十一月號《Ming's》的主題是人生有TAKE TWO︰在香港演藝圈中,年近90的 Rebecca Pan 潘迪華 是首個遠征歐洲的華人歌星,也創作了首部華語音樂劇,票房失利後進入低潮,但90年代憑演出《阿飛正傳》又成傳奇,至今仍然努力推動流行音樂,啟發無數後輩。誰說人生沒有TAKE TWO?
林二汶︰潘迪華教讓我了解什麼叫「女明星」|MING'S People >>> https://bit.ly/2B9ZGbZ
MING'S People其他文章 >>> https://bit.ly/2RUBzmY
#MingsPeople #潘迪華 #RebeccaPan
rebeccapan 在 林嘉欣 Karena Lam Facebook 的精選貼文
獨家優惠85折 名額有限!
60年代潘迪華有「旅行歌手」之稱,因她經常受邀到歐美、中東等地演出,她以宣傳香港為已任,一邊演唱一邊向外國人介紹這顆東方明珠。她的《Ding Dong Song》,《My Hong Kong》是當年風行一時的流行曲,她勇於創新,70年代自資製作中文音樂劇《白孃孃》,她的勇氣和堅持啟發了很多後輩音樂人。
黃耀明、林二汶、岑寧兒、鄭欣宜、陳健安聯同音樂總監陳浩然Edward Chan,選唱一系列潘姐姐的歌曲,林嘉欣聲音旁白;向潘姐姐致敬,重踏她的一段音樂旅程。
4-5 Jan 2019 (Fri-Sat) 8:15pm
$600, $480, $280, $180
即日至11月15日Timable獨家優惠85折 (名額有限)
黃耀明 Anthony Wong 林二汶 Eman Lam 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng Yoyo Sham 岑寧兒 林嘉欣 Karena Lam On C AllStar Rebecca Pan 潘迪華
= = = = = = = =
A Sentimental Journey - The Rebecca Pan Tribute Concert
Early Bird 15% off for standard tickets at Timable from 2 to 15 November
Buy $600/$480 ticket at $510/$408!
In the 1960s, Rebecca Pan was nicknamed the Travelling Singer as she was frequently invited to perform overseas, in Europe, the United States, and the Middle East, and elsewhere. She also took it as her duty to promote Hong Kong, introducing the Pearl of the Orient to foreign audiences in her songs. Her Ding Dong Song, My Hong Kong and many other songs were all greatest hits of the time. Rebecca Pan also dared to be innovative and persistent in her pursuit of dreams. In the 1970s, she already self-financed and produced a Chinese musical Madame White Snake. Her courage and endurance inspired many young musicians.
The programme features singers Anthony Wong, Eman Lam, Yoyo Sham, Joyce Cheng, On Chan, together with Music Director Edward Chan, paying tribute to Rebecca by performing a series of her famous songs, and re-discovering the musical journey of this iconic figure of Hong Kong.
A Sentimental Journey - The Rebecca Pan Tribute Concert
4-5 Jan 2019 (Fri-Sat) 8:15pm
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$600, $480, $280, $180
*Best seats are reserved for early bird; seats plan with choice is not available
^Zuni Friends or other membership discounts are not available
Tickets available at URBTIX since Nov 16, 2018
#zuni_is_technology #zuni_is_art #Rebeccapan #tribute #concert #music #音樂 #zuni_season_2018 #劇場之科技 #theatre_is_technology #進念 #進念二十面體 #潘迪華 #黃耀明 #林二汶 #岑寧兒 #鄭欣宜 #陳健安 #林嘉欣 #edwardchan #胡恩威 #于逸堯
rebeccapan 在 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng Facebook 的最佳解答
Respect 🙇🏼♀️
獨家優惠85折 名額有限!
60年代潘迪華有「旅行歌手」之稱,因她經常受邀到歐美、中東等地演出,她以宣傳香港為已任,一邊演唱一邊向外國人介紹這顆東方明珠。她的《Ding Dong Song》,《My Hong Kong》是當年風行一時的流行曲,她勇於創新,70年代自資製作中文音樂劇《白孃孃》,她的勇氣和堅持啟發了很多後輩音樂人。
黃耀明、林二汶、岑寧兒、鄭欣宜、陳健安聯同音樂總監陳浩然Edward Chan,選唱一系列潘姐姐的歌曲,林嘉欣聲音旁白;向潘姐姐致敬,重踏她的一段音樂旅程。
4-5 Jan 2019 (Fri-Sat) 8:15pm
$600, $480, $280, $180
即日至11月15日Timable獨家優惠85折 (名額有限)
黃耀明 Anthony Wong 林二汶 Eman Lam 鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng Yoyo Sham 岑寧兒 林嘉欣 Karena Lam On C AllStar Rebecca Pan 潘迪華
= = = = = = = =
A Sentimental Journey - The Rebecca Pan Tribute Concert
Early Bird 15% off for standard tickets at Timable from 2 to 15 November
Buy $600/$480 ticket at $510/$408!
In the 1960s, Rebecca Pan was nicknamed the Travelling Singer as she was frequently invited to perform overseas, in Europe, the United States, and the Middle East, and elsewhere. She also took it as her duty to promote Hong Kong, introducing the Pearl of the Orient to foreign audiences in her songs. Her Ding Dong Song, My Hong Kong and many other songs were all greatest hits of the time. Rebecca Pan also dared to be innovative and persistent in her pursuit of dreams. In the 1970s, she already self-financed and produced a Chinese musical Madame White Snake. Her courage and endurance inspired many young musicians.
The programme features singers Anthony Wong, Eman Lam, Yoyo Sham, Joyce Cheng, On Chan, together with Music Director Edward Chan, paying tribute to Rebecca by performing a series of her famous songs, and re-discovering the musical journey of this iconic figure of Hong Kong.
A Sentimental Journey - The Rebecca Pan Tribute Concert
4-5 Jan 2019 (Fri-Sat) 8:15pm
Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre
$600, $480, $280, $180
*Best seats are reserved for early bird; seats plan with choice is not available
^Zuni Friends or other membership discounts are not available
Tickets available at URBTIX since Nov 16, 2018
#zuni_is_technology #zuni_is_art #Rebeccapan #tribute #concert #music #音樂 #zuni_season_2018 #劇場之科技 #theatre_is_technology #進念 #進念二十面體 #潘迪華 #黃耀明 #林二汶 #岑寧兒 #鄭欣宜 #陳健安 #林嘉欣 #edwardchan #胡恩威 #于逸堯