#迷上英式英文【英女皇的那句Bad luck】
(一如以往,蕭叔叔只談語文,不論時政)又有機會聽聽英女皇的英文。大家留意,雖然美國人喜歡叫英國人的所謂RP(received pronunciation)做 the Queen's English,其實英女皇的英文口音跟一般受過高等教育的英國人的所謂RP,其實是兩回事。英女皇說的是一種所謂conservative的RP,大家聽聽英國的貴族(多數是Lord 乜乜乜,Lord乜乜乜)說話就知道。語言學家分析,女皇的英文今年已經dumbed down了好多,可是仍和一般在BBC、在大學聽到的RP不一樣。
就以英女皇說的那句bad luck為例,大家細心聽聽那個bad字,聽起來其實很像bed。但在modern RP,其實開口會很大很大。
有人會問,拿英女皇做pronunciation model好嗎?I would probably advise against it, unless you want to become a member of the royal family.
Lord Chamberlain: Can I present Commander Lucy D’Orsi, who was gold commander during the Chinese state visit.
Queen: Oh, bad luck.
Lord Chamberlain: And who was seriously, seriously undermined by the Chinese, but she managed to hold her own and remain in command. And her mother, Judith, who’s involved in child protection and social work.
Judith Copson: Yes, I’m very proud of my daughter.
Lord Chamberlain: You must tell your story.
D’Orsi: Yes, I was the gold commander, so I’m not sure whether you knew, but it was quite a testing time for me.
Queen: Yes, I did.
D’Orsi: It was … I think at the point that they walked out of Lancaster house and told me that the trip was off, that I felt …
Queen: They were very rude to the ambassador.
D’Orsi: They were, well, yes she was, Barbara was with me and they walked out on both of us.
Queen: Extraordinary.
Copson: I know, it’s unbelievable.
D’Orsi: It was very rude and very undiplomatic, I thought.