[狂人新聞台] NEW JAGUAR E-PACE耀眼登場
有著Baby Jaguar的別名, Jaguar E-PACE承襲F-TYPE的迷人身形與源自賽道的性能底蘊,共譜Jaguar獨樹一格的跑車型compact SUV新定義。New Jaguar E-PACE於9/29(今)日耀眼上市,為台灣市場帶來全新的頂級英倫美學工藝之作,集尖端科技、豐沛動力與現代奢華的完美結合,成就品味人士的絕倫之選。New Jaguar E-PACE導入P200 R-Dynamic S與P250 R-Dynamic SE 雙車型,建議售價分別為新台幣206萬與225萬元起,即刻入主即享6年原廠保養方案。
New Jaguar E-PACE承襲F-TYPE優雅動人的身型,雙車型統一標配R-Dynamic專屬內裝外觀套件,列為選用配備的黑色外觀套件,包含一系列亮黑色塗裝於水箱護罩框飾、前方進氣口框飾、葉子版造型通風口、窗框、車尾車型銘牌、品牌徽飾等妝點,前、後照明系統同步升級搭載LED燈組,車尾燈更具備動態指示方向燈,選配升級的高解析度頭燈組具備ADB自動遠光調適功能,可自動評估行駛時的前方路況,主動調節燈組內各別LED燈具的照明程度,全面提升夜間照明效能,大幅增加夜間行車安全。
New Jaguar E-PACE車身尺碼為長4,395mm x 寬2,088mm x 高1,648mm,軸距2,681mm,在緊湊的車身尺碼下仍保有後座舒適的乘坐空間與494公升的置物空間,後座椅背亦可40:20:40傾倒,強化空間機能靈活運用。腳踢式感應電動尾門則同樣列為標準配備,增加日常生活的實用便利性。
New Jaguar E-PACE雙車型統一搭載Ingenium 2.0L 直列四缸渦輪增壓引擎,並首次搭載MHEV 48V輕油電混合動力系統,透過車輛行駛時的動能回收輔助車輛起步時的加速力道與減少引擎耗能,進而提升燃油效率。雙車型動力配置分別提供200PS、320Nm與249PS、365Nm的最大動力輸出,搭配JaguarDrive SelectorTM 9速手自排變速系統與智慧型四輪傳動系統。
全新的PTA底盤(Premium Transverse Architecture)利用高壓鍛造鋁合金技術強化車身剛性與加強避震座剛性,在不降低車輛靈活性的情況下提供更佳的舒適性與車輛對地面路感回饋,並可減少行進崎嶇路面時的方向盤震動與改善油門反應。智慧型四輪驅動系統能主動偵測路況後即時分配前、後軸扭力,營造車輛最佳循跡能力,TVbB煞車控制扭力轉換系統則於車輛過彎時提供內側輪各別的煞車力道,藉以提升車輛靈敏性。跑車化個人設定可於賽道模式之下調整包含引擎、變速箱、方向盤的多種反饋,滿足不同路況及駕馭需求,而針對追求操駕需求的消費者,亦可選配Adaptive Dynamics主動動態控制系統升級電子避震器,選配後將與跑車化個人設定整合並可進一步針對避震系統有舒適、賽道兩段式的調整功能,在New Jaguar E-PACE先進MHEV複合動力、優異車身結構與尖端底盤科技結合下,為車主提供高度的行車安全與駕駛樂趣。
#JAGUAR #E #PACE #BabyJaguar
同時也有29部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅7Car小七車觀點,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Jaguar 今日 (10/28) 推出小改款 E-Pace,換上新款 Premium Transverse Architecture 平台,針對造型修正,加入全新 1.5 升直列 3 缸插電式油電動力,並強化配備水準及聯網機能,英國市場預皆單價自 32,575 英鎊起 (約合新台幣 122 萬元起...
transverse 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
✔️CheckCheckCin 美茶推介:熱氣
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Acupoints to clear heat
We tend to relieve heat through the clothes we wear and the foods we eat, but massaging the right acupoints can do the trick too.
If we encounter anyone suffering from a heatstroke, we can massage his or her ‘Ren Zhong’ acupoint, as it promotes the circulation of qi and blood, balance the yin and yang, and increase the blood pressure. Massaging the acupoint every half a second or so can help the individual regain his or her consciousness. Do send the patient to the hospital for immediate treatment as well.
To relieve heat on regular days, here are five acupoints for you to massage with your thumb in a circulation motion for about 20 seconds. This can help promote blood circulation, and in turn, dissipate heat from the body.
Bai Hui Point
Location: 5 inches behind the anterior hairline along the median line of the head, around the intersection of the line connecting the apexes of the two auricles
Benefits: stimulates the brain, restores energy, and relieves headache, dizziness, and soreness on the neck and arms
Neiguan Point
Location: on the palmar side of the forearm; 2 inches above the transverse crease of the wrist
Benefits: relieves chest discomfort, nausea, and dizziness, and calms the mind
Waiguan Point
Location: on the back of the palm, 2 inches proximal to the dorsal crease of the wrist
Benefits: relieves pain, inflammation, tinnitus, stiff neck, and hypertension-related symptoms
Qu Chi Point
Location: the exterior of the elbow, on the lateral end of the transverse cubital crease
Benefits: clears the heat and dispels wind in the body, cools the blood and relieves dryness
Yong Quan Point
Location: the sole of the foot, the dent area when the foot and toes curl
Benefits: replenishes the yin, nourishes the kidney, and strengthens the body
✔️CheckCheckCin Healing Tea Recommendation: Very hot (qi)
Ingredients: Plumeria, chrysanthemum bud, spreading hedyotis
Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies. Relieves bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine.
