Okja.What a beautiful animal-human bond story( tissues on standby)
I would do ANYTHING to save my pet from harm too! .
Largely, Okja serves as a jarring wake up call of the undeniable reality of our genetically modified( GMO) meat industry.It is happening in the world today,right now, & cannot be ignored.It is cruel(concentration camp for animals really).Animals are pumped with hormones to speed growth for faster food production.They face cramped & atrocious living conditions over the cause of months or years they inhibit planet earth.Animals are given feed instead of being allowed to graze & are often denied basic elements of life such as fresh air & sunshine. This is sadly the fate of 99% of animals raised for food today.
Before you soldier your slender joints on those key pads & rant abonimal comments & questions my way about me preaching you to alter your diet, i am not. Not here to preach or impose anything on anyone.Merely sharing facts of the nasty meat marriage between meat & menacing GMOs ,if many of you are not aware of this already.Okja certainly opens an ambitious discussion of corporate responsibility, the ethics of meat consumption and the acceptable threshold of animal cruelty.
But the film's many threads ultimately come back to one thing: the question of trust.What it means to keep or betray trust, and wether there are circumstances where betrayal is necessary, and wether the trust between human & human is more meaningful than the trust between human & animal.I will tell you there is no difference
P/S : Besides it being an animal-rescue movie, i may be bias to loving this movie a lil tooo much . Okja reminds me so much of a big grey Kayabun! 😍😂 .