#1. Convert PSI to MPA | Chapel Steel
Conversion Calculators. Convert psi to MPa. Please enter values then click on Calculate. psi = MPa = Chapel Steel Calculators. CONVERSION CALCULATORS.
#2. 常用压力计量单位换算工具
如: MPa与psi的换算或转换. ※ 关于压力单位转换与压力单位换算: 所谓压力单位的转换, 是指在不同压力单位之 ...
#3. 壓力換算器
使用DigiKey 的壓力量測值換算器從psi 轉換成bar、kg/cm2 至psi、bar 至kg/cm2,並可換算其他單位,例如pa、mm H2O 和inch H2O。
TO CONVERT; FROM TO psi mbar bar atm Pa kPa psi 1 68.9476 0.0689476 0.0680460 6894.76 6.89476 mbar 0.0145038 1 0.001 9.86923; x 10‑4 100 0.1 bar 14.5038 1000 1 0.986923 100000 100
Psi to Megapascal Conversion Table · 1 psi, 0.0068947573 MPa · 2 psi, 0.0137895146 MPa · 3 psi ...
#6. psi to MPa Conversion Table - SensorsONE
psi MPa 🔗 0 0 🔗 100 0.689476 🔗 200 1.37895 🔗
#7. Convert psi to MPa - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many psi in 1 MPa? The answer is 145.03773800722. We assume you are converting between pound/square inch and megapascal. You can view more details on each ...
美制重量. 千磅每平方吋(ksi). 0.15. 磅每平方吋(psi). 145.04. 磅每呎(psf). 20,885.43. 水. 米水(mH2O). 101.97. 厘米水柱(cmH2O). 10,197.44. 腳水(ftH20). 334.56.
磅/ 平方英寸自帕斯卡. 单位之间转换(psi → MPa) 或见转换表.
#10. 壓力錶中的Mpa,psi,bar,kgc是怎麼換算的 - 好問答網
壓力單位mpa/psi/bar之間的換算? 2樓:竹林細雨. 1巴(bar)=0.1兆帕(mpa)=100千帕(kpa)=1.0197162 公斤力/平方 ...
#11. 常用壓力單位換算表
psi mbar bar atm. Pa. kPa. MPa kg/cm2 psi. 1. 68.9476. 0.689476. 0.680460. 6894.76. 6.89476. 6.89476×10-3. 0.0703069.
#12. 将毫帕斯卡换算为磅力每平方英寸(mPa换算为psi) - 换算度量 ...
1毫帕斯卡等于多少磅力每平方英寸? 可以将mPa换算为psi (毫帕斯卡换算为磅力每平方英寸)的度量计算器。 (壓強)
#13. Psi与MPa单位换算 - 百度文库
Psi 与MPa单位换算- Psi 与MPa 换算2010-7-2 ,psi 是压力单位,定义为英镑/平方英寸,145psi=1MPa PSI 英文全称为Pounds per square...
#14. Conversion Tables | CEJN
MPa. PSI, 1.01325 0.10132 14.696, 1.1 atm x 1.01325 = 1.115 bar 1.1 atm x 0.10132 = 0.111 MPa 1.1 atm x 14.696 = 16.166 PSI.
#15. How to convert MPa (Megapascal) to psi? - Asknumbers
1 Megapascal (MPa) is equal to 145.037737797 psi (pound force per square inch). To convert MPa to psi, multiply the MPa value by 145.037737797.
#16. 99磅力/平方英寸(psi) = 0.68258114959076兆帕(MPa)
壓力單位換算為你解答99磅力/平方英寸等於多少兆帕?99psi等於多少MPa?磅力/平方英寸和兆帕的計量換算,99磅力/平方英寸(psi)壓力換算成兆帕(MPa)等於多少?99磅力/ ...
#17. psi mpa - 軟體兄弟
psi mpa,Psi to Megapascal Conversion Table · 1 psi, 0.0068947573 MPa · 2 psi, 0.0137895146 MPa · 3 psi ... ,How many psi in 1 MP...
