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Oct 1, 2020 - A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats. https://webgradients.comShare you Love:You can say thank ... ... <看更多>
... 其他推薦- WebGradients - [https://webgradients.com/](https://webgradients.com/?fbclid=IwAR2prTHsFrMVVN9rSOq4f0M2xUUrlm2FehnWVcoLlvLhzbbrd72bjyJX0io) ... ... <看更多>
#1. Fresh Background Gradients | WebGradients.com
Come to WebGradients.com for 180 beautiful linear gradients in CSS3, Photoshop and Sketch. This collection is curated by top designers and totally free.
#2. WebGradients 收錄180 種漸層背景免費下載,一鍵產生CSS 3 ...
WebGradients 是一個收錄180 個線性漸變背景免費集合的網站,你可以從這裡挑選網站背景,利用產生的CSS 語法將它快速套用到你網站的任何部分。WebGradients 讓使用者能 ...
#3. WebGradients - Awwwards Nominee
WebGradients is a huge gradients collection loved by 190,000+ around the world. We've prepared Sketch, PSD and CSS3 versions for you.
#4. 還在找免費漸層背景嗎?美工設計 - Mayday麥帶先生
WebGradients 是180個線性漸變的免費集合,您可以將其用作網站任何部分的內容背景。輕鬆複製CSS3跨瀏覽器代碼,稍後使用!我們還為每個漸變準備了.PNG版本。
#5. 【webgradients】180個唯美漸層色設計,可下載為PNG背景圖 ...
webgradients 提供了180個漂亮的漸層顏色提案,可以一鍵複製CSS,也可以將漸層背景儲存成為PNG檔案,影像製作者也可以參考他的色碼來做出漂亮的漸層, ...
Meet the easy-to-use and powerful functional gradient plugin that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website it in a ...
#7. WebGradients 配好的180個漸層色彩,隨你取用 - 關鍵應用
漸層色較單一顏色來的有層次感,也深受美工人員的愛用,要用CSS 做出漸層色,不難,但難在顏色如何搭配,這讓人很傷腦筋的,WebGradients 這個網站 ...
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website. Easy copy CSS3 crossbrowser ...
#9. itmeo/webgradients: A curated collection of splendid ... - GitHub
PSD formats. - GitHub - itmeo/webgradients: A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats.
#10. WebGradients – 提供180种渐变配色灵感的网站 - 设计达人
<html> <head> <link href="webgradients.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> ... STEP 2: 给元素加入class 即可,class 名称就是渐变色的名,比如007 Sunny ...
#11. 質感漸層配色設計參考網– WebGradients | 店小二日記
WebGradients 裡一共收錄了180組質感漸層配色,方便作為網頁設計/ 平時繪圖創作時的背景配色參考,。 → WebGradients.
#12. Webgradients by itmeo.com (PSD) | Gradient, Color ... - Pinterest
Oct 1, 2020 - A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats. https://webgradients.comShare you Love:You can say thank ...
#13. 色彩工具 WebGradients - 羊毛氈手創館
WebGradients 是一個收錄180 個漸層背景色的集合網站, 你可以從這裡挑選想要使用的漸層色組合, 每個漸層色圓圈下方點擊都能下載CSS 語法,將它快速 ...
#14. Webgradients- 提供好看的漸層配色並提供CSS code 的網站
Webgradients 是一個提供好看的漸層配色的網站,而且只要點選右下角的Copy CSS 就可以把css 複製回去使用。
#15. 網站趨勢收集Web Trend Collection - Facebook
... 其他推薦- WebGradients - [https://webgradients.com/](https://webgradients.com/?fbclid=IwAR2prTHsFrMVVN9rSOq4f0M2xUUrlm2FehnWVcoLlvLhzbbrd72bjyJX0io) ...
#16. WebGradients | Qt GUI 6.2.0 - Qt Documentation Snapshots
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients. Used in Qt GUI to provide presets for QGradient. The sources can be found in qt5/qtbase/util/ ...
#17. 學習資源 - utaipei.tw
Come to WebGradients.com for 180 beautiful linear gradients in CSS3, Photoshop and Sketch. This collection is curated by top designers and totally free.
#18. Fresh Background Gradients | WebGradients.com - Muzli Search
Muzli Search is a tool for finding great design, illustration, photography, mobile, color palettes, and digital design inspiration.
#19. Webgradients - Dribbble
Discover 5 Webgradients designs on Dribbble. ... Animated Emoji in Webgradients gradients inspiration freebie free download psd sketch web animation ui kit.
#20. Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding on Behance
Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative work.
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#22. Web Gradients (@webgradients) • Instagram photos and videos
48 Followers, 12 Following, 11 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Web Gradients (@webgradients)
#23. 「#webgradients」精選文章Top10懶人包 - 波波黛莉
#24. WebGradients - Free Background Gradients - Theme-UI
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 free background gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#25. WebGradients-WebGradients官网:180种渐变配色灵感网站 - 导航
WebGradients 是180个线性渐变的免费集合,您可以将其用作网站任何部分的内容背景。轻松复制CSS3跨浏览器代码,稍后使用!我们还准备了每个渐变的.PNG版本。
#26. tailwindcss-webgradients - npm
Tailwind CSS plugin that adds the gradients from https://webgradients.com as background gradients.
