Hi everyone! We just finished a 3 hour business meeting..💦💪🏻🤗 Now on the way home to Bangsar..❤️
✅ careful in marriage to make sure you are Yourself. Berpura pura tu kejap je boleh tahan. The real self needs to come out- so you can see what you need to improve. Nak fake it pengsan woi....lama2 jadi giler
✅ Remember your spouse ni bukannya terpaksa be with you. Appreciate him or her. Ask how are you feeling/ what do you need from me? Kalau tak.. senang terasa unloved/ diambil kesempatan/ not appreciated.
✅ Gaduh is ok- BUT no raising voices/ personal attacks sebab tu bukan gaduh tu MMA..gaduh nak cari solusi..bukan nak lepas geram aje. Remember to fight for the Marriage NOT against the marriage.
✅Lots of Hugs and Kisses everyday!!‼️❤️💕 we all need this.. science shows it lowers cholesterol..decreases strokes...calms the brain and blood pressure!! Cepat !! KISS your spouse NOW 💕😍
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