1. 所有材料洗淨,黃耳泡水至軟身;哈密瓜去皮去籽切塊。
2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水及全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮1小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
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Soup to relieve constipation
Stress is one of the common causes of constipation. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, being overly emotional and living a sedentary lifestyle can disrupt the circulation of the qi in the body, causing qi stagnation in the large intestines. The stagnation of feces in the bowels leads to constipation.
Other accompanying symptoms include feeling emotional, frequently sighing, hypochondrium distension, breast swelling, and belching. If constipation is stress-related, cut down on spicy food, alcohol, rich-flavored tea, and avoid smoking. Based on the individual body constitution, consume an appropriate amount of ingredients that can soothe the liver and qi, such as white radish, kumquat, dried citrus peel, and rose flower.
We can also consume ingredients that can moisten the intestines and promote bowel movements, such as ripe banana, dragon fruit, papaya, apple, and honey. Above all, in order for us to relieve constipation effectively, we still need to tackle the source of stress.
Tip on the ingredients:
Cantaloupe is cold in nature, can clear summer heat, relieve thirst, and promote diuresis. The flesh is juicy and can clear summer heat effectively. If you feel tired and anxious, cantaloupe can also decrease irritability. Note that those with asthenic cold spleen and stomach should avoid cantaloupe.
Cantaloupe and night-blooming cereus soup with fingered citron
Effects: Regulates qi and stomach, relieves constipation. Suitable for those with stress related constipation and alleviates symptoms such as difficulty passing stool or hard lumpy stools.
Ingredients: 1 cantaloupe, 1-2 night-blooming cereus, 2 yellow fungus, 9g fingered citron, 30g cashew, 15g sweet and bitter almond, 1 dried citrus peel, 3 dried fig
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Soak the yellow fungus into water until softened. Peel and core cantaloupe and cut into pieces. Cut the peeled and pulped pumpkin into pieces. Cut the peeled carrot into pieces. Peel the chestnuts.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add salt to taste.
Individuals with cold body conditions and prone to diarrhea, should limit their consumption of the soup.
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alcohol and spicy food diarrhea 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文
材料:乾霸王花2朵 (或鮮霸王花1-2朵)、老黃瓜1個、海帶60克、花生30克、章魚乾1塊、蜜棗2枚
1. 所有材料洗淨,章魚乾切條,霸王花用水泡洗乾淨後切段;海帶泡水15分鐘;老黃瓜切塊
2. 2. 鍋中加入2500毫升水,放入全部材料,海帶連水加入鍋中,武火煮至水滾,隨個人喜好把海帶取出,調文火煮2小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
3. 注意:脾胃虛寒者容易腹瀉不宜飲用。
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Clear heat and dampness to clear your eye boogers
Eye boogers are the discharge from the eyes. They are mainly made up of fats, tears and dusts. It is normal if they appear occasionally, but we need to take note of it if the frequency increases.
Chinese Medicine opined that eye boogers are a symptom that reflects body heat, which is a result of a hectic work schedule and staying up late. The increase in eye boogers is due to the accumulation of body heat in the liver. If an individual has damp-heat body condition, his or her eye boogers will become thicker and stickier.
In order to improve the condition, eat light and clear food, avoid eating raw, cold, spicy and heavily seasoned food; avoid drinking alcohol and concentrated coffee; avoid smoking. Consume food that can clear heat and dampness, and drink more soup as well.
If the eye boogers turn yellow, coupled with conditions like redness, itch or pain in the eyes, it could mean bacterial and viral infection. Individuals with these eye conditions should seek immediate treatment. This is common among toddlers, as their tear ducts have yet to fully develop, therefore, we need to be mindful of their hygiene. As toddlers grow older, the situation should improve; but if the same condition persists, do seek professional medical advice.
Tips for soup to clear heat and dispel dampness:
Appropriately add in ingredients such as lotus leaf, coix seed, munk bean, smilax etc.
Night-blooming cereus soup with old cucumber and dried octopus
Effects: clears heat and dispels dampness. Suitable for frequent eye discharge, oily face, bad breath and lethargy
Ingredients: 2 dried night-blooming cereus (or 1-2 fresh night-blooming cereus), 1 old cucumber, 60g seaweed, 30g peanut, 1 dried octopus, 2 candied dates
1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Slice dried octopus. Cut night-blooming cereus. Soak seaweed for 15 minutes. Peel and cut old cucumber into pieces.
2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water, add seaweed with water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 2 hour. Add salt to taste.
Note: Not suitable for those asthenic cold spleen and stomach, and those prone to diarrhea.