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#男 #女 #我疲憊 #頭痛 #頭暈
transverse 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
夏天天氣酷熱難當,如要進行戶外活動,除了準備防曬品及飲品,不忘帶備降溫小幫手 —— 退熱貼。退熱貼利用物理降溫的原理,透過水凝膠及清涼劑帶走熱能,達到局部降溫散熱的效果。平日發燒用退熱貼會貼在額頭,但如作消暑用途,可貼在大椎穴(頸後正中,明顯突起的骨頭位置)、肩井穴(肩部肌肉最高處,脊椎及大椎的中間點)、內關穴(前臂掌側,手腕橫紋向手肘方向2寸),這些穴位有助清熱消暑,也剛好是皮膚較薄部位易於散熱。退熱貼非常方便使用,但要注意皮膚有損傷或皮膚敏感人士慎用。如沒有退熱貼,用濕毛巾冷敷效果亦相若。
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Are you using antipyretic stickers correctly?
The weather during summer can be unbearable. If we plan to carry out outdoor activities, on top of sunscreen and beverages, we should also prepare something that can reduce our body temperature – the antipyretic stickers.
Based on the principles of cooling, hydrogels and cooling agents can reduce the heat at specific regions of the body. When we develop a fever, we can place the sticker on our forehead. But to clear the summer-heat, we can stick it around the ‘Da Zhui’ acupoint (right in the middle of the neck behind where a bone protrudes).
We can also place it on the ‘Jian Jing’ acupoint (the peak of the shoulder muscles; the mid-point between the spine and ‘Da Zhui’) and the ‘Nei Guan’ acupoint (on the palmar side of the forearm; 2 inches above the transverse crease of the wrist).
Targeting these acupoints can clear the summer-heat more effectively, as their epidermis layers are thinner. Having the antipyretic stickers around us might be convenient, but individuals with skin sensitivity or skin diseases must use them with care. Alternatively, we can also use a wet towel to achieve a similar effect.
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#男 #女 #我疲憊
transverse 在 7Car小七車觀點 Youtube 的最佳解答
Jaguar 今日 (10/28) 推出小改款 E-Pace,換上新款 Premium Transverse Architecture 平台,針對造型修正,加入全新 1.5 升直列 3 缸插電式油電動力,並強化配備水準及聯網機能,英國市場預皆單價自 32,575 英鎊起 (約合新台幣 122 萬元起)。
記得訂閱追蹤YouTube唷 》》》
7Car →https://reurl.cc/pdQL7d
7Car新聞頻道 →https://reurl.cc/MvnRrm
台灣車文庫 →https://reurl.cc/ar61QQ

transverse 在 Mark Sir 教室 Youtube 的最讚貼文
新一集 《#與區議員一齊運動》, 我們會與 觀塘區議員 ‧ 梁翊婷 Edith Leung 一齊瘦小腿
承接上集,由於同樣沒有定點減肥 (Spot Reduction) 這回事,首先要做的仍然是體重管理,其次是飲食上需要減鹽減糖,避免下身水腫
這裡補充一點:跑步,特別是慢速的耐力跑,偏向使用 Type 1 Muscle Fibre 慢肌肌肉纖維,不易使小腿變粗,反而是瘦身法寶
第三點,則是跑姿方面:集中於轉髖、 Hamstring 膕繩肌收縮,可減少對小腿的依賴;過高的鞋跟亦會逼使小腿長時間用力,如平日多穿高跟鞋,則更容易感到小腿腫脹
另外,骨盤前傾、股四頭肌偏緊造成的 Knee Hyperextension 膝超伸,會促使小腿與大腿鬥力,這往往係下腹 Transverse Abdominis 腹橫肌懶惰、不懂用力的結果
最後,平常講的小腿肥大,多數係指後方的 Gastrocnemius 腓腸肌 與 Soleus 比目魚肌。 除了拉筋以後,強化 Tibialis Anterior 脛前肌的練習 ( 包括 Toe Raise 舉腳趾 與 Heel Walk 腳跟步 ) 都係有用的功課,有助平衡前後、防止受傷

transverse 在 Herman Yeung Youtube 的最讚貼文
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transverse 在 transverse - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 的相關結果
transverse · 查看更多. KK[trænsˋvɝs]; DJ[trænsˋvə:s]. 美式. adj. 橫向的;橫斷的;橫切的;【數】橫截的. n. 橫向物;橫軸;橫斷面;【數】橫截軸 ... ... <看更多>
transverse 在 transverse direction - 橫向 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 的相關結果
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transverse 在 transverse中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
transverse 的例句. transverse. Characterization of the beam emerging from the injector included measurements of the intensity profile, beam imaging, and ... ... <看更多>