美國在台協會酈英傑處長很榮幸到新落成的台北流行音樂中心,出席馬友友的音樂會。超過4,500位樂迷齊聚這個充滿現代感的音樂場域,欣賞馬友友對巴哈的《六首無伴奏大提琴組曲》的完美詮釋。這場音樂會不僅彰顯美台之間深厚的藝術文化連結,也展現台灣在控制疫情上的亮眼成就—畢竟除了台灣,很少有地方能夠舉辦這麼大型的現場活動!#牛耳藝術 #台北流行音樂中心
AIT Director Christensen was honored to attend Yo-Yo Ma’s concert at the new Taipei Music Center in Nangang. More than 4,500 people gathered in this modern music venue to appreciate Yo-Yo Ma’s interpretation of Bach’s six famous unaccompanied cello suites. The event marks the strong artistic and cultural ties between Taiwan and the United States, along with Taiwan’s success managing COVID-19 pandemic – few places other than Taiwan can offer live events of this magnitude!
#TheManagementOfNewArts #TaipeiMusicCenter