過去80年來,美國國務院的旗艦交流計畫 - 「全球領袖人才參訪計畫 (IVLP)」 匯聚了全球各地卓越的新興領袖赴美進行交流,並在各項政策議題上向美國借取經驗學習。自1940年的今天,第一批參與者抵達美國以來,IVLP網絡已發展壯大,至今有超過225,000名參與者,持續為美國民眾和各國新興領袖間搭起重要的聯繫橋梁。台灣也有數百位IVLP學友,橫跨產官學界、藝術教育、媒體和公民社會等領域,許多學友都是現今的重要官員、大學教授、知名藝術家和社會運動領袖等。IVLP計畫在過去80年強化了美台人民在各領域的夥伴關係。今天就跟我們一起說聲:IVLP,生日快樂!
For the last 80 years, State Department’s flagship professional exchange International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) has brought thousands of professionals to the United States to cultivate relationships with their American counterparts and learn from American expertise on a wide range of policy issues. Since the first exchange participants arrived on this day in 1940, the network has grown to include over 225,000 alumni and continues to build vital linkages between U.S. citizens and emerging international leaders. Taiwan IVLP alumni include hundreds of professions serving in the public sector, academia, the arts, business, civil society, media, and education. Many of Taiwan’s IVLP alumni are high level officers, university presidents, renowned artists, and social activists. The IVLP has strengthened U.S.-Taiwan people-to-people ties in innumerable ways over the past 80 years. Join us in saying: Happy Birthday, IVLP!
alumni ties 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
With the start of a new semester, AIT wanted to meet some of our recent exchange program participants and hear about their experience in the U.S. and how it has impacted their work in Taiwan. AIT Director Brent Christensen and Deputy Director Raymond Greene joined several AIT officers and staff to welcome approximately 20 State Department exchange program alumni for a special gathering. These rising stars’ enthusiasm in their professional fields have helped them play key roles in building strong people-to-people ties between the United States and Taiwan. We are looking forward to hearing more from them in the future! #ExchangeAlumni
alumni ties 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
🎧 OneBeat是美國國務院的國際音樂交流計畫,旨在透過人民外交提倡音樂合作與社會參與。8月22日凌晨0點,OneBeat Live (https://reurl.cc/Ez79VK) 將邀請來自世界各地的交流計畫學友在家表演,來自台灣的學友吳修銘先生也會參與演出。吳修銘先生是一位聲音藝術家,他的跨界作品融合了聲音、數位影像、裝置與電子音樂,作品在台灣獲得廣泛好評。歡迎大家到OneBeat的Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/1beatmusic/) 上欣賞線上音樂會,音樂會後還有專訪喔!
🎼2020年8月22日凌晨0點 – 吳修銘 / 台灣
🎧 OneBeat is an international music exchange program run by the U.S. Department of State that celebrates musical collaboration and social engagement through innovative people-to-people diplomacy. On August 22, midnight (00:00 AM), One Beat Taiwan alumni Wu Siou Ming will be featured on OneBeat Live, a series of intimate at-home performances from our global OneBeat alumni. Siou Ming is a sound artist whose multi-disciplinary works in sound, digital video, installation and electronic music have been widely presented across Taiwan. Please visit OneBeat’s Instagram page. Each set is accompanied by a short interview. For decades, people-to-people ties have bound American and Taiwanese people together. Thanks to Wu Siou Ming for being part of our story!
🎼 August 22, 2020, midnight (00:00 AM) – Wu Siou Ming / Taiwan
alumni ties 在 ExchangeAlumni - Facebook 的推薦與評價
ALUMNI.STATE.GOV. A Journey to Pride: Bringing Hope to American Communities. ExchangeAlumni, you can connect with ... their ties to their new communities. ... <看更多>
alumni ties 在 MIT Alumni Association - YouTube 的推薦與評價
The MIT Alumni Association strengthens alumni ties to MIT and each other.Find videos of alumni events, profiles, celebrations and all things MIT. ... <看更多>