#27. 好站連結- 廣告設計科- 教學單位 - 能仁家商
具有品質的配色網站WebGradients. 網站地址: https://webgradients.com/. 畫ICON找靈感必備IconFinder. 網站地址: https://www.iconfinder.com/. 綜合資源網站Pond5.
#28. WebGradients - One Page Website Award
Very useful (super long) One Pager hosting a ton of beautiful color gradients by the team over at itmeo. Really dig how its all free with an ...
#29. WebGradients 免費下載180個網頁線性漸變效果,CSS3
WebGradients 免費下載180個網頁線性漸變效果,CSS3. 設計網站或平面設計, 單一色調總是覺得太過單調. 但要使用漸漸, 又要麻煩一個一個的測試效果.
#30. Gitee 极速下载/ webgradients
WebGradients 是以CSS3,.sketch 和.PSD 格式制作的精美渐变色集合.
#31. 還在找免費漸層背景嗎?美工設計 - Matters
,稍後使用!我們還為每個漸變準備了.PNG版本。 作為獎勵,有適用於Sketch & Photoshop的包裝 。 WebGradients ...
#32. 色票-實用網站- 9-WebGradients.png @ Judy Wang 的相簿
色票-實用網站 · 上一張 下一張. 9-WebGradients.png. 9-WebGradients.png. x0.
#33. WebGradients_渐变色生成工具 - 设计派
WebGradients 免费收集有超过180个渐变背景,你可以使用作为内容背景在你的网站的任何部分。 Free collection of 180 background gradients that you ...
#34. Webgradients - A curated collection of splendid gradients ...
Webgradients is an open source software project. A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats..
#35. #webgradients hashtag on Twitter
See Tweets about #webgradients on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation.
#36. WebGradients配色_设计网站 - 设计蛙
Fresh Background Gradients | WebGradients.com 馃拵Come to WebGradients.com for 180 beautiful linear gradients in CSS3, P.
#37. WebGradients - The Designership
Learn about WebGradients. The Designership provides courses and premium resources to help you become a highly demanded UI, UX, Web Designer, ...
#38. webgradients | Index导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#39. 還在找免費漸層背景嗎?美工設計 - YuHong Chien
WebGradients 是180個線性漸變的免費集合,您可以將其用作網站任何部分的內容背景。輕鬆複製CSS3跨瀏覽器代碼,稍後使用!我們還為每個漸變準備了.
#40. WebGradients | Best Web Design Tools
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website. Just copy the CSS code.
#41. WebGradients:快速尋找漸層背景UI靈感! - 萌芽網頁
#42. webgradients | 九亿导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#43. 180個線性漸層色集合小天地 - 達人幫幫忙
WebGradients 是180個線性漸變的免費集合,可以將這個用在網站任何部分的內容背景。輕鬆複製CSS3跨瀏覽器代碼,還為每個漸變準備了.
#44. WebGradients-180種漸層背景免費使用--元盛網頁設計
從180個漸層背景中挑選出喜歡的,用下載或是複製CSS語法的方式,就能將漸層應用在設計或網頁上:. 點選漸層色右下方的「Copy css」,複製下的語法會像 ...
#45. uiGradients - Beautiful colored gradients
A handpicked collection of beautiful color gradients for designers and developers.
#46. WebGradients - 提供180种渐变配色灵感的网站 - 简书
今天和大家分享拥有180种渐变配色方案的网站:Web Gradients,此网站特色不仅提供漂亮的渐变配色,而且还有更多格式选择,比如PSD, Sketch, PNG 以及.
#47. Web Gradients - Curated collection of 180 free ... - Product Hunt
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#48. WebGradients - An Online Library of 180+ Linear Gradients in ...
WebGradients offers a free library of gradients you can browse through and dig up cool ideas. These are totally free and they all include ...
#49. 色彩WebGradients 拥有180个漂亮渐变的着色收集工具 - 格物者
#50. Web Gradients for Sketch and Photoshop - YouTube
Welcome to https://webgradients.comThis stunning collection contains Sketch and Photoshop gradient packs ...
#51. 漸變配色網站webgradients - 每日頭條
不知道給圖片或PPT背景怎樣配色的朋友們有福了,今天給大家介紹一個非常實用的網站webgradients,這個網站提供了180種漸變配色方案,想要那種配色方案 ...
#52. WebGradients - Divergent Thinking
Free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website. Easy copy CSS3 crossbrowser code.
#53. 180+ Gradient Colors In Pure CSS3 - webgradients | CSS Script
webgradients is a lightweight CSS library which provides 180+ linear-gradient colors for backgrounds, text and anywhere you want.
