This is how we spent our 17th wedding anniversary...designing our dream kitchen for our new home #TheOldForgeCottage 🏡 It’s been many years since we worked on a mega project together. In the past, we used to be working together a lot. We have always loved working together and we make a good pair when we put our heads together and let our power combine!
Unfortunately, when my wife’s health deteriorated many years back, we had to put a full stop to all of it. But this time, with the blessings from The Almighty, we got to work together again. And this time for our very own dream home - Alhamdulillah.
Looking back to how she was a few weeks back, not able to speak, not able to eat, it’s almost impossible to imagine us working together again, ever. But when Allah says “Kun” (Be) then nothing is impossible. It’s truly a miracle from Allah that has drastically restored her condition to where she is today. Of course, she hasn’t fully recovered. But those who know my wife would know how strong a fighter she is - bless her warrior soul! InshaAllah one day, Allah’s miracle may heal her completely.
All praise is due to Allah and Allah alone for blessing us with the opportunity to sit down and work together again, doing things that we love the most - getting creative! Here is a sneak peek from our kitchen design session today. This is only the initial design, not yet finalised. We will be sharing more updates about our new humble abode from time to time. Hopefully you’re not going to get bored of it.
To my wife, thank you for being strong and not giving up for me and the children. I love you more than words can define, feelings can express and thoughts can imagine. We are a team and there is no”we” without U. It will be “uwe” or “weu”. My most brilliant achievement in life is persuading you to marry me. But I never put that on my CV!
And on this blessed day, I humbly put my hands together to request all of you to kindly pray for my beloved wife and our family. And in return, I pray to God to reward all of you abundantly for all of your kindness.
17 years and counting and to many more beautiful years together, 1st February 2004 - 1st February 2021 - till Jannah...
#WrittenByMrDad 🤍
writtenbymrdad 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
My darling wife...
If Jannah was a flower,
I would pick it for you.
If Jannah was a bird,
I would catch it for you.
If Jannah was a house,
I’d built it for you.
But since Jannah is a place no eye has ever seen,
I make du’a to Allah to reserve it especially for you 🤍
Your Husband - Mr Dad
p/s: Thank you to each and every one of you for kindly praying tirelessly for my beloved wife and the mother of our 3 children - Mrs Mom. Alhamdulillah, she is one strong fighter! May The Almighty shower you all with His countless blessings on this blessed day and may He reward you all abundantly for all of your endless kindness. Salaam from our family to yours...
writtenbymrdad 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Thank you to each and every one of you for your kind wishes and prayers on our beloved daughter Fatimah’s 7th birthday. Words can’t describe our appreciation. We are truly humbled and our family is beyond blessed to be surrounded by so many loving people like all of you! We let Fatimah read all of your lovely comments, DMs and messages by herself and she was overwhelmed with happiness by it. She was truly touched. She even had tears in her eyes - bless her!
We just wish that we could reply to each and every one of you personally, but of course, it’s impossible to do so. So we thought that there was no better way to give our thanks than this appreciation post, which is specially dedicated to all of you wonderful people out there! May The Almighty bless you and reward you all abundantly for all of your kindness.
Sorry we haven’t been actively replying to your comments, DMs, messages and even phone calls since Mrs Mom got ill. I’m trying my best to hold the fort and keep you all updated while juggling with 1001 other things at the same time. But don’t worry, 17 years of marriage and 3 kids later, I’m officially a professional juggler! 😉 Please kindly remember to keep my beloved wife - Mrs Mom - in your prayers. InshaAllah, she will be back to be with you all very soon…
Yours sincerely,
Mr Dad
#AppreciationPost 💌