1. Malaysia is deeply saddened and disappointed by the war crime and violent attack by the Israelites against Palestinians which obviously violates the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention. The heartless and cruelty of the Israeli’s regime of violence and widespread bombing has clearly violated the international law, human rights law, international humanitarian law and the Charter of the United Nation.
2. As I follow closely with the latest developments and news updates in Palestine, I am deeply disturbed and devastated to know that until now, the UN Security Council has not issued any statement on the current situation in Palestine even after reports by the Palestinian Health Ministry on the innocent and brutal death of 213 Palestinians and 1,500 civilians greatly injured in the attacks. Why is the UNSC ignoring this? Why are the Palestinians getting murdered daily in the land that belonged to their ancestors? It is only natural for them to defend their land and home from the attacks of the Israeli militaries’ attempt in forcefully expelling the residents from Sheikh Jarrah’s neighbourhood. Palestinians are not terrorist. Palestinians are human beings and all humans have the right to live freely without fear. Innocent children in Gaza should not be killed and must be protected at all cost.
3. The international community especially the UN Security Council should act swiftly in compelling Israel to stop its oppressive and violent attacks on Palestine. The cruel and despicable actions of the Israeli military, without a slight hint of compassion and mercy for Palestinians must be strongly condemned not only in Malaysia but also the rest of the world. This is not an issue of religion. A person doesn’t have to be a Muslim in order to stand and support Palestine. This is a worldwide issue and plight. We must collectively stand together in voicing out our repugnance on this wicked crime by Israel.
4. The Malaysian government has also reiterated their stand in consistently giving their strong political, economical and moral support to Palestine. Malaysia will also continue to support all efforts for a peaceful, just and lasting solution through negotiation involving all relevant parties based on international laws and the relevant UN resolutions.
5. I stand in solidarity and support in saving Palestine from the hands of tyrants. I condemn the Israeli attacks against Palestinians and call for Israel to immediately stop its aggression across the territory of Palestine. Don’t lose hope, Palestine. We mourn with you. We cry with you. We stand with you. We are praying for you. We are with you until the end.
Ainie Haziqah
EXCO Srikandi BERSATU Malaysia
Versi Bahasa Melayu
1. Malaysia berdukacita dan kecewa dengan jenayah perang dan serangan ganas oleh pihak Israel terhadap Palestin yang jelas melanggar Konvensyen Geneva Keempat 1949. Perilaku tidak berperikemanusiaan dan kekejaman rejim keganasan Israel serta pengeboman besar-besaran jelas melanggar undang-undang antarabangsa, hak asasi manusia, kemanusiaan dan Piagam Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB).
2. Saya mengikuti perkembangan terkini berita di Palestin, sejak bulan suci Ramadan hingga Aidilfitri dan saya sangat sedih serta kecewa mengetahui bahawa sehingga kini, Majlis Keselamatan PBB (UNSC) belum mengeluarkan kenyataan mengenai keadaan semasa di Palestin walaupun setelah laporan Kementerian Kesihatan Palestin mengumumkan kematian 213 orang Palestin dan 1,500 orang awam tercedera dalam serangan itu. Mengapa UNSC mengabaikan perkara ini? Bagaimana nasib anak-anak Palestin yang tidak bersalah menjadi mangsa kezaliman ini? Mengapa mereka dibunuh setiap hari disebabkan tindakan keji tentera Israel di tanah milik nenek moyang mereka? Tindakan mereka yang mempertahankan tanah dan kediaman mereka adalah wajar bagi membalas tindakan tentera Israel yang secara paksa mengusir penduduk Palestin dari kawasan Sheikh Jarrah untuk membina penempatan haram orang Yahudi. Palestin bukan pengganas. Palestin adalah manusia dan mereka berhak untuk hidup bebas tanpa rasa takut. Kanak-kanak di Gaza tidak boleh dibunuh. Semua orang awam, pelarian, kanak-kanak, wartawan dan pekerja media mesti dilindungi dengan apa cara sekalipun.
3. Komuniti antarabangsa terutama Majlis Keselamatan PBB harus bertindak pantas dalam memaksa Israel menghentikan serangan yang menindas dan zalim ke atas Palestin. Ini bukan masalah antara agama dan tidak perlu menjadi Muslim untuk menyokong Palestin. Ini adalah isu sejagat. Kita harus bersama dalam menyuarakan bantahan terhadap kezaliman oleh Israel ini. Kerajaan Malaysia juga mengulangi pendirian mereka secara konsisten bagi memberikan sokongan politik, ekonomi dan moral secara padu kepada Palestin.
