#1. 工作的「試用期」要怎麼說? A probation... - Facebook - 登录或 ...
A probation period(或probationary period)是指新工作的試用期,probation在電影中最常出在警察電影中, ... 會說中文就會說英文Catchy English, profile picture ...
He became a permanent employee after a three-month probation. 三個月試用期過後,他成為正式員工。 The employment contract stipulates that the probation period is ...
He served a year in prison and was then let out on probation. 他在監獄裡服了一年刑,然後被處以緩刑。 a period of time at the start of a new ...
#4. probation period - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"probation period" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#5. probation period 中文- 試用期… - 英語翻譯
中文 翻譯 手機版 · 感化輔導期 · 緩刑考驗期 · 試用期;見習期 · 暫準駕駛期 ...
#7. probation period-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: during the probation period, period of probation,在英语-中文情境中翻译"probation period"
#8. 如何准备Probation review - 百度知道
Confirm with dept managers for staff probation performance review and adjust the monthly salary. 确认部门经理对实习员工成绩的回顾以及调整月薪。
#9. 通過試用期信件英文 - 軟體兄弟
I am sactisfied with her performance in her probation period, so I agree that she can pass. , Dear In view of your outstanding performances, we are pleased ...
#10. pass probation 中文 - Dalinome
A probation period(或probationary period)是指新工作的試用期,probation在電影中最常出在警察電影中,你會聽到從牢中剛被放出來的人說「I'm on probation.」這裡指的 ...
#11. probation的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典 - 留声词典
N-UNCOUNT緩刑期. Probation is a period of time during which a person who has committed a crime has to obey the law and be supervised by a probation officer, ...
#12. 'probation' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
Probation is a period of time during which a person who has committed a crime has to obey the law and be supervised by a probation officer, ...
#13. probation 中文– 通過試用期英文 - Playprg
social probation 中文美國監禁制度公司都要求你「十項全能」,odf,是美國對于 ... the probation period ends A probationary period should end with a review ...
#14. 第298章《罪犯感化條例》 - Cap. 298 Probation of Offenders ...
probation order. )具有第3條給予該詞的涵義;. 感化期. (. probation period. )指根據感化令受感化者須接受監管的期間。 (由1976年第26號第2條修訂; ...
#15. pROBATION REVIEW - 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
pROBATION REVIEW. 5个回答. 感化回顾 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 感化审查 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 试用回顾 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名. 缓刑审查
#16. worker on probation 中文– Kygim
Probation Employers can put their employees on a probation period (also known as a probationary period) to assess if employees are suitable for the role and ...
#17. 試用期英文怎麼說 - Porta
“試用期;見習期” 英文翻譯: probation period “試用期間” 英文翻譯: during probation ... How do you say 的試用in English; 試用版英文,trial version中文,電子 ...
#18. 翻译'probation period' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
The probation period under an individual employment contract with pregnant women is interdicted (art. 62). 禁止在与怀孕妇女签订的雇佣合同中规定试用期(第62 ...
#19. 【Appraisal大作戰】 90條Appraisal實用評語例句中英對照唔使煩
Improved [production on X goal] set out at beginning of review period ( 能夠提升[ 列舉生產力目標],達至評核前所設定的目標).
#20. 【Appraisal例句示範】如何回答改善空間及來年目標?6句簡單 ...
好多打工仔都覺得被Appraisal 考起,唔知點寫先啱。尤其是面對自己要改善嘅(Improvement)地方?有咩目標(Goal)?以下為你提供回答以上Appraisal兩大重點的英文示範 ...
#21. probation的意思在线翻译:英文解释,中文含义,短语词组,音标 ...
probation period 试用期,见习期。 • probation report 检定报告。 probation的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [prouˈbeiʃən] KK音标发音: [proˈbeʃən].
#22. 试用期- 英文翻译- Cncontext - 英语
试用期的英文翻译– 中文-英语字典和搜索引擎, 英文翻译. ... Probationary period with a temporary appointment. 你还在试用期! You're still on probation!
#23. trial period翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
trial period中文的意思、翻譯及用法:試用期。英漢詞典提供【trial period】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... probation period試用期;見習期.
#24. Constitutional Court ROC (Taiwan) - No.84 - 憲法法庭
According to the final instance of the Criminal Law, if a public functionary is sentenced to civil death and is in the period of probation, the proclamation ...
#25. no probation 中文– 通過試用期英文– Tauklar
For a non-continuous contract with no/ after probation period the length of ... 目前支持语言,保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、英语、爱沙尼亚语、 ...
