1) Social media(SNS)
日本語ではツイッターやフェイスブック、インスタなどをSNSと呼びますが、英語ではsocial mediaと呼びます。social mediaは情報を発信するプラットフォームを指しますが、SNS(Social Networking Service)はネットワーキングを行う場所、つまり、人と人をつなげるプラットフォームを指します。フェイスブックやツイッター、インスタはネットワーキングを行う場であり、また情報を発信する場でもあるため、英語ではsocial mediaと表現します。
What social media are you on?
I decided to take a break from social media for a while.
I spend too much time on social media. I need to cut down.
2) ____ person(〜派)
____ personは、日本語の「〜派」や「〜型」、「〜好き」に相当し、様々な単語と組み合わせて使うことができる便利な表現方法です。例えば、「犬派」は“A dog person”、「朝型」は“A morning person”と言います。ちなに、今日の会話でクレイは、“I’m not a big social media person.”と言いましたが、これは「SNSはあまり使わない」ことを表します。“I’m not a big”は「〜があまり好きではない」や「〜にあまり興味がない」を意味します。
I used to be a dog person, but now I’m a cat person.
I’m an outdoor person. On my days off, I like to go hiking or surfing.
I’m not a big beer person. I prefer wine or cocktails.
3) Point(意味)
pointは「点」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「意味」を表す表現として使われます。例えば、「〜にどんな意味があるの?」は“What’s the point in/of ____?”、「〜しても意味がない」は“There is no point in/of ____.”のように表します。ここで使われる「意味」は単語や表現の定義を表しているのではなく、ある行動に対する意味を指します。
What’s the point of studying English if you don’t use it?
I don’t get what the point of this training is. It’s pointless.
What’s done is done. There’s no point in crying over spilled milk.
4) At the time(その時)
at the timeは、「その時は」や「当時は」を意味する表現です。この表現は過去のある時点について話すときに使われ、特に今と状況が大きく異なることを表すときに使われる傾向があります。例えば、「当時は携帯電話がなかった」と言いたい場合は、“At the time, cellphones didn’t exist.”と言います。
At the time, I was living in Japan teaching English.
At the time, nobody had cellphones. It was important to be on time.
At the time, minimum wage was $5 an hour.
5) A thing(流行っているもの)
thingは状況により様々な意味を持ちますが、a thingは「流行っているもの」を表します。例えば、「TikTokって流行っているの?」は“Is TikTok a thing?”、「昔流行っていました」は“It used to be a thing.”のように表現します。
Back when I was a teenager, pagers were a thing.
Wearing baggy jeans used to be a thing in the 90s.
Zoom drinking parties became really popular last year. Is that still a thing?
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第354回「ソーシャルメディア」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
同時也有64部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅黑小多,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《黑小多のTwitch實況台》←“頻道相關Q&A”也在這邊看唷~ http://www.twitch.tv/blackchan 《黑小多の粉絲團》←大家趕緊去幫我按個讚吧!w http://www.facebook.com/heyxiaotto 《能貓姊整理的全成就資料》←感謝能貓姊! http...
「point cat」的推薦目錄:
- 關於point cat 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於point cat 在 DIGITIMES智慧應用網 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於point cat 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於point cat 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於point cat 在 "Even short legs are nice" Cynthia Moon Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於point cat 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於point cat 在 Massage point of cat - YouTube 的評價
- 關於point cat 在 The Red Point and Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club - 首頁 的評價
- 關於point cat 在 Abbie Siamese Flame Point by Wakeuphatesgirl on deviantART 的評價
point cat 在 DIGITIMES智慧應用網 Facebook 的最佳解答
point cat 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
跌了幾十趴的個股還要繼續抱下去嗎? 去年飆漲的SPAC, 今年還漲的回來嗎?(可以跟下篇一起看).
開始玩成長股後, 我學到最難的一堂課是風險控制. 每個人對風險控制的觀念不一樣, 這跟每個人的心理素質也有關係.
風險管理, 也就是"留得青山在, 不怕沒柴燒".
