercussions),而習近平也知道這點。
So the central — to vastly overstate it — the central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united, tightly controlled China. And he uses his rationale for the things he does based on that.
I point out to him: No American President can be sustained as a President if he doesn’t reflect the values of the United States. And so the idea I’m not going to speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uyghurs in western mountains of China and Taiwan, trying to end the One China policy by making it forceful — I said — and by the — he said he — he gets it. Culturally, there are different norms that each country and they — their leaders — are expected to follow.
But my point was that […] And I came back and said they’re going to end their One China — their one child policy, because they’re so xenophobic, they won’t let anybody else in, and more people are retired than working. How can they sustain economic growth when more people are retired?
🔹 新疆人權議題與文化相對論
許多人在看這段時,把「so the idea I’m not going to speak out against …」(句1:我沒有要對 … 發聲反對的這個想法)和「Culturally, there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow」(句2:文化上,不同國家期待領導人要遵守的常規不同)做連結,認為這是在替中國在新疆的行為,用「不同文化的常規」開脫。
這樣的說法其實是有點過度解讀。如果看過原段落的影片,拜登在句1尾段吃了螺絲,然後忘了回來講上一句話的結尾就接著講下句。如果照逐字稿的字面上翻譯,的確會變成他「沒有」要對中國在新疆、香港、台灣的作為發聲,但這就會完全變成前言不對後語,因為他在此的前一句才說「如果不能反映美國的價值,沒有一個美國總統能繼續坐在總統位上」。比較合理的解讀是,他該句末忘了加像是「… is impossible」之類的語氣,也就是其實他原本要講的是「要我對 … 不發聲的這個想法是不可能的」。這樣一來,後句的「he said he gets it」(習近平說他了解)也能順接,因為這段的旨意是拜登在向習近平闡述美國總統必須得為美國價值挺身。
🔹 結束一中政策?
另一個引起爭議的是在剛剛提到的句1中,講到了要結束一中政策:「so the idea I’m not going to speak out against what he's doing in Hong Kong … and Taiwan, trying to end the One-China policy by making it forceful …」。
這裡蠻明顯是口誤,因為這幾句的主詞都是習近平(he),而習近平怎麼可能會去結束「一中政策」(One China Policy)?中國只有「一中原則」(One China Priciple),沒有一中政策。支持是口誤的另一個線索是,在這之後拜登第二次說到一中政策時,他句子都還沒說完,就立刻改口成「一胎化政策」(One Child Policy)。根據這幾個段落都在強調雙方在人權、民主價值上的差異,以及拜登過去一年以來的許多公開發言都有痴 … 吃螺絲的狀況,這裡講錯話的可能性是很高的。
最重要的問題一直都是:中共高層(尤其習近平)真的會知道違反人權的後果嗎?美國該如何確保中共須要付出的代價?拜登在這場Town Hall當中並沒有詳細說明,因為他認為這是很複雜的事情,不打算在這個場合用短短幾分鐘來講。
大家就繼續看所謂面對中國的「全政府途徑」(whole-of-government approach)會怎麼發展下去吧!
✨ 觀測站推特:https://twitter.com/ustaiwanwatch
✨ 贊助觀測站:https://ustaiwanwatch.soci.vip/
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The commission F3 (Astrobiology) of the IAU has issued a statement on the possible detection of a single phosphine (PH3) line in the Venusian atmosphere.
“... The Commission is concerned with the way the potential detection of phosphine has been covered for the broad audience. It is an ethical duty for any scientist to communicate with the media and the public with great scientific rigor and to be careful not to overstate any interpretation which will be irretrievably picked up by the press and generate great public attention in the case of life beyond Earth. The way results about phosphine were reported lead some news organization to report that evidence for life in Venus was found. The Commission understands that such a reaction by the press would reflect high interest in astrobiology research by the public. Such a report, however, misleads the public, and might be harmful to the advancement of astrobiology research.
Finally the Commission would like to remind the relevant researchers that we need to understand how the press and the media behave before communicating with them. It is quite important for any researcher to keep a good relationship with the press since they have great power to disseminate our research results to the public. We, researchers, should provide the press with sufficient background information so that they can report our research outcomes as faithfully and scientifically as possible.”
overstate 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的最佳解答
The commission F3 (Astrobiology) of the IAU has issued a statement on the possible detection of a single phosphine (PH3) line in the Venusian atmosphere.
“... The Commission is concerned with the way the potential detection of phosphine has been covered for the broad audience. It is an ethical duty for any scientist to communicate with the media and the public with great scientific rigor and to be careful not to overstate any interpretation which will be irretrievably picked up by the press and generate great public attention in the case of life beyond Earth. The way results about phosphine were reported lead some news organization to report that evidence for life in Venus was found. The Commission understands that such a reaction by the press would reflect high interest in astrobiology research by the public. Such a report, however, misleads the public, and might be harmful to the advancement of astrobiology research.
Finally the Commission would like to remind the relevant researchers that we need to understand how the press and the media behave before communicating with them. It is quite important for any researcher to keep a good relationship with the press since they have great power to disseminate our research results to the public. We, researchers, should provide the press with sufficient background information so that they can report our research outcomes as faithfully and scientifically as possible.”
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Paraphrase. Plato's (literary) portrait of Socrates had an effect on the reputation of philosophy that would be hard to overstate. ... <看更多>
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