#18. 磅力每平方英寸- 維基百科,自由的百科全書
在psi後加上不同字尾(如a、g、d、vg、sg) 可以用來表示不同類型的壓力。 psia(psi absolute) - 以psi為單位表示絕對壓力(absolute pressure,Pa或Pabs), ...
#19. 現貨舜寰注油壓力錶SHLLJ耐震耐腐蝕psi Mpa水處理不鏽鋼徑 ...
歡迎前來淘寶網實力旺鋪,選購現貨舜寰注油壓力錶SHLLJ耐震耐腐蝕psi Mpa水處理不鏽鋼徑豎軸背,該商品由南京水處理商城店鋪提供,有問題可以直接諮詢商家.
#20. Convert psi [psi] to megapascal [MPa] • Pressure, Stress ...
psi to megapascal (psi—MPa) measurement units conversion. ... A working pressure setting of most pressure cookers is 1 standard atmosphere or 15 psi.
#21. Convert PSI to MPA - Clean CSS
Enter a number to convert Pound-force Per Square Inchs to Megapascals. 1 psi = 0.007 mpa. 2 psi = 0.014 mpa. 3 psi = 0.021 mpa. 4 psi = 0.028 mpa.
#22. MARSH J8058W4 300 psi/MPa Pressure Gauge | H J Kirby Corp
MARSH J8058W4 - 3.5" Dial - 0-300 psi/mPa Pressure Gauge. Image of MARSH Gauges J8058W4. View Larger Image. Product image may only be representative ...
#23. Mpa兆帕,psi,bar巴之间如何换算?
回答:在压力传感器中经常会遇到用Mpa兆帕,psi,bar巴来表示产品的量程,现说明如下: 工程上常用的是兆帕(MPa):1MPa=1000000Pa。 1个标准大气压力=1.00336×0.098MPa= ...
#24. 我想知道315 Mpa 怎麼換算到psi - 爭龍傳Online
1Kg /cm2 = 14.223 psi1psi = 0.45359Kg /( 2.54cm )2 = 0.0703066 kg /cm2 則倒數就是14.223 所以1 MPa = ( 10.197162129 / 0.0703066 ) psi= 145.0385 psi因此.
#25. mpa换算psi(压力单位换算psi) - 萝卜建站
1psi=6.895KPa=0.00689476MPa ,1bar≈14.5psi。 1巴(bar)=0.1兆帕(MPa)=100千帕(kPa)=1.0197162 公斤力/平方厘米。1标准大气压(atm)=0.101325 ...
#26. Pressure Conversion Chart - VICI-Jour
bar psi kPa MPa 0.1 1.5 10 0.01 0.2 2.9 20 0.02 0.3 4.4 30 0.03
#27. Convert psi to MPa - Pressure Conversions - CheckYourMath
A megapascal is a unit of Pressure in the International System of Units (SI). The symbol for megapascal is MPa. There are 0.00689475729 megapascals in a psi.
#28. Digital Tire Pressure Gauge - Professional Accuracy - 200 PSI ...
Digital Tire Pressure Gauge - Professional Accuracy - 200 PSI, PSI,MPa,Bar,Kgf/cm2 in Air Compressors & Inflators.
#29. 壓力單位換算表-唯盛企業有限公司 - 空壓機
psi ( Ib/in 2 ), 6.8x10 -2, 7.031x10 -2, 51.5, 2.035, 703.1. in water, bar, Mpa, kPa, psi ... 1 atm= 14.7 psi, 1 bar=1 00 kPa= 1.02 kg / cm 2 = 14.5 psi ...
#30. MPa to psi and psi to MPa - KARAY METALS, INC
Both psi and MPa measure pressure within a metal tube. For this reason, we provide psi MPa Converter tools below. psi Equation; Pascal Equation; psi to MPa ...
#31. mpa ksi - UZCCA
mpa ksimpa psi精采文章psi mpa,mpa psi換算,psi mpa 單位換算,壓力單位換算mpa[網路當紅],mpa單位換算,Quickly convert kips/square inch into megapascals (ksi to ...
#32. psi MPa Converter安卓下载,安卓版APK | 免费下载
psi MPa Converter is not only a pressure unit converter, it is also a calculator that allows you to calculate before converting psi to bar ...