🌻There Are Too Many Defenseless(無防禦性的) Stocks
(可以的話, 我希望您可以好好讀一下這篇文章. 我希望能夠幫您守住些財富, 減少些損失, 甚至創造些獲利. "Too many", 也就代表了股票沒有稀有性)
The underwriters just created too many stocks. There's too many new companies, too many companies that help you with analytics(分析), too many that offer video, too many data collectors and too many real-time analysis, and too many cybersecurity companies. There's been too many new electric vehicle derivatives, too many cannabis (大麻) plays and way too many new fintechs(金融科技).
The effect? We are now facing a bewildering number of companies that simply do the same things and can't be differentiated (無差異性的) and, frankly, are too hard to understand unless you are deeply involved in the transfer of data from on your premises to the cloud(雲端).
Why does this matter?
Because these stocks are defenseless. They are defenseless against inflation (通膨) because so many of them sell at a multiple to sales and any company that trades as a multiple to sales (指的是以P/S為估值方式, 非傳統的P/E. 軟體公司主要是用P/S) will see its value erode more quickly than any other in this stock market because the company has to graduate from a multiple to sales to a multiple of earnings, or just keep losing money. So many new investors have not experienced real inflation where these kinds of stocks can't be given away.
They are defenseless against an economic boom. I have been reading through countless software as a whatever with a go to market strategy and a huge TAM (total addressable market, 指的是市場大小) to land and expand(指的是雲端公司的商業模式), and my eyes glaze over. Who needs a company with all of those buzzwords that's growing at 27% and losing money when I have plenty of high quality industrials that are growing at 27% and spewing cash to the point the biggest issue is how much should be put to growth versus rewarding shareholders.
They are defenseless against older companies with a balanced policy toward dividends and buybacks, so that supply is mopped up while demand is bolstered by a yield. The land and expanders don't have anything backing them up which makes them vulnerable to sudden shocks down as we have seen.
They are defenseless against insider selling. If capital gains rates are going up, these are the companies with the most vulnerable stocks because so many of the people in these new companies have stocks that are still up substantially from when they got stock so a company with a stock down 30%-40% is vulnerable from scads of insider selling, including secondaries I am now expecting with increasing frequency.
They are defenseless against SPACs. While there are many good SPACs there are too many SPACs with too much stock sloshing around. I keep thinking about that MP Materials (MP) secondary offering in late March, where entities controlled by CEO James Litinsky sold 4.6 million shares of his company in a deal priced at $35. Now it is a small percentage of his holdings and many others involved with the company sold small amounts, too. That's not the point. It's more of a statement: this stock traded at $50. You might have been inclined to buy on the pullback but you would have been massacred as the stock is now at $27. If you have a so-called successful SPAC its success might be measured by how much money you took out of it before its stock fell by 50%. There are hundreds of things and when you consider all of the warrants out there, you know this market is going to be overwhelmed with this stuff.
You aren't going to see these kinds of secondaries at Deere (DE) or Caterpillar (CAT) , that's for certain.
Now there are people out there willing to buy the incredibly almost stupidly risky stocks, people like Cathie Wood, who demonstrated her unflappable conviction to her method of buying stocks that worked when there's scarcity value but there's anything but that now.
Maybe she can take down tens of billions of dollars worth and save the day. I wouldn't count on it. I am sorry to question her stock picking, lord knows she's been amazing. But unless others copy her, we know the stocks she is buying resemble what's not working at all. Maybe someday, but not now.
I try to figure out what the end game for these stocks might be if the economy keeps heating up and inflation accelerates. There's simply not enough money from young people or ETFs based on high growth or Cathie Wood to keep these stocks higher, and there's too much opportunity for the insiders to do what MP did, something that crunched the stock even as it reported a quarter ahead of expectations, which meant something at one point but means absolutely nothing now. Nothing at all.
