Last Day, Day 8 :
My all time favorite, to go pose everyday, anytime - Recline Figure of 4.
Stretching your piriformis muscles can reduce sciatica and lower back pain.
Helps to reduces tightness in the back of the legs, glutes, hamstrings and calf muscles.
I would like to express my gratitude to all 4 lovely yogis @albafityoga @andreasais @anvicah @mayra.surya for sharing your inspiration and variations, keeping my feed fresh.
Thank you @aloyoga @alomoves for hosting the #AloBoutHappyHip challenge.
Looking forward to other future challenge.
Wishing all a wonderful Sunday! Namaste, Grace
Posted @withregram • @mayra.surya #AloBoutHappyHip
📆 September 5 to 12, 2021
Hip openers are popular for a reason: they improve your overall flexibility, core strength, and range of movement.
For people who sit a long time at work, the hip flexors and rotators become tight, and the gluteal muscles become weak.
Tight hips express themselves in the form of lower back pain and muscle stiffness.
By loosening tight hips, you improve your range of motion and circulation, alleviate back pain & injury prevention.
Join this yoga challenge, where we'll share tips and variations for a happy, flexible and healthy hip.
There is also a prize! 😉
How to Participate:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors
2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends
3. Look to the hosts’ pages for daily pose inspiration
4. Post daily using #AloBoutHappyHip and don’t forget to tag your hosts and sponsor in the caption
5. Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery!
Pose Line-Up:
1) Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge
2) Utthan Pristhasana - Lizard Pose
3) Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - Pigeon Pose
4) Malasana - Garland Pose
5) Upavistha Konasana - Seated Side Split
6) Gomukhasana - Cow Face Pose
7) Supta Baddha Konasana - Reclined Bound Angle Pose
8) Yogui's choice ✅
@albafityoga @andreasais @anvicah @mayra.surya 🙋♀️
@aloyoga @alomoves
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅Yuriko Katagiri,也在其Youtube影片中提到,絶対SanneVloet様のような体型になるぞ!!!! #Yoga #aloyoga #購入品 #ヨガ ◆alo yoga === ぜひ以下もチェックしてください(^^) オリジナル曲『星の跡』MV→
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- 關於aloyoga 在 Grace Strala Guide KL, Malaysia Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於aloyoga 在 李佑群老師的CHANNEL YOU Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於aloyoga 在 凱蒂瑜珈Flow With Katie Youtube 的最佳貼文
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- 關於aloyoga 在 Alo Yoga (aloyoga) | Official Pinterest account 的評價
aloyoga 在 Grace Strala Guide KL, Malaysia Facebook 的最讚貼文
Day 7 : My version of Reclined Bound Angle as restorative pose.
If you don’t pick a day to relax, your body will pick it for you - Unknown
Happy weekend friends! xo Grace
Posted @withregram • Mayra - Yoga & Coaching] #AloBoutHappyHip
📆 September 5 to 12, 2021
Hip openers are popular for a reason: they improve your overall flexibility, core strength, and range of movement.
For people who sit a long time at work, the hip flexors and rotators become tight, and the gluteal muscles become weak.
Tight hips express themselves in the form of lower back pain and muscle stiffness.
By loosening tight hips, you improve your range of motion and circulation, alleviate back pain & injury prevention.
Join this yoga challenge, where we'll share tips and variations for a happy, flexible and healthy hip.
There is also a prize! 😉
How to Participate:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors
2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends
3. Look to the hosts’ pages for daily pose inspiration
4. Post daily using #AloBoutHappyHip and don’t forget to tag your hosts and sponsor in the caption
5. Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery!
Pose Line-Up:
1) Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge
2) Utthan Pristhasana - Lizard Pose
3) Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - Pigeon Pose
4) Malasana - Garland Pose
5) Upavistha Konasana - Seated Side Split
6) Gomukhasana - Cow Face Pose
7) Supta Baddha Konasana - Reclined Bound Angle Pose ✅
8) Yogui's choice
@albafityoga @andreasais @anvicah Mayra - Yoga & Coaching] 🙋♀️
@aloyoga @alomoves
aloyoga 在 Grace Strala Guide KL, Malaysia Facebook 的最佳貼文
Day 6 : From Hips to Twist.