#26. 試用期英文翻譯
“試用期間” 英文翻譯: during probation; trial employment period “試用期限” 英文翻譯: ... Google 翻譯; 語音翻譯; trial中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典; 牛津英漢辭書.
#27. 4.1.8 Mandatory Report: Juvenile Court Probation - SFUSD
Satisfactory school attendance and school behavior are typically conditions set forth by the court as a condition of probation.
#28. Probation-Review是什么意思 - 雨露学习互助
Probation -Review 缓刑考察如对你有所帮助, ... 谁能帮我解释一下review这个词的拼读规则,为什么会发[ri'vju:]这个音 ... "Operational Metric Review",中文何意?
#29. CRC資訊網,聯合國兒童權利公約
Probation Association. 2021-09-15. ... State Report & International Review: ROC's Initial Report ROC's Second Report.
#30. Probation-Review是什么意思-学帮网
Probation -Review 缓刑考察如对你有所帮助, 如有其他疑问,. Probation-Review是什么意思 Federal Probation book review 是什么? general review是什么 under review是 ...
#31. 英语-汉语probation翻译
'probation'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。 ... Finally, the probation officer must write a draft of the report for disclosure to the ...
#32. Audit Report on the Financial and Operating Practices of the ...
Executive Summary The United Probation Officers Association Welfare Fund (the Welfare Fund) and Retirement Welfare Fund (the Retirement ...
#33. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
英文, supervising probation officer. 中文, 督導感化主任 ... 英文, Supervision Case Review Committee. 中文, 監管個案覆檢委員會.
#34. 每位公司新人都要被review嘅HR Metric — Time to Productivity
HR指標(HR Metric)其中一個重要指標就是Time to Productivity 中文是 ... 通常probation period就是我們驗證新員工能力的重要期限,正常都是以1個 ...
#35. Nilani Krishnarajah - Probation Officer - Her Majesty's Prison ...
Carried out risk assessments and reviews on offenders in order to protect the public from further possible offending. •Used computer based systems such as OMNIA ...
#36. Probation Service (PO) - Social Welfare Department
Probation service is a community-based programme whereby, in accordance ... group work and other activities during their probation period.
#37. Probation - Fair Work Ombudsman
Employee entitlements during probation. While on probation, employees continue to receive the same entitlements as someone who isn't in a probation period. If ...
#38. Extending the Probation Period?——Don't Be So Capricious
For more insights, please click here. Tags: English, PRC Employment Contract Law, Probation period, 中文, 中文,.
#39. Introduction on the probation system and probation operations
The Probation Office is mainly responsible for adult custody ... and visit and review the actual status of implementation on the accused.
#40. 考選英語詞彙Bilingual Glossary of Examination Terminology
中文. 英文. 1-1 考選部組織法. Ministry of Examination Organization Act. 1-2. 考選部處務規程 ... Professional and Technical Examinations Review Committee.
#41. worker on probation 中文– Florant
Article 6 Probation Period The Company may agree on a probation period with newly recruited employees for a period of ____ days except for those employees ...
#42. Probationary Period - No Win No Fee - Employment Law
Just like employment lawyers, we are employment law experts. A probationary period may be used to trial an employee in a new position within the same ...
#43. Tesla 工作機會
Competency certification, Probation Review, otherwise he or she will not be ... etc., are not considered to pass the probationary period and the employee is ...
#44. 中文版- For Mai Thai Staff
The Company reserves the right to determine your performance during this probationary period. 头六个月为试用期。在试用期内,工人不享受医疗津贴及其他福利待遇。
#45. Managing probation: notes of guidance - University of Exeter
If you have any queries or concerns about your probation period, please discuss with your College or Service HR Advisor. New appointments to the University of ...
#46. Probation - Swansea University
The University has three types of Probation Procedure and the duration of your probation period will have been specified in your appointment letter. All ...
#47. The Employment Ordinance, Cap. 57 - Labour Department
For a non-continuous contract with no/ after probation period, the length of notice shall be the agreed period; please refer to Table 2 for ...
#48. Releasing Probationary and At-Will Employees is More ...
Once the probationary period expires, the Probationary employee becomes a Regular employee whose employment cannot be terminated without “just ...
#49. What is a probation period? - Breathe HR
A probation period is a trial period of employment during which someone is employed only subject to satisfactorily completing this period of ...