文章來源: https://realmoney.thestreet.com/jim-cramer/jim-cramer-there-are-too-many-defenseless-stocks-15649142
point cat 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最佳貼文
0:00 需要通關的關卡
0:41 彈鋼琴
1:46 1.Jewelry Store 珠寶店 - Diamonds are Forever
1:52 2.任何銀行劫案 - A Good Haul
1:57 3.Shadow Raid 影之襲擊 - I Will Pass Through Walls
2:02 4.GO Bank 全武銀行 - All Eggs in One Basket
2:07 5.Diamond Store 鑽石店 - Hostage Situation
2:25 6.任何運鈔車劫案(不包含火車) - But Wait - There’s More
2:36 7.Train Heist 運鈔車:火車劫案 - We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
2:44 8.Mallcrasher 商場破壞者 - Self Checkout
2:48 9.Four Stores 四間店 - Platinum Card 或 Yeah, He’s a Gold Digger
2:53 10.White Xmas 白色聖誕劫- What’s in the Box?
2:56 11.Ukrainian Job 烏克蘭人的委託 - Let’s do th…
3:01 12.Meltdown 爐心熔解 - They Don’t Pay Us Enough
3:08 13.Aftershock 震後餘生 - Bring It Back Safe
3:17 14.Nightclub 夜總會 - Let Them Boogie
3:30 15.Stealing Xmas 聖誕大盜 - The Grinch
3:39 16.Watchdogs 看門狗 - Out of bounds
4:06 17.Firestarter 縱火者 - Lord of War
4:13 18.Rats 鼠輩 - Full Measure
4:19 19.Big Oil 石油大亨 - Doctor Fantastic
4:28 20.Framing Frame 偷天換日 - I Wasn’t Even There!
4:38 21.Election Day 選舉日 - I’m A Swinger
4:48 22.Big Bank 大銀行 - Don’t bring the Heat
4:59 23.Hotline Miami 熱線邁阿密 - Walk Faster
5:16 24.Hoxton Breakout 老哈逃獄記 - Watch The Power Switch!
5:22 25.Hoxton Revenge 老哈復仇記 - Silent But Deadly
5:30 26.The Diamond 驚世奇鑽 - Cat Burglar
5:37 27.Golden Grin Casino 金牙賭場劫案 - High Roller
5:52 28.Bomb: Dockyard 炸彈劫案:碼頭 - I’ve got the Power
6:06 29.Bomb: Forest 炸彈劫案:森林 - Pump It Up
6:20 30.Scarface Mansion 疤面公館 - Settling a Scar
6:28 31.The Alesso Heist 音樂會劫案 - Sound of Silence
6:39 32.Counterfeit 偽鈔風雲 - Dr. Evil
6:48 33.First World Bank 世界第一銀行 - OVERDRILL
6:54 34.Murky Station 黑水火車站 - The Pacifist
7:06 35.Boiling Point 沸點 - Remember, No Russian
7:22 36.Goat Simulator 山羊模擬器 - Hazzard County
7:49 37.Santa’s Workshop 聖誕工坊 - Santa Slays Slackers
8:11 38.Car Shop 車店 - Gone in 240 seconds
8:19 39.The Biker Heist 暴走族劫案 - Full Throttle
8:37 40.Panic Room 戰慄空間 - Quick Draw
8:48 41.Brooklyn 10-10 荒唐警局 - A Rendezvous With Destiny
9:04 42.The Yacht Heist 遊艇劫案 - Pacifish
9:11 43.Undercover 骯髒交易 - Not Even Once
9:29 44.Slaughterhouse 屠宰場 - Making a Statement
9:47 45.Beneath the Mountain 山脊之下 - Clean House
10:12 46.Birth of Sky 誕於天際 - 1...2...3… JUMP!
10:25 47.Heat Street 熱街 - It’s Nice To Be Nice
10:39 48.Green Bridge 格林大橋 - Attacked Helicopter
10:49 49.Alaskan Deal 阿拉斯加交易- The Fuel Must Flow
10:59 50.Diamond Heist 經典鑽石劫案 - Blood Diamond
11:13 51.Reservoir Dogs 落水狗劫案 - Waste Not, Want Not
11:27 52.Brooklyn Bank 布魯克林銀行- All the Gold in Brooklyn
11:36 53.Breakin’ Feds 闖越FBI - Stalker
12:08 54.Henry’s Rock 亨利峽谷 - Hack This!
