為期三天的Techcamp,共吸引了50多個來自台灣與6個亞洲國家的學員,以及10位橫跨各大洲、來自不同領域的講者專家,一同集思廣益,透過新的科技和想法來打擊不實資訊。學員們各自選定他們有興趣的主題,包括人工智慧與不實資訊 、事實查核、觀眾分群、媒體識讀等,然後與其他學員和講者一起腦力激盪出新的挑戰宣言,並且在最後一天就各自的專業領域,提出他們的解決方法。AIT副處長谷立言也親自來到 Techcamp 現場聆聽學員們熱烈地分享。在最後致詞時,他鼓勵所有學員利用在三天營隊中學習到不同的知識與技能,在回到他們的社群團體中發揮影響力,讓所有人最終都能成為具有洞察力的新聞消費者。Techcamp在昨天圓滿的落幕!我們要大力恭喜所有參與的學員與講員,希望各位收穫滿滿!我們期望看到各位日後在打擊不實資訊上的科技成果! #TaipeiTechCamp #AITat40 #SecurityCooperationMonth #安全合作月
It’s the last day of the AIT TechCamp on “Disarming Disinformation through Technology, Design and Communication,” which brought together over 50 tech, social media, and journalism participants from Taiwan and across Southeast Asia to connect with experts and technologists in the field! Participants joined the brainstorm groups they chose the first day, teamed up with their group members to develop an actionable challenge statement, and mapped out a solution to their challenge. On Day 3, they presented their project solutions on four key aspects -- AI and disinformation, fact checking and verification, and audience segmentation and media literacy through interactive games & campaigns -- in front of the entire group. AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene listened to their presentation and in his closing remarks, he encouraged every participant to use their platforms to educate the public on how to be savvy news consumers when they return to their communities. Congratulations to all participants for a successful conclusion of the TechCamp! We look forward to seeing your contributions to tech solutions that help reduce the reach and impact of disinformation!
taipeitechcamp 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
💡本週,由AIT主辦的Tech Camp來到第二天!50位來自台灣和東南亞的科技、社群媒體及廣電傳媒的工作者在台北齊聚一堂,就打擊不實資訊一起集思廣益!今天大家已經激盪出許多創新的想法,同時也結交了許多新朋友和未來的合作夥伴,並建立起打擊不實資訊和提升媒體識讀的緊密網絡。應對不實資訊,你有什麼想法呢?在貼文底下留言告訴我們吧!別忘了標記你的朋友喔!#TaipeiTechCamp #AITat40 #SecurityCooperationMonth #安全合作月
💡This week, AIT is hosting a TechCamp called “Disarming Disinformation through Technology, Design and Communication” which brings together 50 tech, social media, and journalism participants from Taiwan and across Southeast Asia. Today is Day 2 and our participants are already coming up with lots of innovative ideas for addressing this problem faced by each of their societies. Many participants have also made new friends and future partners, building strong networks for their work on disinformation and media literacy. What ideas do you have for addressing disinformation? Leave a comment below and don’t forget to tag your friends!! #TaipeiTechCamp #AITat40 #SecurityCooperationMonth #安全合作月
taipeitechcamp 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
期待已久的Tech Camp終於開始了!我們很高興歡迎超過50位來自台灣和東南亞的科技、社群媒體及廣電傳媒的工作者一起來參與,並將技能運用在打擊不實資訊上。第一天的活動非常成功,來自不同國家的講者專家和學員們互相交流,透過不同形式的破冰活動更認識彼此;學員們也可以選擇有興趣的工作坊和導師來協助他們實踐目標!期待在接下來的兩天,大家相互激盪出不同的點子與想法。 #TaipeiTechCamp #AITat40 #SecurityCooperationMonth #安全合作月
Finally, AIT TechCamp has begun! We are so pleased to welcome over 50 tech, social media, and journalism participants from Taiwan and across Southeast Asia to apply their skills to disarming disinformation! The first day of the workshop was amazing and successful. Trainers and participants got to know each other by different icebreaker games. Participants also selected the workshops and mentors who could best help them realize their goals! Moreover, We look forward to seeing everyone come up with some new ideas in the next two days.