公關手冊 之 #工作篇 人未做我先做
一直也相信 Be a leader not a follower 這句話,美國愛滋病研究基金 amfAR 是我當年由美國成功引入的,2014年我隻身飛美國第一次出席 amfAR 活動,簡直大開眼界,香港就是需要有如此國際級夠 Wow 的盛事,回到香港後我懇求何超瓊能當上香港區籌委會主席一職。2015年的第一個香港 amfAR 晚宴非常成功,也為亞洲區的籌款晚宴締造歷史新一頁。還記得2016年我到美國洛杉磯出席 amfAR Gala,我見到 Heidi Klum 時跟她說很想她來香港出席這個晚宴,這晚在香港我們再見面時立即相擁,她更大力的親親我臉額說要謝謝我當年的邀請,今年很開心終於夢想成真來到現場。香港 amfAR 今年已是第五年舉行,做慈善活動誰人負責不是最重要,只要能薪火相傳下去,能夠幫助有需要的人最開心,祝賀amfAR香港五週年,我亦不能停下來,會繼續引入其他國際級的 leading projects,再為慈善做多點事!
Always “Be a Leader and not a Follower”, I still remember the day when I went to my first amfAR Gala in Los Angeles in 2014 and it was an eyes wide open experience, when I came back I was begging Pansy Ho to be the fundraising chair and bring amfAR to Hong Kong. In 2016 I met Heidi Klum in LA and she still remembers our conversation and feel so happy to finally make it to Hong Kong! Congrats to amfAR HK 5th Anniversary and I will keep on bringing other exciting leading projects to town and do more for charity! ❤️
#PRlife #Numberonepr @numberoneprhk #myPRbook #公關手册 @heidiklum @cathy_chui_official #cathylee #徐子淇 #李徐子淇 #beautiful @amfar #cureaids @rosewoodhongkong @victoriadockside @theartisanalmovement #amfarhk #amfarhongkong #bealeadernotafollower @joshwood2 @joshwoodproductions @ballqueen #pansyho #何超瓊 @ Rosewood Hong Kong
amfarhongkong 在 KLAIW Facebook 的最佳解答
Bond girls?
Thank you @calvinklein for having us last night at @amfar. It was a beautiful evening for a great cause.
#amFAR #amFARHongKong @ Rosewood Hong Kong
amfarhongkong 在 Michelle Yeoh 楊紫瓊 Facebook 的精選貼文
#Repost @amfar
From the #amfARHongKong Red Carpet: @michelleyeoh_official ! Join #michelleyeoh in supporting the search for an #HIV cure via the link in our bio!
#amfAR #HongKong #HK #RosewoodHongKong #ArtBaselHongKong #art #artbasel #artbaselHK #science #research #HIV #AIDS #ArtWeek #China #EastAsia