【哥斯大黎加】不知道是不是人生已體驗太多項活動,對於 C/P值這件事越來越嚴格😂 阿雷納爾區有許多戶外活動,大部分我們在紐西蘭都玩過了,除了 waterfall rappling 之外😊 這個活動跟「岩壁垂降 abseiling」很像,只不過是在瀑布上做同樣的事💧 能夠從五十五米的瀑布下來,聽起來是不是很酷?只可惜對我們來說每人 USD$85 有點小貴,好玩程度大概值USD$55吧😆
首先這項體驗共有四座瀑布, 沒想到第一座瀑布就是最高的 55米!所以後期的就沒那麼刺激😅 簡介上說我們「攀岩」但也只是一面小小的牆... 唯一讓我哇一下的就是 Zip-line(但程度絕對沒有滑過整個山谷...)接著讓你掉下 27米的水池讓你全身濕透😝
之後的 Rappling 瀑布分別是 26米,一面石牆 6米,瀑布 29米,就這樣不到兩個小時全部結束完畢!玩完好空虛啊😂 我猜想這項體驗需要很多員工,所以才會比較貴。 不過午餐帶我們去他們公司的「總部」吃飯,看起來根本是渡假村啊!也許錢其實是花在這裡也不一定 😂 總而言之,沒體驗過的人還是要來玩一次啦😆 #哥斯大黎加 #戶外運動 #要求太高的人
Ps. 紐西蘭的岩壁垂降一百公尺,還可以在一堆鐘乳石洞中爬來爬去,連 Tom Cruise 拍《最後武士》時都玩了七次😆 這個才是永生難忘的體驗❤️ 延伸閱讀↪ https://wp.me/p5lkw8-vP 👍
There are some activities that seems to be much more exciting on paper than it is in real life😆 Well... Rappling down a waterfall was one of them😑
Paid USD$85pp to abseil down a 55M waterfall in La Fortuna💧We then climbed a TINY side of the canyon wall which advertised as "rock climb in a beautiful rain forest slot canyon"😑
Did a short zip line before got dropped 27M into a pool to make us completely wet💧Definitely wasn't ziplining across the canyon though🤔
We then rappled down narrow 26M waterfall, a 6M dry wall and 29M waterfall and THAT WAS IT! It all finished within two hours which we felt was not worth the money🙄 Zip-lining at Monteverde was sooo much better❤️
Ps. This is an album to upload the remaining photos from La Fortuna, so my tiny fish brain won't forget about what happened😆 #costarica #adventurecontinues #backpackinghoneymoon
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