12:22 55.Shacklethorne Auction 拍賣會劫案 - Press [F] to pay Respect
12:47 56.Hell’s Island 地獄島 - Beacon of.. nope
12:55 57.No Mercy 慈愛醫院 - Keeping the Cool
13:15 結語
亦或是在下面留下你的評論,你的評論也可以讓小多的暗黑力量繼續壯大唷!(ˋ wˊ)/

point cat 在 "Even short legs are nice" Cynthia Moon Youtube 的精選貼文
#マンチカン #ジェネッタ #短足
Genetta Munchkin Cat is a cat with short legs. Not only that, they are so curious, playful and fun cats. They are so adorable.
ルナ(琉月)♀ スポット柄短足短毛ジェネッタ
パワフル いたずらっ子
ラム(良夢)♀ 白猫 短足立ち耳マンチカン
好奇心旺盛 天真爛漫
ロレン(楼蓮)♂ レッドタビー&ホワイト 短足立ち耳マンチカン
世話好き 控えめ甘えん坊
レオン(蓮音)♂ ブラウンタビー&ホワイト 短足耳折れマンチカン
執着心強い お笑い系
リーア(莉亜)♀ シルバータビー&ホワイト 長足長毛マンチカン
好奇心あるけど見せない 姫キャラ 眼力あり
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lencynthiamoon/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tansokudatte/
Blog http://tansokudatte.blog.fc2.com/
Please refrain from unauthorized reproduction of videos and photos.

point cat 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的精選貼文
The weather is getting warmer, which means hot girl summer is here ? Today's makeup tutorial is on my updated everyday sunkissed makeup look in partnership with COVERGIRL! I included a lot of no makeup makeup tricks for an effortlessly flawless look, perfect for those sunny beach days ?#COVERGIRLPartner #EasyBreezyBeautiful
✧ IG: https://www.instagram.com/jessyluxe
✧ PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/volumeup
✧ TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@jessyluxe
✧ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/luxejessy
✧ SPOTIFY: https://bit.ly/jessyluxe
Hello! Do you have any summer plans? I've been fully vaccinated for a while now, so I'm excited to travel again soon! I'm actually visiting NYC in July ❤️ I just know it's going to be so humid ?
I noticed the "no makeup" makeup look is in lately, so here's my take...with winged liner ? I can't do my makeup without it ? A lot of you guys said you prefer natural makeup looks on Instagram, so I hope you like this one! I learned so many mini techniques to enhance natural makeup during quarantine..but I know I've been doing a lot of neutrals lately, so the next one will be more avant-garde/artsy, I promise!
Other life updates: my little sister is staying with me for the summer, so you may see her more often on random LIVUs/livestreams/videos. Please welcome her kindly!
'til next time!
