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🎯秒懂「尿布疹」懶人包—A.B.C.D保養原則! #屁屁膏什麼成分有效?#尿布疹警示訊息!
👉詳文請見: https://reurl.cc/Z7vozM
尿布疹產生原因主要是尿液潮濕、糞便裡的刺激物、尿布摩擦…造成的皮膚發炎,常見出現在下腹部、生殖器、屁股、大腿上緣,很重要的是紅疹通常出現在皮膚「露出的表面」,皮膚的「#皺摺處沒有」。輕微就是一些散散的紅疹;中度就是變成大片的紅疹,這時候就會有疼痛的感覺;嚴重就是產生皮膚潰瘍。輕、中度的尿布疹經過 #治療通常2至3天 就會好,假如超過3天的傳統治療無效的話,可能就要擔心是否合併有黴菌或細菌感染。
■ #AIR屁股透氣 :在剛尿完尿或大完便的時候讓小孩光屁股透透氣 (一天1-2小時)。
■ #BARRIER使用屁屁膏:含 #凡士林 (Petrolatum)、 #氧化鋅 (Zinc oxide)、 #羊毛脂 (Lanolin)、二甲聚矽氧烷 (Dimethicone)、蘆薈 (Aloe Vera)、礦物油 (Mineral oil)、石蠟 (Wax)等成分,可以形成一個油脂保護膜有效 #阻隔刺激物,以達皮膚保護作用。
其他有零星研究證實有加強皮膚保濕或舒緩功能的成分如:維生素A + D、維生素E、 #維生素原B5 (Dexpanthenol)、乙酸鋁溶液 (Aluminum acetate舒緩搔癢)。
🌟屁屁膏使用「注意事項」:每次更換尿布就可以抹上屁屁膏,假如屁屁沒有沾到尿尿或大便, #不用擦掉原本的屁屁膏,直接在比較薄的紅疹區域加強塗抹。另外假如有其他情況醫師有開藥膏,每次換尿布要記得 #先擦藥膏,後再擦上屁屁膏,才不影響藥物作用,屁屁也可以形成保護膜。
■ #CLEANSING溫和沖洗:用溫水 (37-40℃) 輕柔沖洗屁股,有便便較髒的時候使用少量中性至微酸性的清潔劑,最好與皮膚酸鹼度相近,微酸性的肌膚才能維持正常的菌叢,避免致病細菌或黴菌入侵。濕紙巾也要使用無香料、無酒精的種類。
■ #DIAPER勤換尿布:每1-3小時換一次尿布,減少悶熱、尿液與糞便刺激,選擇高水分吸收力、透氣、材質舒適、符合寶寶身型的尿布。
美國兒科醫學會不建議使用含 #滑石粉或玉米粉的爽身粉,因為使用時粉末飛揚,吸入後會傷害呼吸道。不要使用含 #Neomycin抗生素藥膏 (如Neomycin新黴素軟膏、Bacitracin利膚藥膏),因為有可能產生過敏反應。重點使用的屁屁膏要選擇 #少防腐及無香精成分,以減少紅屁屁刺激。
假如寶寶已經勤換尿布且擦屁屁膏 #3天無效、有水泡、膿泡、出血、潰瘍、 #紅的範圍變大、寶寶 #發燒、身體不舒服,那就有可能是嚴重發炎甚至合併感染,或是其他疾病引起尿布區域皮膚炎,要考慮的層面就更廣了,還是看醫師請專業的醫師來判斷吧!
✍️#低、中效價 #類固醇藥膏
1. Hydrocortisone 1%:吉舒乳膏、皮質醇軟膏
2. Clobetasone butyrate 0.05%: #可貝乳膏
3. Betamethasone valerate 0.06% :#臨得隆 (Rinderon-V)
4. Fluticasone propionate 0.05%:#克廷膚 (Cutivate cream)
尿布疹因為有尿布包覆的關係,假如使用 #高效價的類固醇, #全身性的吸收比例會上升,可能會造成內分泌系統等副作用。另外類固醇藥膏同個部位使用 #小於兩週, #紅退就需要停藥,比較不會產生皮膚變薄、血管擴張等副作用。
有合併黴菌感染的話,含Nystatin ( #Mycomb美康)、Clotrimazole ( #黴克頓)、Miconazole (可寧乳膏、達膚寧乳膏)、Ketonazole (必克多黴) 藥膏可用,每次換尿布時就可以重新上藥膏一次。
輕微狀況使用含Fusidic acid (膚得舒、褐黴素)、Mupirocin (Dermasafe膚利舒) 藥膏 5-7天,嚴重細菌感染的病人還需要口服抗生素。
🐶最後希望每個寶寶都有 #乾爽的小屁屁喔!🥰
💎感謝 王筱涵醫師。皮膚科的生活內涵。 提供 #理膚寶水B5修復霜 ~請大家也到他粉專看看 #按讚喔! 😉
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過168萬的網紅Ketchup Jo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,การทดลองหลังบ้านวันนี้ เรามาลองทำปฎิกิริยาเทอร์ไมต์ หรือ Thermite Reaction จากลูกเหล็ก แต่ความพิเศษของลูกเหล็กนี้คืออะไร ต้องไปดูในคลิปเลยคร้าบบบ : ) ...
