沒關係,有了這個 #PICALIFE美感製造包
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不怕買了孩子不想學,就怕孩子忙到不理你 🎉🎉🎉🎉
#雲朵色彩包 ☁
裡面主要會有刮鬍泡泡和動物剪紙,搭配附的調色盤/顏料/滴管,先用泡泡鋪上牛皮包裝紙,然後滴上顏料 (不要太稀濃一點更顯色!),在用攪拌棒去畫圈圈勾勒出泡泡作品,再用動物剪紙印上去,就完成動物作畫喔!!!
而且PIC A LIFE相較一般材料組質感佳,說明詳細~
#一包到底 #家長不用再準備其他材料了
作品完成後,還可以掃QR code 有相關主題影音學習課程⋯⋯
#結合知識與實作 #在家學習不打折
這一團局長很開心能與PIC A LIFE這麼優質的團隊合作~
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picalife 在 iiiNNO Taiwan Facebook 的最讚貼文
再次回顧一下我們年初團隊參訪日本東京及福岡的心得分享。 這周來到了 #Okinawa 和不同國家城市的加速器或投資者交流到國際團隊如何進入日本及中國市場,很多的觀點其實都可以在這篇文章呼應到。
再次感謝 #PicALife Ariel Chiang 超棒的分享。
人生總會有幾件事的發生,可以讓你跳脫既有的眼光,更看清楚自己的狀態,打開天花板看到更高的可能。這趟由iiiNNO Taiwan領隊,和海內外新創團隊一起前往日本東京福岡的參訪行程,就是其中之一。
The trip led by @iiiNNO Taiwan to visit Japan startup ecosystem with Taiwan and Hong Kong startups is an intensive one that packed with all kinds of inspirations, challenges, and opportunities that challenged my status quo, allowing me to see myself with more clarity and inspiring me to build the characters my team and I need.
特殊優勢(unfair advantage)的定義是:一種短時間難以輕易被複製或獲取的優勢。所以可以被學習的技能、被替換的資源,不一定是能讓恆久的優勢。反之,一個不斷創新的團隊文化、真正在乎並專注在你要解決的問題上的使命感、以及你可以吸引更多人加入你的行列成為支持網絡,這些可能才會是你的核心優勢。
Q: What's your unfair advantage?
This is the most frequently asked question throughout the trip, whether it be in the Slush exhibition or in Fukuoka. I was thinking about some hard skills at first like industrial expertise, patent, etc, but by definition: it is something that can't easily be copied and bought, so the hard skills that can be learned may not really fit the definition.
Instead, it may be the innovative mind, authenticity in caring what you're doing, and the supporting network you’re be able to build, among others. These three were the top three I observed during trip.
首先在Slush Tokyo國際創業展裡,就充滿著渴慕新知與創新的心智。不僅止於創業者,一般大型企業也不小覷創業新星的創新能量,在跨領域的交流中尋找持續內部創新的啟發。整個策展也由學生義工籌劃執行,他們讓自己可以接觸新創核心,不偏食地吸收各種新知。而我們也透過不斷的交流,探索海外市場的各種可能性。
The innovative mind.
At Slush Tokyo, you really could feel the huger for knowledge and innovation from the crowd. It’s not just limited to the entrepreneurs but also from the establish, big companies like Panasonic, we met its employees looking for inspiration to innovate the exiting in-car service, and students coming purely for the knowledge & innovative minds outside of their classroom, and myself also got to learn more about Japanese consumer markets through conversations. Keep renovating yourself so you will have room for innovation and the uncertain future.
2. The determination to do the right things right
As of Japan, its eagerness for an innovative future for the country also revealed in their determination to build a startup ecosystem in Fukuoka.
Fukuoka startup city becomes the fastest growing startup hub since it was designated as the national strategic zone to make it an entrepreneur-friendly city. Everyone involved in this mission, whether they are officials or private parties, all devoted themselves wholeheartedly to push the city forward.
In our visit to Fukuoka city hall, the officers were so well prepared to welcome us and even thought ahead what each team might need and took our questions like theirs.
Moreover, the city mayor even took time to meet with us and listened carefully to each teams’ introductions. It was their respectful attitude for the foreign startups and the determination to do the right things right that really moved and inspired me.
為了打造新創生態圈,市府也結合民間單位如Startup cafe,提供國內外創業者一站式的服務,來連結他們所需的資源以及進入日本市場的協助,且不限於新創產業。這次@iiiNNO也與市府、福岡市スタートアップカフェ -Startup cafe Fukuoka city-, 明星和樂合辦一場讓台灣新創團隊pitch, 讓我們有一個和當地更深度交流的寶貴機會。
3. The supporting network
There’s an old saying that if you wanna go fast, go alone. If you wanna go far, go together. A sustainable startup ecosystem requires the joint forces from the government and the privates. Fukuoka startup city has closed relationship with Startup cafe, an one-stop facility to help startups and new businesses alike with the right resources. This visit they collaborated with iiiNNO Taiwan, Fukuoka startup city, 明星和樂 to arrange an valuable pitching event for us to share ideas and network with the locals. Surprisingly, they didn’t really have cafe at the site, but do have great bar and beer ;)
We also got to visit StartupGoGo, an important connector between the enterprises and the startups, which help smooth their partnerships and accelerate the industrial growth. This visit they even spent the precious weekend time to meet with us and provided helpful insights for us to know more about the Japanese market. Really appreciate their friend ness and kindness to all of us.