#33. psi mpa 有人知不知道在压力里面MPA和psi分别代表什么?知道 ...
有人知不知道在压力里面MPA20/]和psi分别代表什么?知道的说一。mpa是压强的大小量:兆帕PSI英文全称为Pounds per square inch。
#34. 抗折、抗張、耐壓縮強度及模數MPa Psi kg/cm2 kg/in2 1 145 ...
抗折、抗張、耐壓縮強度及模數. MPa. Psi kg/cm2 kg/in2. 1. 145. 10.19. 101945.15. 6.9×10-3. 1. 0.0703. 703.07. 9.8×10-2. 14.22. 1. 10000. 9.8×10-6. 1.422.
#35. psi mpa 換算
Convert PSI to MPA with Chapel Steel's conversion calculator. Structural, Carbon & HSLA Steel Plate ASTM A36 ASTM A572 ASTM A588 ASTM A709 CSA G40.21 38W ...
#36. Convert 15 psi to MPa -
Converting Pounds per Square Inch (psi) to Megapascals (MPa) is simple. Why is it simple? Because it only requires one basic operation: multiplication.
#37. 線上購買壓力表PAGL | Festo TW
壓力錶符合DIN EN 837-1 標準,用於面板或管式安裝,顯示範圍高達60 bar / 870 psi / 6 Mpa。 適用於高壓應用; 顯示單位bar、psi、MPa. HIGH-PRESSURE_CN.PDF.
#38. 二手YOUYEC PSI/MPA壓力錶頭(拆機品未測試當零件品)
你在找的二手YOUYEC PSI/MPA壓力錶頭(拆機品未測試當零件品)就在露天拍賣,立即購買商品搶免運及優惠,還有許多相關商品提供瀏覽.
#39. 壓力換算psi mpa | 工商筆記本
所谓压力单位的转换, 是指在不同压力单位之间, 且被转换的压力量值为"1"时的压力单位换算方式. 如: 1MPa等于多少psi、1mbar等于多少MPa 等. 而压力单位的换算, .
#40. Convertir de Psi a MPa - YouTube
#41. How to Convert MPa to PSI - wikiHow
#42. Convert Pounds per square inch to megapascals online (psi to ...
Convert Pounds per square inch to megapascals online (psi to MPa) ... more accurately, pound-force per square inch (symbol: lbf/in2; abbreviation: psi) is a ...
#43. 壓力換算器
毫米汞柱(托) (mm Hg = Torr), 磅力/英尺 2 (lbf/ft 2 ). 磅力/英寸 2 (lbf/in 2 = PSI), 英吋汞柱(in Hg). 公斤力/厘米 2 (kgf/cm 2 ), 公斤力/米 2 (kgf/m 2 ). 毫米水柱 (mmH2O)
#44. SMC 111.12 2" PRESSURE GAUGE 0-160 PSI/MPA, 1/8" NPT ...
Approximate weight:0.15 lbs. DHL/SDL/#5302/ AC-M2 / (6)A. 4281241 ROHS. 1/8" NPT CBM. PRESSURE GAUGE.
#45. Convert Megapascals to Psi (MPa to psi) -
Convert Megapascals to Psi (MPa in psi). Megapascals and Psi both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
#46. 高壓開關SF6充氣壓力單位Mpa、bar、psig(psi)之間的換算
GIS、SF6斷路器、SF6互感器等設備中均會充一定壓力(密度)的SF6氣體,國內行業內使用的壓力單位爲Mpa,而很多歐洲、日本合資廠家經常會使用bar和psi等氣體壓力單位, ...
#47. 単位psi mpa
1 psi = 6894744.825494 mPa / Convert psi to millipascal. You can also convert psi to pascal,. ここでは、圧力の単位であるMPa(メガパスカル)とpsiの単位変換方法 ...
#48. SMC P5024-51-3 ise/zse stickers (psi/mpa), ISE40/50/60 ...
SMC instrumentation - ise40/50/60 pressure switch family - ise40/50/60 no size part - ise/zse stickers (psi/mpa)
#49. Yellow Jacket 49892 TITAN Manifold only, Solar Gauge, Bar ...