#50. Your first few months | About - University of Stirling
Probation. Normally new staff members are required to complete a probationary period (as detailed within your contract), to assess their suitability to ...
#51. [全職/實習] 特斯拉汽車銷售服務(深圳)有限公司– 產品專家
中文. 產品專家. English. 英文. Product Specialist ... During the probationary period, including not limited to transfer, promotion, etc., ...
#52. 【Appraisal】35句實用大全打工仔自我評估、上司填Form無難度
1. Improved overall productivity levels and achieved the goal [include specific goal] that set in [the specific period]. 提高整體工作效率,達到[ ...
#53. 動物屋- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《動物屋》(英語:National Lampoon's Animal House,或簡稱Animal House)是一部於1978年上映的 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#54. Appraisal 其實不可怕:2大應對方法
只設中文版). 立即登記. 於5月31日前報讀指定課程,即享3個月免費英語課程及免費英語程度評估*! *受條款及細則約束,詳情請向課程顧問查詢。 姓名.
#55. 读博士期间的初审是做什么的? - 知乎专栏
特别是我们学校的probationary review,按规定是3个月左右,实际上很多人都是拖 ... Problem和question是中文语境下容易混淆的一个概念,因为翻译起来都叫做问题。
#56. Batterer's Treatment - Sacramento Superior Court
The BTP programs are managed by the Sacramento County Probation Department DV ... the program provider will select a court date for a financial review.
#57. Probation, Termination of Employment and End of Service ...
Probation. Under the Labour Law, an employer can subject the employee to a single probationary period of not more than 6 months. During this ...
#58. FAQs on Non-Academic Probation | People and Culture
#59. When probationary period encounters pandemic - Asia ...
When it comes to a probation, what if the employer cannot assess the job competency of the employee infected with COVID-19 during the ...
#60. Assigned Probation: What To Expect - Courts -
General Process. The judge will instruct you to report to Probation Services, 8th Floor of the courthouse, to meet with your assigned Probation Counselor.
#61. Absence during Probation - Employment Law - Ronan Daly ...
2019年1月16日 — Many employers hold the mistaken view that they can easily dismiss an employee during their probationary period, as the employee does not ...
#62. on probation中文to - XXjexy
probation中文 的意思,翻譯及用法:n. 試用;緩刑;查驗。英漢詞典提供【probation】的詳盡中文翻譯,用法,例句等英語釋義a trial period during which an offender ...
#63. Bail of arrested persons - Youth CLIC
繁體中文版本 简体中文版本 English Version ... If the police want to detain a person for a longer period, they must first bring him/her before a Magistrate ...
#64. Bench Probation : Other Court Resources
... advised of your current mailing address and phone number throughout the probationary period and immediately notify the Court of any change in address.
#65. Addiction profile in probation practices in Turkey: 5-year data ...
1. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Turkish National Police Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Department, National Report (2012 Data) to ...
#66. passed probation 中文– 通過試用期英文 - Kklkkl
I've passed my probation review! Posted July 2, 2013 by Buddy A few weeks back I was notified that the CEO who looks very like my Mum wanted to hold a ...
#67. Probationer Frequently Asked Questions - OPCA - NY DCJS
In addition, if you are sentenced to probation after successfully completing the interim probation period, your term of probation begins at sentencing and ...
#68. What is the Difference Between Parole and Probation?
The judge will specify restrictions on the offender's activities during the probationary period. Parole is granted by a parole board, ...
#69. 免费Employee Probation Review Form | 样本文件在 ...
We support you and your company by providing this Employee Probation Review Form HR template, which will help you to make a perfect one!
#70. In-Person Services to Resume at Orange County Probation ...
Santa Ana, CA (March 1, 2022) - The Orange County Probation Department, in accordance with current public health orders, ...
#71. Probation Period - Zoho Cares
How can you configure the probation period of an employee in Zoho. ... the leave settings/configuration in zoho people refers to probation periods. so there ...
#72. Columbia County Juvenile Probation Victim Services
... Escape Notification, Restitution, Victim Compensation Assistance, Victim Impact Statements, Victim Rights Notification. Last Review and Update: Nov 09, ...
#73. 6 Tips for Writing an Effective Performance Review - Business ...
An employee performance review, also known as a performance evaluation or performance appraisal, is a formal assessment of an employee's work in a given time ...
#74. under probation 中文under - Qkaxtw
Section II,under probation的中文, and Tokobaev K. under Art.305 Part 2 ... 中文(繁體) 登入或註冊During the employees' probation period,什么意思。在緩刑中
#75. 6.315.1 Career and Career-Conditional Employment - Internal ...
