Tags: toyshare
董敏莉 Monie Tung
About author
人大碟。及後以拍攝電影和電視劇為主,電影作品包括《七月好風》、《性工作者十日談》、《無野之城》、《單身部落》、《傷城》、《游龍戲鳳》、拉脫維亞電影《Hong Kong Confidential》等等,憑電影《師奶唔易做》獲提名笫十二屆金紫荊電影頒獎禮最佳女配角。電視劇方面,作品包括台灣偶像劇「海豚愛上貓」、有線電視「補習天后」、無線電視「四葉草2之赤沙印記」和亞洲電視「火蝴蝶」。近年開始涉及主持及舞台劇演出,節目包括有線電視「峰山水起精讀班掌相篇」、「高師傅美食俠客行」、「高師傅美食傳奇」;香港電台「滋味科學」一、二兩輯;亞洲電視「娛樂CIA」;Roadshow 路訊通的「尚駿生活」等等。舞台劇作品有森美小儀歌劇團的「早安啊!曼克頓」、三角關係劇團的「二十出頭」、「親愛的維多利亞」等、A2劇團的「波音情人」與巧克力劇團的「玩死卓別靈2」。熱愛中醫養生知識,曾於中文大學專業進修學院修讀各種中醫課程,現於路訊網(RoadShow)、Elle 、Itiral等 網站撰寫美容養生專欄。現於新城電台擔任唱片騎師,節目包括新城知訊台的「娛樂旗艦店」和新城數碼音樂台的「法國您好嗎」。
創作方面,跟設計師好友 Siniamos 共同構思本地原創人物——小肥英 Little Fat Hero。故事由董敏莉撰寫,Siniamos 負責繪畫,以輕鬆、簡單的風格,和大家一起學習法文。
小肥英是一位在法國出生後就隨爸爸遊走世界的女孩,個性率真、聰明和善良,對世界充滿好奇,特別喜歡法國文化和學習法文。並熱愛跳舞、彩虹顏色和香草卷心蛋糕。除了「小肥英生字卡」、「小肥英週末大招呼」之外,還有另一健康生活專欄刋登於「新Monday」雜誌的 「HONEY」內。而小肥英廣播劇 「法國您好嗎之小肥英Ҫa Va?」亦於 新城數碼音樂台播出。有關小肥英與爸爸的趣味故事,稍後亦會於不同媒體陸續推出。
Monie Tung
Graduated from The University of Hong Kong, majoring in European Studies and French. She entered entertainment industry as singer and released her debut album in 2004. From then onwards, she was mainly involved in starring in different sorts of films. She was nominated the best supporting actress in the 12th Golden Bauhina Awards.In recent years, she was actively engaged in performing dramas and being the hostess of a variety of TV programs and functions.
Her prominent drama performances were spotted in produced by Sammy Leung and Kitty Yuen's théâtre , ,etc by Trinity Théâtre ,by A2 Théâtre, by Chocolate theatre.
Currently, she is a feature column writer contributing articles about tips on cosmetic beauty and cultures of the world. In addition, she is a disc jockey hosting live radio programmes 《Entertainment flagship》and 《Made in France》on Metro Broadcast.
The locally-made fictional character, Little Fat Hero is purely created by Monie Tung and Siniamos. The plot of every single story is the original work of Monie while Siniamos is responsible for all the artwork. The drawings and pictorial illustrations of the stories help make the learning of French simple and lively. Therefore, learning this exotic language will not be a back-breaking experience anymore. It will become a totally relaxing adventure with the backup of very inspiring stories.
Little Fat Hero was born in France. She spends most of her lifetime travelling around the world with her father. She is straight-forward, smart and kind-hearted. She is curious about every little wonder about the world. She is particularly interested in knowing more about French culture and learning French. Moreover, she is very fond of dancing, rainbow colors and vanilla Swiss roll. Besides, Little Fat Hero comes in different feature formats: Flash Card in French, Video Flash Card in French, Big Weekend Flash card in French, Big Weekend Video Flash card in French ,Special column in magazine and a Radio drama named in Metro radio MMD.
Monie Tung Man-li is a Hong Kong Chinese actress、TV host 、radio host、event emcee、writer 、c
Monie Tung Man-li is a Hong Kong Chinese actress、TV host 、radio host、event emcee、writer 、c
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