Solar Gauges, bar/psi/MPa, R-22/134a/404A/407C/409A/410A/438A/507. Fourth hose to enable connection to hi-/lo-sides, refrigerant tank and recovery unit or ...
#50. 压强单位PSI,MPa,Bar等的换算 - 文档库
提供压强单位PSI,MPa,Bar等的换算的内容摘要:压强的几种单位kg/cm,MPa,PSI,bar换算1kgf/cm=0.098MPa=0.98bar=14.22psi等式同除以0.098则MPa为1单位, ...
#51. Convert between Pounds per square inch and Megapascal
Free calculators and unit converters for general and everyday use. Calculators » Conversion » Pressure » Psi to mpa/ Mpa to psi ...
#52. 145 Psi To Mpa - Conversion -
145 PSI make 1 MPA. We get 1 MPA when 145 PSI is converted into MPA. The procedure for conversion is as follows. MPA = 145 PSI / 145 = 1 megapascal.
#53. [psi to MPa] (psi:pound-force per square inch, MPa:megapascal)
[psi to MPa] (psi:pound-force per square inch, MPa:megapascal). Convert psi to MPa. a pressure conversion table. From:
#54. 200 psi mpa w p high pressure rubber hoses
Inner Diameter: 10 mmOutter Diameter: 17 mm Maximum Working Pressure: 2.1 MPA (300 PSI) .. $70.00 Add to Cart BARFELL High Temperature 12.5 mm Multi Purpose ...
#55. bar psi kPa/MPa Kg/cm2 Mbar - Thermosense Direct
bar psi. kPa/MPa. Kg/cm2. Mbar. 0.025. 0.363. 2.5 kPa ... 100 MPa. 1019.579. 1000000. Pressure Conversion Table. We're the experts.
#56. 壓力定義與單位
英制上常用表示方式psi ( pound per sqare inch ) 1kgf/cm 2 = 14.2 psi 1psi ... 標準狀態空氣(ANR),指溫度20度C 相對濕度65% 壓力0.1MPa 空氣密度1.185kg/m 3 。
#57. PSI与Mpa换算 - 文档大全
PSI -MPa换算: PSI. MPa 0.007 0.014 0.021 0.028 0.034 0.041 0.048 0.055 0.062 0.069 0.076 0.083 0.09 0.097 0.103 0.11 0.117 0.124 0.131 0.138. PSI.
#58. PSI到MPA转换表 - 188金宝搏ios下载
将PSI(LBS / SQ IN)转换为MPa的计算派生如下:. 1MPA.= 1,000,000 pascals(PA); 1Psi.= 6,894.76 Pascals(PA); MPA值x 1,000,000 pa = psi值x 6,894.76 pa ...
#59. FUNTELL PCP High Pressure Hand Pump, 4500 PSI, 30 MPA ...
35 Sports Fitness Sports Outdoors FUNTELL PCP High Pressure Hand Pump 4500 PSI 30 MPA Operated.
#60. Pressure Gauge MPa and PSI | SMC Corporation of America
Our Customer is requesting pressure gauge to both Mpa and Psi. If you have any, please provide the model and picture to me.
#61. psi pressure - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "psi pressure" ... To find Fluid Outlet Pressure (psi/MPa/bar) at a specific fluid flow (gmp/lpm) and operating ...
#62. 拉伸強度(Tensile Strength;TS、MPa或psi) | by Sterler Wire
在工程應力與應變曲線中的最大應力值. “拉伸強度(Tensile Strength;TS、MPa或psi)” is published by Sterler Wire.
#63. mpa換算psi - Qtill
轉換磅/ 平方英寸自帕斯卡(psi → MPa) · 1 MPa 等于多少psi?_百度知道 · Mpa兆帕,psi,bar巴之間如何換算?
#64. 63毫米Bar/psi/mpa/kpa/kg/cm * 2 压力计数字压力表 - Alibaba
大屏幕液晶显示屏,分辨率高,无指示错误 2.测量时自动记录最大压力值 3.压力百分比动态演示(进度条带演示) 4.5工程单位: psi,bar,kpa,Mpa,Mpa,kg/cm2
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Belanja Online manometer psi mpa Terbaik, Terlengkap & Harga Termurah di Lazada Indonesia | Bisa COD ✓ Gratis Ongkir ✓ Voucher Diskon.