4. Malaysia akan terus menyokong segala usaha untuk penyelesaian yang damai dan adil melalui rundingan yang melibatkan semua pihak yang berkepentingan berdasarkan undang-undang antarabangsa dan resolusi PBB yang relevan.
5. Saya bersolidariti dan menyatakan sokongan untuk menyelamatkan Palestin daripada kezaliman Israel. Saya mengutuk serangan Israel terhadap Palestin dan menyeru mereka menghentikan segera pencerobohan di seluruh wilayah Palestin. Jangan putus asa, Palestin. Kami menyokong Palestin. Kami menangis bersama Palestin. Kami berdiri bersama Palestin. Kami sentiasa mendoakan Palestin. Selamanya kami bersama Palestin.
Ainie Haziqah
EXCO Srikandi BERSATU Malaysia
同時也有41部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅偉恩Wayn,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【 偉恩 Wayn 】 大家好我是偉恩 Wayn,目前是電狼娛樂的實況主,主要會在YouTube開遊戲實況,也會在傳說對決擔任賽評,大家可以多多關注我! 遊玩遊戲會以 傳說對決 激鬥峽谷為主,會與大家分享攻略、賽事心得與角色分析,偶爾也會嘗試其他MOBA類型或是即時對戰遊戲,如果有推薦的遊戲歡迎...
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上報國際圈 #英國 #停火 #疫苗 #疫情 #接種
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Proud To Represent Malaysia To Speak At The ASEAN Youth 2020 Virtual Event Tmr ;)
See You All Upcoming Young Ones from ASEAN !!!
#Repost @auscu
• • • • • •
“Workshop 3A: Fostering Diplomacy in ASEAN Youths: Introducing Diplomacy to Youths as a Tool to Improve Communication and Establish a Diverse and Global Network.”.
Here are the incredible and diverse panel of speakers that you will be meeting on the 11th of December.
During this session, delegates will be able to see and understand diplomacy from multiple perspectives and learn how to implement appropriate diplomatic skills in various contexts.
Speakers 🗣️
Dr. Soo Wincci
Miss World Malaysia 2008, PhD holder, recording artist, celebrity chef, named one of the Top 100 most beautiful women in the world by Hollywood's Independent Critics and currently holds 3 records in the Malaysian Book of Records.
Raditya Kusumaningprang
1st Secretary UNSC Task Force, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia, Former Permanent Mission of Indonesia to ASEAN staff
Nguyễn Đồng Anh
Council Member, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam
This workshop will be held on:
📆: 11th December 2020
⏰: 10:15-11:45am (GMT+7)
📍: AUSCU Zoom
unsc 在 偉恩Wayn Youtube 的最佳貼文
【 偉恩 Wayn 】
大家好我是偉恩 Wayn,目前是電狼娛樂的實況主,主要會在YouTube開遊戲實況,也會在傳說對決擔任賽評,大家可以多多關注我!
遊玩遊戲會以 傳說對決 激鬥峽谷為主,會與大家分享攻略、賽事心得與角色分析,偶爾也會嘗試其他MOBA類型或是即時對戰遊戲,如果有推薦的遊戲歡迎介紹給我哦!
【 找到偉恩 】
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【 更多小檔案 】
- 生日 : 1996/09/09
- 身高/體重 : 178 / 65
- 傳說ID : 偉恩 Wayn
- 賽事成績 :
2017 城市賽S1 高雄站 冠軍
2017 S1 總決賽 亞軍
2017 城市賽S2 台北站 冠軍
2017 S2總決賽 總決賽 冠軍
2017 TOG 東南亞區域總決賽 亞軍
2018 GCS 職業聯賽 季軍
2018 AIC 國際賽 八強
2020 GCS 職業聯賽 季軍
2020 APL國際賽 世界冠軍
【 關於贊助 】
- 斗內方式︰歐付寶
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unsc 在 れじぇくん Youtube 的精選貼文
Music: TheFatRat - Jackpot
The Arcadium

unsc 在 龍神オルステッド Youtube 的最佳貼文
10.戦艦オータム:The Pillar of Autumn(ザ・ピラー・オブ・オータム)

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The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations (UN), charged with ensuring international peace and ... ... <看更多>
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