♡ xo
˖ O-Lens Colored Contact Lenses ("Russian Velvet Brown") https://bit.ly/3fQ5VpC
˖ Kosas Brow Pop Clean Dual-Action Defining Eyebrow Pencil ("Brown Black") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tv2/
˖ Too Faced Born This Way Multi-Use Super Coverage Sculpting Concealer ("Almond") https://go.magik.ly/ml/13rs5/
˖ Kosas Air Brow Clear + Clean Lifting Treatment Eyebrow Gel https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tv6/
˖ Kaja Spiked Ginger Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio ("01 Nude Apricot", "03 Toffee") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17txy/
˖ CoverGirl Perfect Point Plus Liquid Liner ("Espresso") https://bit.ly/3ii2KbL
˖ Kaja Chocolate Dahlia Beauty Bento Bouncy Shimmer Eyeshadow Trio ("03 Brown Sugar") https://go.magik.ly/ml/13rr2/
˖ CoverGirl Lash Blast Clean Volume Mascara ("Black Brown") https://bit.ly/3cfznTx
˖ Gucci Beauty Stylo Contour Des Yeux Kohl Eyeliner ("03 Chocolat") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tz4/
˖ Freck The Original Freckle ("Freck Noir") https://bit.ly/3vUHNaL
˖ Laneige Glowy Makeup Serum https://go.magik.ly/ml/13rs3/
˖ Pat McGrath Labs Skin Fetish Sublime Perfection Foundation ("Light Medium 10") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tz5/
˖ Too Faced Born This Way Multi-Use Super Coverage Sculpting Concealer ("Almond") https://go.magik.ly/ml/13rs5/
˖ CoverGirl Simply Ageless Instant Wrinkle Blurring Pressed Powder ("Translucent") https://bit.ly/352pt41
˖ ColourPop Sugar Frosted Cheek Palette ("Trifle", "Cookie Crumble") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tz6/
˖ VT Cosmetics Triple Shading Contour Palette (no longer available)
˖ Make Up For Ever Star Lit Powder ("2 Frozen Gold") https://go.magik.ly/ml/13rsa/
˖ Freck The Original Freckle ("Freck Noir") https://bit.ly/3vUHNaL
˖ Gucci Beauty Crayon Contour Des Levres Lip Liner ("01 Nude") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tzj/
˖ CoverGirl Outlast All Day Lip Color in New Neutrals ("110 Ripe Peach") https://bit.ly/3pmBz0S
˖ Freck The Original Freckle ("Freck Noir") https://bit.ly/3vUHNaL
˖ Patrick Ta Beauty Major Sculpt Creme Contour & Powder Bronzer Duo ("She's Statuesque") https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tzv/
˖ Sigma Beauty Line Perfector Brush E68 https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tso/
˖ IT Brushes for Ulta Airbrush All-Over Shadow Brush #119 https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tsu/
˖ Sigma Beauty Waterline Liner Brush E17 (no longer available - similar: https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tss/)
˖ Shiseido Eyelash Curler https://go.magik.ly/ml/16owl/
˖ Em Cosmetics Daydream Cushion Tinted SPF https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tsw/
˖ CoverGirl Simply Ageless Instant Wrinkle Blurring Pressed Powder Sponge https://bit.ly/352pt41
˖ ColourPop Blush Brush https://go.magik.ly/ml/13rst/
˖ ColourPop Small Tapered Brush E9 https://go.magik.ly/ml/kpq4/
˖ Zoeva Powder Brush #106 https://go.magik.ly/ml/17tu3/
˖ Gold Hoop Earrings (discontinued)
˖ Small Gold Necklace (Vietnam)
˖ Maria Pascual Gold Deco Necklace https://bit.ly/3cl42ir
Canon EOS Rebel T6i DSLR
EF-S 18-55mm IS STM Kit Lens
GVM Great Video Maker 800D RGB LED Panel Video Light Kit 3200K-5600K
Final Cut Pro X 10.5
˖ chobizzy - LUSH KARMA 2 https://soundcloud.com/soohyungcho/lush-karma-2
˖ luvbyrd - doja cat kiss me more lofi https://youtu.be/spzUbsqiJWk
? BUSINESS EMAIL: jessica@rare.global
FTC: Sponsored by CoverGirl ? Some links listed are affiliate links which help out the channel if you make a purchase through them ? and some products used I received in PR („• ֊ •„)

point cat 在 The Red Point and Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club - 首頁 的推薦與評價
The Red Point and Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club 。 1306 個讚· 3 人正在談論這個。 The Club is a member of the GCCF and caters for Red Point, Cream Point, ... ... <看更多>
point cat 在 Abbie Siamese Flame Point by Wakeuphatesgirl on deviantART 的推薦與評價
The photographs illustrating this post are by a Flickr photographer who lives with a fantastic looking cat who just happens to be a Flame Point Siamese. ... <看更多>
point cat 在 Massage point of cat - YouTube 的推薦與評價
If you want to do a cat massage. You can come here and come home. This is a very funny video.#funny #funnyvideo #fun #manjak #luchnya #new. ... <看更多>