#66. 400 Psi to Megapascal Conversion - Pressure - Unit Converter ...
Megapascal : The megapascal (symbol:MPa) is a non-SI unit for pressure, and is a x1000000 multiple of the Pascal unit. 1 MPa equals 1,000,000 Pa. It is ...
#67. 標籤: psi mpa單位換算 - 翻黃頁
所谓压力单位的转换, 是指在不同压力单位之间, 且被转换的压力量值为"1"时的压力单位换算方式. 如: 1MPa等于多少psi、1mbar等于多少MPa 等. 而压力单位的换算, .
#68. 150 psi mpa a um preço incrível - AliExpress
Tendências de 2020 em150 psi mpa em com150 psi mpa e150 psi mpa. Descubra mais de150 psi mpa150 psi mpa na nossa seleção no, incluindo marcas ...
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China Meokon Hot Sale Digital Hydraulic Vacuum Pressure Gauge with Psi MPa Bar, Find details about China Digital Pressure Gauge, ...
#70. Introduction to Pressure relationship psi Mpa Kpa Bar
Introduction to Pressure relationship psi Mpa Kpa Bar. The pressure in a fluid is defined as. “The normal force per unit area exerted on a imaginary or real ...
#71. -Average compressive strength test results * at various ages ...
Download Table | -Average compressive strength test results * at various ages, psi (MPa) from publication: Performance-Based Aspects and Constructability of ...
#72. 压力单位psi 压力单位MPa/psi/bar之间的换算? - 材料知识14
压力单位MPa/psi/bar之间的换算?工程上常用的是兆帕(MPa):1MPa=1000000Pa。1个标准大气压力=1.00336×0.098MPa=0.10108MPa≈0.1Mpa。1bar=0.1MPa压力的 ...
#73. FAQ: How do I convert PSI to Bar to MPa? - Flatirons Rally
1 Bar refers to 1 atmosphere of pressure. This is equivalent to 14.5 psi, or .1 Mega Pascal, or Mpa. In other words: 1 Bar =...
#74. MPa to PSi Calculator | American Piping Products
Conversion calculator from MPa to PSi Conversion provided by American Piping Products.
#75. Conversion Tables - Faster
1 atm = 0.101 MPa 1 atm = 14.696 PSI 1 atm = 1.033 kp-cm2 bar 1 bar = 0.987 atm 1 bar = 0.100 MPa 1 bar = 14.504 PSI 1 bar = 1.020 kp-cm2 MPa 1 MPa = 9.869 ...
#76. 04空氣壓力的單位
我國目前工業上常看到常用的壓力單位Kg/Cm2、Bar(常視為與kg相等)、Psi、Mpa 壓力應用:低壓系統:20~500mbar應用例…氣浮設備中壓系統:1.5~3.5bar應用例…
#77. 壓力與真空度測量原理與單位 - 勢動科技
各家的壓力錶顯示單位各不相同,有的標示psi,有的標示Pa, ... 對於比較大的壓力,除了「百萬帕」 MPa,也常用「巴」 (bar) 來表示,相當於十萬 ...
#78. Máquina de pintura airless 1.100 watts 3.000 psi - MPA 1010 ...
A Máquina de pintura airless 1.100 watts 3.000 psi MPA 1010 da Vonder é para uso leve. Indicada exclusivamente para aplicação de tintas a base de água.
#79. 200 psi mpa w p china air hose
200 psi mpa wp buhar steam hose. China Hydraulic Hose,Hydraulic … Technical Information: Size O.D. Working Pressure Burst Pressure Min.
#80. Convert 60000 Psi to MPa - Online Calculator
60000 Psi to MPa - Convert 60000 Psi to MPa and vice versa. To find out how many mpa in 60000 psi, divide 60000 by 145.037737797.
#81. How many MPa in 200 psi? -
How many MPa in 200 psi? 200 pounds per square inch equals 1.379 megapascals because 200 times 0.006895 (the conversion factor) = 1.379 ...
