上一上美國編劇工會(WGA)網站,開份基本編劇須知(What Every Writer Needs to Know)嚟睇,你會發現,人地第一頁已經寫明:嚴禁「比稿」。
「比稿」即係Speculative Work,全寫係「比(僱主無限期剝削,直至寫到佢滿意嘅)稿」,即係老細一日唔過橋,你都冇錢收。
Know the Assignment (第一步:傾清楚工作內容)
1. Before you are employed, you should clarify with the Company the writing services you are being hired to
perform. The Company must tell you the number of writing "steps" and the amount of money you are to be
paid for each step. (Article 13.B.7., Working Rule #4) For example, know up front if you will be asked to write
a separate story, or if you will go directly to teleplay.
2. The Company may not ask you to perform any services for which payment is contingent upon the
acceptance or approval of the material. This is prohibited "speculative writing." (Article 20.B., Working Rule
#14) For example, the producer may not say "Write up the story and, if I like it, I'll pay for it."
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Lakonan semula untuk cinta monyet tahun 2016. Aku pun tak de buat macam ni dulu. Sedutan Wanita Hari Ini edisi 2 Februari 2016. @mirafilzah_ @ADPadiputra punya pendapat dalam slot ni pun aku setuju. Jelasnya aku memang tak sempat merasakan detik² percintaan ini.
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