Life is full of transitions.
I am open for all highest good.
And the good news is, you have the other side, turnaround.
🎶 Hips don’t Lie
Posted @withregram • @mayra.surya #AloBoutHappyHip
📆 September 5 to 12, 2021
Hip openers are popular for a reason: they improve your overall flexibility, core strength, and range of movement.
For people who sit a long time at work, the hip flexors and rotators become tight, and the gluteal muscles become weak.
Tight hips express themselves in the form of lower back pain and muscle stiffness.
By loosening tight hips, you improve your range of motion and circulation, alleviate back pain & injury prevention.
Join this yoga challenge, where we'll share tips and variations for a happy, flexible and healthy hip.
There is also a prize! 😉
How to Participate:
1. Follow all hosts and sponsors
2. Repost the flyer to your page and tag a few friends
3. Look to the hosts’ pages for daily pose inspiration
4. Post daily using #AloBoutHappyHip and don’t forget to tag your hosts and sponsor in the caption
5. Have fun and make sure your profile is set to public so we can see your posts in the gallery!
Pose Line-Up:
1) Anjaneyasana - Low Lunge
2) Utthan Pristhasana - Lizard Pose
3) Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - Pigeon Pose
4) Malasana - Garland Pose
5) Upavistha Konasana - Seated Side Split
6) Gomukhasana - Cow Face Pose ✅
7) Supta Baddha Konasana - Reclined Bound Angle Pose
😎 Yogui's choice
@albafityoga @andreasais @anvicah @mayra.surya 🙋♀️
@aloyoga @alomoves
aloyoga 在 Yuriko Katagiri Youtube 的精選貼文
#Yoga #aloyoga #購入品 #ヨガ
◆alo yoga
YurikoKatagiri yurikokatagiri modeA YuLiYuLi

aloyoga 在 李佑群老師的CHANNEL YOU Youtube 的最佳解答
#YOU TV vol.11~YouGun X Sabrina with 2019SS
YouTube 頻道:
「李佑群老師個人時尚頻道」《# YOU TV》自開播以來,短短時間累積了超過五十萬瀏覽人次、一百萬以上的觸撃人數及上萬則留言,睽違的名人造型篇再度啟動,繼水原希子後,這次邀請到了佑群老師的好友
拐拐 許萌希擔綱女主角,共同競演國際大牌最新春裝。
佑群老師除了螢幕前的造型師形象為人熟知外,幕後也是許多品牌與天王天后指定御用的時尚總監、時尚直播節目《YOU LIVE! 佑見微時尚》製作人兼主持人、亞洲最多時尚雜誌創刊總編輯的記錄保持人,還擔任了之前天王木村拓哉、山田優來台的「AFA亞洲時尚大賞」造型總監。
佑群老師親自操刀製作的個人時尚頻道《# YOU TV》,身兼製作人、時尚、創意總監及造型師,頻道名稱「YOU」來自個人英文名字「YouGun」,代表社群世代中,互動的你們(YOU)都是主角,現在已經成為世界知名設計師與重量級時尚人士指定合作的時尚媒體節目。
本集佑群老師邀請到了名模出身的女神 拐拐 許萌希擔綱女主角,為她打造了五種截然不同的時尚造型,並激發出拐拐身為名模的潛力,以60秒做出50種以上的Pose為目標,直接挑戰國際名模Coco Rocha。
佑群老師設計的造型中,包含了時下流行的運動時尚(Athleiure),使用了 alexander wang的服裝,強烈個性的街頭搖滾風,揉合運動設計元素,搭配拐拐本身代言的運動內衣品牌,讓運動風格的活力又增添了華麗魅力,簡約中不失性感。
另外佑群老師還運用了 LANVIN浪凡的服裝詮釋法式優雅,拐拐身上的全黑褲裝融合了異國元素,似印度傳統服飾呈現出更個性的高級格調,讓人耳目一新。
