Video - Sunday is ArtsCraft Day !
Tasha just loves painting and drawing . She’s a right-brain person which explains her being left handed . That’s make her unique as 10% of the world population are left handed .
It’s important for me to make her use both hemispheres of the brain rather just one sided . We train her to be able to write on both hands , to do lots of Maths exercise and continue what she does best - sketching and painting . By covering both brain hemispheres she will have the advantage on skills in later life . If you have kids who are left handed do encourage them to be skillful using both hands . It’s certainly an advantage ...
Let me know if you guys are a leftie too as that makes you special ....
Good Morning Everyone .... 😀
PS - Bella is a good artist herself . Not sure where the girls got the gift from as both parents can’t even draw a proper fish ....
Love As Always ....