No.3 #美國911事件
🛩When al Qaeda terrorists flew jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, they delivered an unprecedented shock to the nation’s sense of security and its economy. Commercial aviation was grounded for three days. The destruction to lower Manhattan closed the stock markets. Heightened security slowed trade with Canada and Mexico to a crawl. Nervous shoppers stayed away from stores and malls.
-unprecedented: 前所未見的(最近很常出現的用字!)
-ground: 常見用法是名詞為地板,此做動詞是禁足、限制的意思
-crawl: 爬行,此作名詞使用
🛩Economists predicted the attacks would tip a slowing economy into recession. People would be more reluctant to fly, work in a tall building or base their office in New York City.
-tip: 使傾倒,這邊是個很生動的用法,搭配介係詞into,表示將當時已經搖搖欲墜經濟給再推了下,推入衰退中,這也是近期在專欄中第二次出現的字了!
reluctant: 不情願的
📉But the U.S. bounced back remarkably quickly. It was later determined that a recession triggered by the technology bust had begun six months before the attacks and ended two months afterward.
-bounce back: 反彈
-determine: 確定、查明
-trigger: 作名詞是槍上的板機,動詞則引申為觸發之意
*technology bust: 又名為Dot-com bubble,網路泡沫,從1995年開始至2000年三月到達高點,期間納斯達克指數大漲400%,2000年三月後開始回跌,到2002年十月時將泡沫期間的漲幅全數吐回。
🚀One reason was the aggressive policy response. The day the markets reopened, the Fed and its counterparts in the Eurozone, Canada and Sweden all slashed rates. Low rates inspired auto manufacturers to roll out zero percent financing, sending sales skyrocketing. Fears of terrorism faded when new attacks didn’t materialize.
-slash: 名詞就是斜槓,動詞可以想像就是畫一條斜線,有砍下去的意思,因此搭配rates(利率)就是降息的意思喔!
-roll out: 推出、實施(新的方案等)
skyrocket: 飛向天空的火箭,做動詞用就是有如火箭升空一般,表示迅速飆漲、飛昇
💵Within two weeks Congress approved $40 billion for emergency rebuilding and defense and $5 billion in cash assistance and up to $10 billion in loan guarantees to airlines. Both parties agreed more stimulus was needed but negotiations soon bogged down over its composition. When a package worth $51 billion over one year and $94 billion over five years finally passed in March, a recovery was already well under way.
-approve: 通過、核可
-bog down: 阻礙、攔阻
-composition: 本為作曲、作文之意,此處為方案的產出
To be continued…
#開啟搶先看🛎 #關注六大災難專題報導
❓❓Quiz: The outbreak _____ the economy into ______.
A. tip, recession
B. tipped, recession
C. tripped, recess
D. Batman, Spartan
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🏀 Basketball Idioms
『備胎女友rebound girlfriend』原來跟籃球有關😮
1. a slam dunk
2. sth. / sb. + on the rebound
3. full-court press
While James Naismith was Canadian, the physical education teacher invented basketball while working at the Springfield YMCA in Massachusetts, making basketball an American sport. After its invention in 1891, basketball spread quickly across America, and it now the country’s third most popular sport. So just as with baseball and football, there’s no shortage of basketball idioms.
In basketball, a slam dunk is a hard shot to miss. So in everyday life, 📌 a “slam dunk” is a “sure thing”—something that is easy to accomplish or certain to happen. Ex: They found the killer’s prints on the gun, so the case is a slam dunk.
After a missed shot in basketball, there’s still the chance to get a rebound and score. 📌 So if something is “on the rebound,” it means it’s recovering or improving after a difficult time. Ex: After a big drop last week, the stock market is on the rebound.
📌 And if a person is “on the rebound,” it means they’re recovering after a breakup. Ex: Karen refused to date Robert while he was still on the rebound.
A full-court press in basketball is an aggressive defense strategy, 📌 so it has also come to mean any type of aggressive, all-out effort. Ex: If we want to win market share from our competitor, it’s going to take a full-court press.