aluminum oxide 在 Amber Chia Facebook 的最佳解答
This is the place I have to be everyday in the morning before I start my day & I'm in love with my new flooring from Floor Culture Tiger Wood. My New Wardrobe. 😍😍
Because of :
1) Water resistant - by HMR (High moisture resistance) core board. 👍
2) Resistance to UV - German based decor paper. 🌟
3) Environmental friendly - low chemical emission. Core board made by plantation Eucalyptus tree. 🌳
4) Flame retardant- resistant to cigarette burns. 🔥
5) High scratch resistance - surface protected by aluminum oxide (Grade AC3)⭐️
7) Stain resistance - won't be easily damaged by household chemicals and is easily maintained/cleaned 💚
Thank you Jerry Tango Creative Home Magazine - Malaysia's No.1 Interior Design Channel ikoin Nu Infinity Alex Lee For making this happened! ❤️❤️
aluminum oxide 在 Amber Chia Facebook 的最佳解答
Next stop Floor Culture at Archidex2018 with iko in to find out more about my Master bedroom’s Monument Oak flooring by Tiger Wood. 🔥🔥
My amazing floor by #floorculture Nu Infinity & Creative Home Magazine - Malaysia's No.1 Interior Design Channel 😍😍😍
1) Water resistant - by HMR (High moisture resistance) core board. 💚
2) Resistance to UV - German based decor paper. 🌟
3) Environmental friendly - low chemical emission. Core board made by plantation Eucalyptus tree. 🌳
4) Flame retardant- resistant to cigarette burns. 🔥
5) High scratch resistance - surface protected by aluminum oxide (Grade AC3)⭐️
7) Stain resistance - won't be easily damaged by household chemicals and is easily maintained/cleaned✨
aluminum oxide 在 Ketchup Jo Youtube 的最佳貼文
การทดลองหลังบ้านวันนี้ เรามาลองทำปฎิกิริยาเทอร์ไมต์ หรือ Thermite Reaction จากลูกเหล็ก แต่ความพิเศษของลูกเหล็กนี้คืออะไร ต้องไปดูในคลิปเลยคร้าบบบ : )
#การทดลองหลังบ้าน #thermitereaction #ketchupjo
Make sure to subscribe! ◆ https://www.youtube.com/KetchupJo
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aluminum oxide 在 三浦TV Youtube 的精選貼文
aluminum oxide 在 Rachel and Jun Youtube 的最讚貼文
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Polish subtitles thanks to: Kamil Ziółkowski
Serbian subtitles thanks to: Kodoku
German subtitles thanks to: Kazuhax3 & 都市 ロニー
Brazilian Portuguese subtitles thanks to: Felipe Alcântara
Romanian subtitles thanks to: Masami Aomame
Italian subtitles thanks to: xNekoNee (xVerolicious)
Hebrew subtitles thanks to: dee see
Spanish subtitles thanks to: Mira M. & Ignacio Ortega
Chinese (Taiwan) subtitles thanks to: HellaUtube
Dutch subtitles thanks to: Davidchola
French subtitles thanks to: MrsKaotella
【Active ingredients list】
8x4 (liquid deodorant): http://www.kao.co.jp/8x4/lineup/deowa...
※Maltosyl -β- cyclodextrin (keeps skin dry)
※Menthyl glyceryl ether (cleaning agent)
※Benzalkonium chloride (kills germs)
※Isopropylmethylphenol (kills germs)
※β- glycyrrhetinic acid (kills germs)
Sea Breeze (liquid deodorant): http://www.shiseido.co.jp/sw/products...
※Para-phenol sulfonic acid zinc (prevents germ growth)
※Benzalkonium chloride solution (kills germs)
Sala (spray deodorant): http://www.sala-sala.jp/brand/body/bo...
※Methyl siloxane network polymer (dries skin & smells nice)
Ban (spray antiperspirant): http://www.banbanban.jp/products/nano...
kill germs
※Zinc oxide (absorbs smells)
※Isopropylmethylphenol (kills germs)
※Aluminum chlorohydrate (antiperspirant)
Ban (roll on antiperspirant): http://www.banbanban.jp/products/nano...
※Benzalkonium chloride solution (kills germs)
※Aluminum chlorohydrate (antiperspirant)
8x4 (stick deodorant): http://www.kao.co.jp/8x4/lineup/direc...
※Isopropylmethylphenol (kills germs)
※Benzalkonium chloride (kills germs & hard to rub off)
※Trimethylsiloxy silicate (film-forming agent)
Rexena (stick antiperspirant): http://www.rexena.com/lineup/stick.html
※aluminum chlorohydroxy (antiperspirant)
Deonatulle (all but crystal, antiperspirants): http://deonatulle.com/
※Baked alum (antiperspirant)
※Isopropylmethylphenol (kills germs)
Deonatulle (crystal antiperspirant)
※Alum (antiperspirant)
Want to help subtitle our videos?
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The songs are:
YouTube Audio Library
Box Cat Games - Mt Fox Shop: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Box...
Caedmon Barry - Fractalz Horizon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHVAv...
aluminum oxide 在 Aluminum oxide | Al2O3 - PubChem 的相關結果
The variety formed at very high temperature is quite inert chemically. ... Aluminum oxide has a chemical formula Al2O3. It is amphoteric in nature, and is used in ... ... <看更多>
aluminum oxide 在 Aluminum Oxide | Aluminum Sulfate 的相關結果
Aluminum oxide, also called alumina, is used in engineering ceramics. It's hard and wear-resistant, resists attacks by both acid and alkali substances, has high ... ... <看更多>
aluminum oxide 在 Aluminium oxide - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Aluminium oxide is a chemical compound of aluminium and oxygen with the chemical formula Al2O3. It is the most commonly occurring of several aluminium ... ... <看更多>