美國和台灣專家自豪地聯手對抗高居美國與台灣所有癌症死亡率之冠的恐怖肺癌!美國國家衛生研究所國家癌症研究所分部主任施倫普博士(David Schrump)和對擁護美台關係的已故國會議員索拉茲的遺孀妮娜索拉茲(Nina Solarz)啟動了由美國國家癌症研究所和國立陽明大學及臺北榮民總醫院共同成立的癌症研究實驗室。專家希望探討亞洲和北美癌症患者潛在腫瘤的顯著特徵, 使我們離找到治癒方法又近了一步。相關媒體報導請見: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/201903050176.aspx
#CombatLungCancer #USNationalCancerInstitute #NationalYangMingUniversity #TaipeiVeteranGeneralHospital #AITat40Celebration #USTaiwanRelations #StrongFoundationBrightFuture
U.S. and Taiwan experts are now proudly joining forces to combat a terrible disease, lung cancer, a leading cause of cancer death in US and Taiwan. The U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute (NCI) Branch Chief Dr. David Schrump and Nina Solarz, spouse of the late congressman Stephen J. Solarz who championed U.S.-Taiwan relations, launched a joint cancer research lab conducted by NCI, National Yang Ming University and Taipei Veteran General Hospital. Experts hope studying the distinct features of underlying neoplasms in Asian and North American cancer patients could bring us a step closer to finding a cure. Read the related news: https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/201903050176.aspx