幸好這趟旅行有極包容我的創業好夥伴Bo Ray Kong,以及常常指導我們,啟發我看到領袖新高度的ORII團隊Kevin Johan Wong Emile Chan最溫暖的旅店團隊Taipei Sunny Hostel 台北天晴旅店 Lichun Tseng, Vincent Lin, 楊欽堯積極熱心的團隊凝聚者Wendy Liu, 充滿健康自信的Applato Chieh-yen Chen, 創業大前輩INSTO Taiwan Bruce Chen還有促成這一切的強大iiiNNO團隊David Kuo 陳樂樂 (Aileen Chen). 這趟旅行好寶貴的是團隊彼此間的化學效應已經凝聚合一的心,在回國後也延續這樣的情誼彼此支持。
總結這次旅程的學習跟啟發後,我現在覺得我們Pic a Life 繪本 X 生活的競爭優勢應該會是:
After these visits, this same question has been lingering in my mind, what are the unfair advantages of myself, my team, and my country?
Honestly, sometimes I felt like being x-rayed throughout the trip, all the unseen pros and cons of myself and my team were all revealed. It was a tough but exiting experience to me. The hard part was to realize that there were so many problems yet to be conquered, while the exciting part was to unlock the potential.
Luckily, I have a very tolerant cofounder Bo Ray kung, the coolest mentor Orii cofounders that show me what a good leader could be like, the most heartwarming team Taipei Sunny Hostel, the most proactive, passionate, and humble lady @wendy Liu, the healthy and confident Applato cofounder, the most experienced fintech startup insto, and the amazing iiiNNO team that make this amazing trip happened. One of the best thing in the trip were the friendship and teamwork the teams developed and can extend back to Taiwan.
With all these valuable supports and the lessons learned, now I think the answer for my startup Pic a Life 繪本 X 親子 would be as follows.
The unfair advantages of Pic a Life:
1. An innovative and user-centered team: always think for kids, make for families.
2. Our authentic interest and compelling belief in assisting the parents to raise a happy kid with fun reading and love.
3. Have a group of customers and partners and supporters that love us and are willing to join our moment in creating a new way of reading experience to make parent-kids reading together so easy that kids can build the ability to live and to love one another.
So, what are your unfair advantages?
#iiiNNOStartupTour , #2018SpringiiiNNOStartupTourJapan
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-------- Pic a Life 親子玩轉閱讀 -------
「Pic a Life」希望給孩子繽紛的世界,還有更多愛的陪伴,和家庭的驚喜互動!
Pic a Life 的產品服務是一套「雙語繪本遊戲書盒」,它提供給孩子們一個親子共讀的環境,一個主動學習的機會和一個不受限制的學習模式。除了有實體繪本教育,更結合遊戲體驗、獎勵設計,以及全球資源的影音科技,孩子們可以運用「教育、娛樂、科技」的創新模式來學習,這不僅讓孩子的學習更有趣,也增加了親子間的互動。
不管身處哪一個時代環境,孩子們經常會因為父母忙於工作,缺乏時間陪伴,甚而減少了閱讀時間;因此,不時可以看到孩子一個人孤零零地翻讀著繪本或故事書。Pic a Life 將影音和雙語的學習模式,加入繪本中,幫助父母能輕鬆地為孩子導讀,也讓孩子從幼時就接觸國際語言,慢慢從中學習,快樂地學習英文。再者,為了彌補特定主題的繪本(如自然科學、中國民俗)在閱讀久了,可能產生的枯燥乏味感,Pic a Life 在繪本裡添加手作、遊戲,提升孩子們的閱讀樂趣。
另一方面,Pic a Life 為了解決部分孩子不愛閱讀,以及父母不知道如何引導孩子閱讀、激發孩子對閱讀的樂趣,還有現代家庭裡對親子共讀所產生的「知易行難」問題,因此PicaLife 推出「親子共讀的雙語閱讀遊戲書盒」的這項創新產品服務,不僅促進孩子的未來發展,也讓孩子更了解自己的喜好、適性成長,其中更大的用意是,讓孩子們擁有親子間的互動、愛的陪伴和閱讀遊戲的興趣,讓孩子在快樂中成長!為現代家庭創造驚喜,還有珍貴的回憶。
雙語繪本遊戲書盒融入「影音科技」,藉由掃描QR Code就能享有雙語導讀的學習模式;同時,每個繪本遊戲書盒裡還附有「益智闖關遊戲、主題互動手作和立即獎勵設計」,增加孩子學習的樂趣。實體繪本則採用「國外得獎優質好書」,跨國界、跨領域、跨出版社的主題選書,將繪本依照八大智能去做分類,讓孩子適性成長,也讓孩子擁有很多面向的智能。
「父母每天只要15分鐘和孩子共享一個故事,就能成為孩子一生勇敢的力量。」 Pic a Life 希望有愈來愈多的父母一同加入,為下一代注入滿滿的能量!
picalife 在 Pic a Life 玩轉天賦寶盒 的推薦與評價
西園路一段145號B2(天賦製夢所-活動空間) 康定路287巷15號3樓(辦公室), Taipei, Taiwan. +886 2 2304 0727. [email protected]. picalife.com.tw. ... <看更多>
picalife 在 冰氛世界-拯救北極熊大作戰| "你相信放在孩子心裡 ... - Facebook 的推薦與評價
一起來為孩子種下改變的力量吧! 5月主題活動: #創造你的冰氛世界-拯救北極熊大作戰 ❄️活動詳情 https://www. picalife.com.tw/ice-world ... <看更多>
picalife 在 Pic a Life 玩轉天賦寶盒 的推薦與評價
2網站結帳/匯款:https://www.picalife.com. tw/Christmas-Alice-in-wonderland *如需確認名額,可留言詢問或加官方Line: @pzq4083s 詢問 ------------ ➤ 主辦單位 ... <看更多>