#54. Useful Design Tool: WebGradients.com - abdz
Here's a tool if you're into having a handy and useful design tool and palette of gradients, meet WebGradients.com.
#55. webgradients | 主机列表
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#56. webgradients - 网新导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#57. webgradients - 前端印记
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#58. itmeo/webgradients - githubmemory
itmeo/webgradients. Make software development more efficient. Extras. FAQ. © githubmemory 2020. All rights reserved. Yes, all of them.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#61. Top 77 Similar websites like webgradients.com and alternatives
come to webgradients.com for 180 beautiful linear gradients in css3, photoshop and sketch. this collection is curated by top designers and totally free.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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WebGradients · ColorSpace · Grabient · coolhue · uiGradients · Khroma · CSS GEARS · CSS Gradient.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#65. webgradients | 维基导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#66. webgradients | 秋林导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#67. webgradients | 小鱼儿主页大全
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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#71. webgradients - 千度导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#72. Webgradients.com Traffic Ranking & Marketing Analytics
webgradients.com is ranked #360 in the Computers Electronics and Technology/Graphics Multimedia and Web Design category and #283295 Globally.
#73. AdBlock-Gradients – 下載 Firefox 擴充套件(zh-TW)
下載Firefox 上的AdBlock-Gradients。Replace #Ads with nice gradients from https://github.com/itmeo/webgradients Works on: #Pinterest ...
#74. WebGradients – Resources For Designer
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website. Easy copy CSS3 crossbrowser ...
#75. WebGradients 配好的180個漸層色彩,隨你取用
漸層色較單一顏色來的有層次感,也深受美工人員的愛用,要用CSS 做出漸層色,不難,但難在顏色如何搭配,這讓人很傷腦筋的,WebGradients 這個網站 ...
#76. WebGradients - 设计狮
首页 > 配色方案 > WebGradients 日期:2021-03-22. WebGradients (webgradients.com). 180个线性渐变的免费集合. 官网地址:webgradients.com. 浏览量:208.
#77. webgradients.com code example | Newbedev
webgradients.com code example. Example 1: uigradients. background: #0f2027; /* fallback for old browsers */ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, ...
#78. webgradients | Loli喵-导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#79. webgradients | 云搜导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#80. webgradients | 52网址导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#81. WebGradients | 渐变色
WebGradients. 简单而强大,包含180种新鲜的背景渐变,可以用Sketch,PSD,CSS和PNG格式很好地使用。 链接直达 手机查看. 广告也精彩. 180个线性渐变的免费集合,您 ...
#82. APP流行渐变色不会搭配,就来webgradients网站拿吧 - 25学堂
今天学堂跟大家推荐一个非常不错的流行渐变色搭配网站:webgradients.com 该网站已经帮我们整理出了180种最流行的渐变色,可以应用到我们的UI设计...
#83. webgradients | 7号营销资源
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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站内; 百度; 谷歌; 360; 必应; 搜狗. 0. 0. webgradients. itmeo旗下180个漂亮渐变色模板. 链接直达. 随机网址. iconsfeed ...
#86. WebGradients - 怪兽导航
官方网址:https://webgradients.com/. SEO查询: 爱站网 站长工具 · 进入网站. 站点介绍. 了解CSS3、Photoshop和Sketch中180个美丽的线性渐变。
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webgradients.com. 咸鱼不鲜采集到background/背景纹路. 103 Midnight Bloom.png (2400×2000). 咸鱼不鲜 采集到. background/背景纹路. 添加评论.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
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WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#90. webgradients | PPT导航
#91. webgradients | 牛六网
webgradients. WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website. 链接直达 手机查看.
#92. webgradients - CodePen
webgradients · e. Follow. Love Run. Pen Editor Menu. Settings. Change View. Use Left Layout Use Top Layout Use Right Layout.
#93. webgradients | lienpeng
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#94. 數位狂潮DigiTrend雜誌9─10月號2020第63期
30 ShapeFactory 31 WebGradients 進入ShapeFactory後,點選你想使用的功能,成果可以匯出.svg、.sketch、.ase格式。連結網址:https://shapefactory.co/ □連結 ...
#95. webgradients | 梦诚导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
#96. 【免费】180种渐变色配色方案,一键生成CSS代码 - 蜂库
「Webgradients」为设计师提供了UI背景渐变配色,目前共收录了180个渐变配色方案,可轻松生成CSS3代码,复制后即可使用。「Webgradients」还可将渐变 ...
#97. Webgradients / Fresh Background Gradients - GetSiteIndices ...
Webgradients.com has Alexa global rank of 104,206 and ranks the 65,078th in India. Its global rank has gone down by 5,342 positions since 3 months ago.
#98. webgradients | 多啦导航
WebGradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients that you can use as content backdrops in any part of your website.
webgradients 在 itmeo/webgradients: A curated collection of splendid ... - GitHub 的推薦與評價
PSD formats. - GitHub - itmeo/webgradients: A curated collection of splendid gradients made in CSS3, .sketch and .PSD formats. ... <看更多>