#82. 200 psi mpa wp cement hose karachi delivery charges
wearproof fire hose assely for cement barite 200 psi 1.40 mpa wp heavy duty cement hose parket cement hose assely din en 856 4sh hose for cement blasting ...
#83. 压强单位PSI,MPa,Bar等的换算(转载)_夜风中绽放 - 新浪博客
压强的几种单位kg/cm2,MPa, PSI, bar换算 1kgf/cm2=0.098MPa=0.98bar=14.22psi 等式同除以0.098则MPa为1单位,依次类推. 1kgf/cm2=0.0980665MPa
#84. Máquina de pintura airless 900 watts 3.000 psi - MPA 120
Máquina de pintura airless 900 watts 3.000 psi - MPA 120 - Vonder com as melhores condições você encontra no site do Magalu. Confira!
#85. Download psi MPa Converter APK - Latest Version
Download & install psi MPa Converter APK. Latest Version: 1.6.6 - Update psi MPa Converter APK: Sep 29, 2018 - Developer: Pricereduc - Package Name: ...
#86. Unit of Measure Converter - MatWeb
... Imperial and metric, can be converted with the convenient tool. Units include MPa, GPa, pounds, kilograms, psi, grams, ounces, watts, joules, and many more.
#87. Ltd 29 PSI MPA-01-2-40 1/8 Directional Control Pilot Operated ...
Ltd, MPA-01-2-40 1/8 Directional Control Pilot Operated Check Valve for A-Line, 29 PSI: Industrial & Scientific,Yuken Kogyo Co,With the latest design ...
#88. Conversions - Goodyear Rubber Products Inc
PSI and MPa or N/mm2 Conversions. Conversions. Pounds per Square Inch (abbrev. PSI) - A basic unit of pressure or tension measurement in the Imperial or.
#89. NCSL Pressure Comparison At 0.69 Mpa (100 psi) and 1.4 ...
A 1.4 MPa (~200 psi)transducer package used as a transfer standard was circulated among 20 domestic calibration laboratories (private and ...
#90. Mpa / psi / ksi - AncoferWaldram Steelplates | English
Free calculator: Convert MPa to psi | Convert MPa to ksi | Convert psi to MPa | Convert ksi to MPa.
#91. Psi与MPa单位换算 - 豆丁网
Psi 与MPa 换算2010-7-2 ,psi 是压力单位,定义为英镑/平方英寸,145psi=1MPa PSI 英文全称为Pounds per square inch。P 是磅pound,S 是平方square,I 是英寸inch。
#92. Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using Fiber Reinforced ...
... psi (MPa) compressive stress in concrete at service condition, psi (MPa) f f stress level in FRP reinforcement, psi (MPa) f fd design stress of ...
#93. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ACI ...
(mm) = coefficient of creep of masonry, per psi (MPa) = coefficient of irreversible moisture expansion of clay masonry k m = coefficient of shrinkage of ...
#94. psi 單位mpa psi - TFDVY
psi , MPa是什麼單位? 10/1/2007 · psi是壓力的其中一個英制單位,是pounds per square inch(?磅每平方吋)的縮寫. 1psi=6,894.75729pa(pascal,帕斯卡) MPa ...
#95. 一大氣壓psi
1 MPa 等于145.0326 psi。 1psi=6.895kPa=0.0689476bar =0.006895MPa。 PSI(Pounds per square inch),是一種計量單位。 概觀. 標準大氣壓是101 325 Pa = 101.325 ...
#96. psi 壓力單位
巴(bar)、毫巴(mbar)、兆帕斯卡(MPa)、千帕斯卡(kPa)、磅力/每平方英寸(psi)、公斤力(千克力)/厘米² (公分²) (kg/cm²)、厘米(公分)水柱(cm H₂O)、英尺水柱(feet H₂O)、英寸 ...
#97. psi 単位換算
壓力單位對照表TO CONVERT FROM TO psi mbar bar atm Pa kPa MPa cmH2O @20 C in H2O @20 C ft H2O @20 C mm Hg ( Torr ) @0 C in Hg @0 C k.
psi mpa 在 Convertir de Psi a MPa - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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