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alcohol and spicy food diarrhea 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
冬瓜 — 性涼,有清熱祛暑、利水消痰功效,尤其適合夏天食用,對水腫、腳臭、暑熱煩悶十分有幫助。注意陽虛體質、脾腎虛弱及易有腹瀉者不宜。
青瓜 / 老黃瓜 — 老黃瓜為成熟版青瓜,兩者功效相約,同樣性涼,具清熱解毒、生津止渴和利尿消腫的功效,適合濕熱、陰虛體質、痛風、高血壓、高血脂人士食用。要注意脾胃虛寒者容易腹痛、泄瀉等不宜服用。
莧菜 — 性涼,有清熱明目、通利二便的功效,適合大便乾結、小便赤澀者(尿色偏黃、小便時尿道疼痛或有灼熱感)食用。平素脾胃虛寒便溏者勿吃。
大豆芽 / 芽菜 — 大豆芽來自黃豆,芽菜來自綠豆,兩者均性涼,有消暑解渴、清熱解毒、利水消腫的功效,尤其適合悶熱天氣或中暑引致的煩躁、無胃口時服用。注意脾胃虛寒、容易腹瀉者不宜多吃。
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Vegetables to relieve damp heat symptoms
Summer is the season for gourds. Most of the guords can clear summer heat. They can relieve summer heat when consumed in moderation. For those with damp heat condition, it is good to have more winter melon, cucumber and old cucumber that can clear heat and promote diuresis. They can relieve damp heat symptoms. Besides melon, amaranth, soybean sprout, mung bean sprout can also clear summer heat, promote diuresis and clear phlegm. Want to know if you have a damp heat body condition? See if you have experienced the following symptoms within the last month?
☐Aversion to heat, easily sweat
☐Dry and red eyes
☐Bitter or dry mouth
☐Bad breath
☐Oily face, prone to acne and pimple
☐Yellow sweat stains in your armpit positions with heavy odor
☐Feet odor
☐Prone to chest tightness and abdominal bloating
☐Feeling of heaviness throughout the body and limbs, feel tired despite sleeping adequately
☐Low volume of urination that is yellowish in color
☐Soft and sticky stool that is smelly with burning sensation near anus
☐For ladies, increased vaginal discharge that is yellowish with strong odor
If you have 0-2 of above symptoms. Your body condition is fine. You can condition your body according to your symptoms.
If you have 3-6 of the above symptoms, you have a typical damp heat body condition. Eat a light diet and avoid spicy, fried and tonic food. Strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness to conditio the body.
If you have 7-12 of above symptoms, avoid alcohol, coffee, milk tea, oily and fried foods. And eat more ingredients that can clear heat and dispel dampness such as winter melon, cucumber and amaranth. Consult your registered Chinese medicine practitioner to regulate your body!
Winter melon - cool in nature, clears summer heat, promotes diuresis and clears phlegm. It is suitable to eat during the summer, and can relieve edema, feet odor, and irritability due to summer heat. Note that it is not suitable for those with yang deficiency body constitution and those with asthenic spleen and kidneys and those prone to diarrhea.
Cucumber / old cucumber - Old cucumber is the mature vegetable of a cucumber plant. They have similar healing effects, and both are cool in nature. They can clear heat and detoxify, promote fluid production to relieve thirst, and promote diuresis to relieve bloating. Suitable for those with damp heat and yin deficient body constitutions, as well as those with gout, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Note it is not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and those prone to diarrhea and loose stool.
Amaranth - Cool in nature, can clear heat and improve vision, promote relieve constipation. Suitable for those with hard and dry stool, yellowish urine, urinary tract pain or burning sensation when urinating. Note that it is not suitable for those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach and loose stool.
Soybean sprout / mung bean sprout - Soybean sprouts are made from yellow larger-grained soybean and mung bean sprout is made from green-capped mung beans. They are both cold in nature, can dispel summer heat and relieve thirst, clear heat and remove toxins, promote diuresis and relieve bloating. It is especially suitable to have in this hot and stuffy weather, particularly for those suffering from heat stroke and accompanying symptoms such as irritability and lack of appetite. Note that those with asthenic weak stomach and prone to diarrhea should eat less.
✔Recommendation: Very ‘Hot’ (Qi) Healing tea
Ingredients: Plumeria, chrysanthemum, buds, Chinese prayer bead grass
Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies
Suitable for: Bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine
Price: $79/5 packs
Note: Pregnant women should consume based on body
✔Recommendation: ’Healthy lungs’ herbal tea (Suitable for heat related body types)
Ingredients: Radix pseudostellariae, corn silk, chrysanthemum, dried pear
Effects: Clears heat, nourishes the lungs and dispels dampness
Suitable for: Aversion to heat, dry mouth, irritability and insonmia, constipation, canker sore, pimples
Price: $79/5 packs
*Note: Not recommended for those recovering from flu. Pregnant women should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before consuming.
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