“Whisky, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it’s time to drink.”
No man can rob us of our free will (to gaze, to drink or not to drink).
對於在獨裁政府管治下、沒言論或集會或任何真正自由的大陸,必須翻牆到 FB / IG 或移民成為僑民才能行使言論及集會自由、卻只懂罵香港人爭取自由民主的五毛,我想說的是:「A slave thou art, free speech is not for thee.」Nei hai slave, yin lun freedom ng arm nei. You save d lah.
#Quote #MarcusAurelius #WithATwist
#WhiskyWisdom #HarukiMurakami #CaolIla #Islay #IslayWhisky #IslaySingleMalt
whiskywisdom 在 丹尼爾 vs 陳恩能 Facebook 的最佳貼文
“Never delay kissing a pretty girl or opening a bottle of whiskey.”
So, where is that pretty girl!?
#WhiskyWisdom #Islay #IslayWhisky #IslaySingleMalt #Bowmore #ErnestHemingway #Quote
whiskywisdom 在 丹尼爾 vs 陳恩能 Facebook 的最讚貼文
羅馬帝王哲學家曾說,沒有什麼比豺狼那虛偽的友誼更可恥,我們都應避免這種友誼。Nothing is more disgraceful than a wolfish friendship. Avoid this most of all.
#WhiskyWisdom #Islay #IslayWhisky #IslaySingleMalt #Laphroaig #MarcusAurelius #Quote #WithATwist