By @mizznina1780 "#ProjectIamAMuslim Let's send a UNITED message to STOP THE VOLIENCE and call for JUSTICE AND PEACE for Gaza as well as Syria, Burma and all oppressed areas.
Get ready to join the BIGGEST and MOST IMPACTFUL peaceful protest of our time. #ProjectIamAMuslim is a mega project that aims to unite our ummah by mobilizing at least 1 Million Muslims to work together in sending a viral message for Justice and to end the killing of innocent lives.
#ProjectIamAMuslim will draw on the strength of the ummah to gain the attention of the international community by sending a strong message for peace and the end of violence.
It's time to put aside differences of opinions, schools of thought, race and age and truly work together as a family. United we are strong and can make a positive change.
With your participation, #ProjectIamAMuslim will go viral globally on 21 July 2014.
To participate: (1) Write your own personal message using our sample picture as a template. (2) Post your picture everywhere starting 21 July 2014. Use the message as your profile pic, plaster it on your social media threads, send it through your whatsapp groups, email it out, etc. Do what it takes to make sure all of your contacts know about this campaign and participate. (3) Let your non-Muslim friends know that they can participate too. They are our brothers and sister in humanity. Just ask also use our sample picture as their template but to start their message with "I am a Muslim's friend and...", "I am a (soon-to-be) Muslim and..." or "I am a Muslim (supporter) and..." instead.
Show your supportbySHARING, REPOSTING, SENDING AND FORWARDINGthis message to everyone you know through every communication method you have. Participation from each and every one of you is what will make this campaign successful! Remember, we are going viral and making it global TODAY MONDAY 21 July 2014.
Start showing your support by following us to keep updated!
Facebook: ProjectIamAMuslim
Instagram: ProjectIamAMuslim
Twitter: Proj_IamAMulsim
For more details, visit our Facebook page" via @PhotoRepost_app