1⃣physical education:「體育」,簡稱 PE。
3⃣slam dunk:「灌籃」,slam指「猛擊」,dunk指「扣籃」,slam dunk指籃球員將籃球高高舉起,等手與球高度高於籃框後,由上而下將球猛地塞進籃框。
5⃣full-court press:「全場緊迫盯人」,為籃球戰術。court指「(籃)球場」。
籃球中的slam dunk(灌籃)是必然得分的投籃方式,所以,要是說📌某事就跟slam dunk一樣,就是說「當然的事」,即能輕易達成、或必然發生之事。如:They found the killer’s prints on the gun, so the case is a slam dunk.(他們在槍枝上發現了殺手指紋,破案是早晚的事。)
若投球沒有進籃,還是可以搶反彈球rebound得分。因此,如果📌某事物on the rebound,就是指歷經難關之後的復原期,也就是「回升、回穩、恢復中」。如:After a big drop last week, the stock market is on the rebound.(歷經上週重挫,本週股市逐漸回穩。)
要是說📌某人on the rebound,就是指剛失戀,仍處於恢復期,也就是「處於情傷中的」。如:Karen refused to date Robert while he was still on the rebound.(凱倫拒絕跟羅伯約會,因為羅伯還在情傷當中。)
full-court press(全場緊迫盯人,或稱全場防守)是種激進的籃球防守戰術,所以📌這個片語也指各種激進、全力以赴的作為,即「全面出擊、全力壓制」。如:If we want to win market share from our competitor, it’s going to take a full-court press.(如果我們想在市佔上贏過對手,就要全面出擊。)
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🇺🇸全美瘋棒球:Baseball Idioms 棒球用語 Part 2📣
有關棒球的諺語一集實在介紹不完,本週繼續聊與球棒╱球⚾有關的片語 :
1. play hardball
2. throw sb. a curve (ball)
3. right off the bat
Baseball is sometimes called “hardball” because it’s played with a small, hard ball, unlike softball, which is played with a bigger, softer ball. Because hardball is more challenging than softball, 📍“play hardball” means “to be aggressive and do whatever is necessary to achieve a goal.” Ex: If you want a good deal on a new car, you need to play hardball with the dealer.
A curve ball is one of the hardest pitches to hit—it looks like it’s moving in a straight line, and then curves right before the batter tries to hit it. So 📍“throw sb. a curve (ball)” has come to mean “to do sth. unexpected that surprises or confuses sb.” Ex: I hope they don’t throw me any curve balls during the job interview.
As soon as the ball leaves the bat, the batter needs to start running to first base right away. For this reason, 📍“right off the bat” means “right away, immediately.” Ex: I knew right off the bat that Mark and I would be best friends.
棒球也稱hardball,因為棒球所使用的球,跟壘球相比較小又偏硬,也因棒球比壘球更為激烈困難,故📍 play hardball 在商場或政治上使用時,有『採強硬手段;為達目的不擇手段』之意。如:if you want a good deal on a new car, you need to play hardball with the dealer.(如果你要用好價錢買到新車,就得跟車商採強硬手段。)
曲球是投手所投出的一種最難打的球──球像直線飛出去,但在打者要打擊時突然轉彎。因此📍 throw sb. a curve (ball)可指『出其不意刁難某人、給某人出難題』。如:I hope they don’t throw me any curve balls during the job interview.(我希望他們不要在面試的時候出突擊問題。)
當球被打擊出去,打者必須立刻跑向一壘,因此📍right off the bat(球一離開球棒)有『立刻、馬上』的意思,如:I knew right off the bat that Mark and I would be best friends.(我當時馬上知道馬克會成為我的好麻吉。)
1. related:「相關的」,baseball-related「跟棒球相關」。
2. softball:「壘球」,比起棒球(hardball)壘球較大偏軟。
3. dealer:「經銷商、商人」。
4. curve ball:「曲球」,棒球術語,前大聯盟投手王建明除了使用伸卡球,也會搭配曲球使用。
5. pitch:「投球」,可當動詞與名詞,pitcher為「投手」。
6. base:「壘」。
圖片取自:Aspen Photo / Shutterstock.com
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aggressive名詞 在 【單字: aggression (n.) 侵略】 這是ag朝向+ gress步行 的推薦與評價
今天我們要看的單字是: 【單字: aggression (n.) 侵略】 這是ag朝向+ gress步行、前進+sion名詞組成。形容詞aggressive可以正面的形容人很積極,或是負面的形容人有 ... ... <看更多>