(English below)
感謝妞新聞 niusnews 妞新聞的邀約 讓我可以跟大家分享我對於完美的看法 (之後在跟大家分享更完整的版本)
但在這段裡面 我跟大家分享的是"紫色緞帶"
紫色緞帶代表的是"反暴力" 在這邊又更特指對於女性的暴力
對我而言 暴力的範圍很廣 並非僅侷限於是肢體上的暴力
對於心理的暴力 是我覺得在社會中不容易為人所察覺及根深蒂固的
不要受到社會刻板印象的影響 而去改變你的人生目標
女孩想當醫生 想當舉重選手 有何不可?
鼓勵女孩們 都能跳出社會對於女性的箝制 勇敢追夢
"你是女孩子(男孩子) 不可以...... "掛在嘴邊
女孩男孩都一樣 男生可以柔弱 女孩可以堅強
最後最後 大家要向暴力說不
如果遭到不公平對待也要大叫 (像我這樣大聲嚷嚷)
This workshop is especially design for girls so I believe it’s the best chance to share the idea of purple ribbon.
Purple ribbon badge is the “awareness ribbon” for the elimination of all forms of violence against women.
Violence against women, such as sexual assault, spousal violence and sexual harassment, is a serious violation of human rights.
For me, violence is not only about physical but also psychological.
So I hope during the sharing I can encourage girls to be confident and be brave.
The most important, be your true self.
The government of Japan makes efforts to ensure a social environment where violence against women is not tolerated.
I would love to invite each of you to join me. Say NO to any violence.
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