第三套造型則是奉行巴黎高級訂製服精神,來自美國芝加哥時尚訂製禮服品Jasmine Galleria Taipei。拐拐穿上高訂更宛如女神降臨。
其中一套造型,佑群老師刻意僅使用一頂義大利頂級百年手工製帽Doria,與法國經典時尚世家浪凡的項鍊 ,意圖解放拐拐的名模潛力,光是使用唇部的表情就能展現魅惑表情。
兩人影片中還有一連串精彩對談,訪談中佑群老師為拐拐打造造型運用了 Christian Dada Taipei 2019春夏新作。裙裝上的印花元素來自撮影大師荒木經惟1991年推出的作品集《感傷 – 空景/近景》(Laments – From Close Range/Skyscapes)之藝術創作,影像與時裝結合,碰撞出新穎的衝突感。
這次《# YOU TV》邀請到了新銳攝影師 Han Studio操刀,佑群老師發揮時尚專業,發想創意更引領拐拐激發潛能,搖身一變成為高端時尚模特;質感一流的拍攝手法,完全不輸任何時尚節目,讓人觀賞後回味無窮。在影片中許多細節中可以看到佑群老師身為製作人的深度,開頭時運用節奏感強烈的時尚音樂去帶出拐拐短時間內就能變化出多種不同pose的魅力,佑群老師甚至自己也換上了浪凡男裝變身男模親自演出,除了證明了多元身份的實力與態度,也意圖傳遞女人都能自在擁有多重風格的想像。
😍看本篇《# YOU TV》有機會得到最火Coach與迪士尼聯名系列、拐拐代言S'dare時尚運動內衣等時下最火的時尚大獎!(共5名):
Coach x Diseny Thumper兔子吊牌(1名)
Coach x Diseny 俏皮小狗吊牌(1名)
☑️【📢時尚天王李佑群老師X拐拐Sabrina的春裝競演打造國際超模Look」 📢】抽獎活動參加辦法:
1. 請務必先進佑群老師粉絲團首頁👉 將粉絲團設定為「搶先看」(很重要,會確認唷!)
2. 在本FB影片貼文按讚並於底下留言「我已經搶先看了+任何話」。
3. 同時務必@ 兩個朋友「公開」「分享」出去!這樣就有機會得到大獎了!
【Master of fashion YouGun Lee gave model Sabrina a total makeover!】
# YOU TV’s show always surprises you. This time, we are gonna show you how to make model Sabrina become an international top model.
#YOUTV #Sabrina #Style #makeover #Fashion #Video #FashionMedia #LANVIN #ChristianDada #JEpoque #Gucci #Asport #AlexanderWang #ALOYOGA #UnderArmour #JasmineGalleria #OBEIOBEI #DORIA #Sdare #unitednude #StellaLuna #Carolee #YouGunLee #李佑群老師 #佑群老師 #李佑群

aloyoga 在 凱蒂瑜珈Flow With Katie Youtube 的最佳貼文
請訂閱我 YouTube ►
邀請你一起幫 Katie 的影片上字幕:
今天要來跟大家分享我們心目中的 Top3,也跟大家聊聊我們自己平常習慣的瑜珈服穿著搭配、如何挑選還有怎麼洗衣服?
現在只要在影片下方留言告訴 Katie:
下週將會抽出一位幸運朋友獲得「Onzie 瑜珈褲」(可指定尺寸,花色隨機)公告在我的 IG 唷!
⚡️謝謝 WB SHOP 的贊助⚡️
alo yoga、Lululemon、Montiel、Onzie、Under Armour
alo yoga、Lululemon、Onzie、Myprotein
請訂閱頻道,加入 Katie 的瑜珈旅程,讓我們一起深度練習:)
For more videos like this, subscribe to my YouTube channel!
想找 Katie 凱蒂
FB Page:
Song: Ikson - Spring (Vlog Music No Copyright)

aloyoga 在 Alo Yoga - YouTube 的推薦與評價
... then manifest those vibes in your looks for studio, street & everything in between. Shop now at ... <看更多>
aloyoga 在 Alo Yoga (aloyoga) | Official Pinterest account 的推薦與評價
Alo Yoga | Spreading mindful movement. Making exceptional yoga clothing. Building community around the world. And taking yoga beyond the studio & into the ... ... <看更多>
aloyoga 在 Alo Yoga - Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
Alo Yoga. 295629 likes · 8556 talking about this · 74 were here. We live yoga. Every piece of Alo Yoga we design comes from our practice—what we need... ... <看更多>