The supervisory probationary period is satisfied by successful completion of 365 calendar days in a position in the Federal Government at any ...
#76. Am I eligible for DSHS benefits if I have an arrest warrant or ...
Does avoiding felony prosecution or confinement or violating probation or parole affect my other public benefits?
#77. What Is Summary Probation? Do I Report to Anyone?
Redondo Beach, California Summary Probation Lawyer. ... In formal probation, one has a probation officer that one must meet with and perhaps report to in ...
#78. Forms - CUHK - HRO - Home
... and Research Activities in Shenzhen · 香港中文大学深圳研究院(深研院)Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI) ... Human Resources Announcement · Staff Review.
#79. Labour Rights and Interests FAQ (Employees) - 勞工事務局
Regarding the probationary period, for general workers, the probationary period is 30 days for a term contract and 90 days for an indefinite contract.
#80. The Probationary Period - OMAG
A probationary period could create an implied contract. When you tell an employee you have 90 days to show us that you can do the job, ...
#81. Probationary Driving Licence Scheme - GovHK
The holder of probationary driving licence to drive a vehicle class is required by law to undergo a 12-month probationary driving period.
#82. IPDC: Indiana Juvenile Justice System -
Review Hearing – At these hearings the judge checks to see how the child is doing on probation. A review hearing happens at least every 6 months until the ...
#83. EU reforms require attention of employers in Ireland - Pinsent ...
Maximum duration of any probationary period. Irish employment law does not currently prescribe any maximum period of probation that employers ...
#84. 90 Days to Prove Yourself: The Power of a Probationary Period
Here's why probationary periods can work. Employees who have gone through the probation period are often able to achieve more in their new roles ...
#85. Unincorporated Island County Facing Potential National Flood ...
Placement on probation is a formal notice to the community that the local ... During the probationary period, flood insurance coverage will ...
#86. What is probation - Sesli Sözlük
listen to the pronunciation of probation. English - Turkish ... Hala staj dönemindesin. - You're still in your probation period.
#87. Probation & Community Corrections - Louisiana Department ...
These are parole and probation conditions for all people under community supervision in the state of Louisiana. Parole Conditions. Upon release, I will report ...
#88. pass probation 中文probation - Nnsaru
probation 的中文翻譯 probation n 1: a trial period during which your character and abilities are tested to see whether you are suitable for work or for ...
#89. Senior Software Engineer - Waw Asia Corp 職缺2022 | Glints
Annual leave: 12 days/year and to be pro-rata rated for the actual month working period for full-time staff. Applied after the probation.
#90. worker on probation 中文在工廠見習,work - Brzhk
說明: 雙擊或選中下面任意單詞, title X, Tailor, Paramedic,將顯示該詞的音標,讀音, probation period,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋probation officer的中文 ...
#91. probation翻譯及用法 - Ropux
probation中文 的意思,翻譯及用法:n. 試用;緩刑;查驗。英漢詞典提供【probation】的詳盡中文翻譯,用法,例句等英語釋義a trial period during which an offender ...
#92. CNA: Breaking News, Singapore News, World and Asia
CNA. Breaking news in Singapore and Asia, top stories from around the world; business, sport, lifestyle, technology, health and commentary sections.
#93. News Archive for March 10, 2022 - Wall Street Journal
... Is Sentenced to 150 Days in Jail, 30 Months Probation for Faking Hate Crime ... Pixar's 'Turning Red' Review: Showing Your True Colors.
#94. Nursing and Nurses - The New York Times
Ex-Nurse Convicted in Fatal Medication Error Gets Probation ... stomach for more than 12 minutes after he fell from his bed, according to an autopsy report.
#95. W-1E Application for Benefits -
注意:如果䓟使用繁體中文,䓟可以免費獲得語言援助服務。 ... We will review your application form and contact ... probation or parole violation?
#96. Das deutsche und chinesische Arbeitsrecht The German and ...
... English and Chinese 一本包括德语、英语及中文版本的实用手册 Michael Lorenz, ... The stipulation of a probation period is not permitted (Article 70 of the ...
probation review 中文 在 工作的「試用期」要怎麼說? A probation... - Facebook - 登录或 ... 的推薦與評價
A probation period(或probationary period)是指新工作的試用期,probation在電影中最常出在警察電影中, ... 會說中文就會說英文Catchy English, profile picture ... ... <看更多>