🧕🏽👳🏽♀️👩🏿⚕️|民主新助力 台灣謝謝你|👩🏭👩🏽🌾👷♂️
Taiwan. Thank you, all of you
Đài Loan Cám ơn các bạn
Taiwan berterima kasih kepada kalian
ထိုင်ဝမ် သင်တို့ကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ် ။
តៃវ៉ាន់ អរគុណអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នា
在全球化時代,台灣積極與世界接軌、深化國際關係,民進黨全力支持蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen總統和府院黨團同仁,推動多元族群共榮,凝聚台灣的共同意志。
中文版影片看這邊➡️ https://pse.is/M8KVN
👉 保台三步驟 你我一起做:
✅ 2020總統選蔡英文
✅ 政黨票選民主進步黨
✅ #立委選民進黨提名推薦的候選人
🧕🏽👳🏽♀️👩🏿⚕️|New boost power of democracy, Taiwan appreciate you|👩🏭👩🏽🌾👷♂️
The diversified-mother language version of the film💖
In every year, the 18th of December is the ‘International Migrants Day’, which is also an important day that Taiwanese society express our sincere appreciation to migrants; Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) would present this film to all people who are endeavouring on this lovely land and enriching the connotation of the island!
Taiwan. Thank you, all of you
Đài Loan Cám ơn các bạn
Taiwan berterima kasih kepada kalian
ထိုင်ဝမ် သင်တို့ကို ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ် ။
តៃវ៉ាន់ អរគុណអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នា
Every Taiwanese should be proud of their mother language.
DPP devotes to building an environment of kindness and respect for cultures; we deeply appreciate all people who have contributed warm efforts to Taiwan, and no matter what your language is, it is as beautiful as others.
We are very grateful to the new residents for choosing to be our family, as well as diversified customs, visions, and life experiences have expanded the connotation of “Taiwanese”.
In the era of globalisation, Taiwan actively connects with the world and deepens the international relations, as well as DPP spares no effort to support President Tsai Ing-wen and colleagues from the Presidential Office, Executive Yuan, Legislative Yuan, and the Party to promote the common prosperity among multiple ethnic groups and build the consensus on the common will of Taiwan.
Dear lovely family, Taiwan appreciate you.
In the year 2020, let all of us safeguard our deeply believed values as well as beloved people and land hand in hand.
Look here for the Mandarin version of the film➡️ https://pse.is/M8KVN
👉 Three steps to safeguard Taiwan, let’s do them together:
✅ Vote Tsai Ing-wen in 2020 Presidential Election
✅ Vote DPP in Political Party Election
✅ Vote candidates nominated by DPP in MP Election
appreciate your effort中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] Trump's letter to Kim Jong-un
Why a D or an F?
老師個人雖然對川普的英文書寫能力沒有太大的信心 (合理推論,他最多只有時間略讀幕僚撰擬的書信),但個人覺得就該篇公開書信而言並不至於有所謂文法錯誤連篇的問題。用另一個角度理解,該篇公開書信是川普使用了強對比去表達諷刺和強硬的態度,這種書信本來就無法完全使用文法來檢驗,而是為了讓收信者了解美國政府的「態度」,故基於目的性的考量有以下寫作方式,老師嘗試著分析如下,與各位一起分享心得:
完整信件和影片: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/24/politics/donald-trump-letter-kim-jong-un/index.html
英文稿: http://time.com/5291264/full-text-letter-donald-trump-kim-jong-un-summit/
中文稿: https://udn.com/news/story/6809/3163380
Dear Mr. Chairman:
We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore.
We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking forward to being there with you.
有位老師說「totally irrelevant」這句話根本不該出現,因為毫無相關 (totally irrelevant) 的事件何必提出。其實「but that to us is totally irrelevant/但那對我們而言無關宏旨」這句用途是在於銜接和突顯「據我們所知是北韓方面提出會面的要求」,「我曾非常期待與你一同赴會。」,完全符合川普一邊諷刺一邊遞橄欖枝的虛偽語氣。
Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place.
You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.
I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only the dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forward to meeting you.
客套話又來了,一句威脅一句暗示怎麼做就沒事,而下一句「Some day I look very much forward to meeting you」 代表峰會未來還有可能會舉辦。
In the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of the hostages who are now home with their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.
這邊針對信件的批評是合理的 ,綁架再釋放的行為無論如何都不應該讚美。很遺憾的,這段客套話完全符合川普的風格和語氣。
If you change your mind having to do with this most important summit, please do not hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great opportunity for lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth. This missed opportunity is a truly sad moment in history.
最後兩句話又符合正式信件模板,但是第一句的語法 If you change your mind having to do with…確實是罕見。「Have to do with」片語的意義是「和…有關係」常出現在口語,但我搜尋了整個英文語料庫 (COCA) 確無法搜尋到 change someone’s mind 和 have to do with一起使用。此寫法讓我推斷川普的確有可能編寫信件的一部分 (因為政府發言人等級的幕僚或編輯應該不會用如此罕見的搭配詞)。吹毛求疵的話,「lasting peace and great prosperity and wealth」也可以寫成「lasting peace, great prosperity(,) and wealth」。
總結是信件雖有瑕疵,但這些網友和一些老師批改也沒有指名用什麼評量指標就一面倒的負評,認為應該得到D或者是F,然此可能忽略了現實的外交世界上語言結構方式和信件(或其他文書)有其特殊目的性考量而可能有不同的呈現方式。當然,很多評論者可能只看字面就開始評論啦 (我相信有些網友也只是鬧著玩的),但老師就是忍不住會認真!!!
P.S. 整篇信件絕對不是川普親自寫的因為錯誤太少了 😛
時事英文新聞 (Breaking News): https://goo.gl/9M1sGM
NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/asia/read-trumps-letter-to-kim-jong-un.html
BBC: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44233641
appreciate your effort中文 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 的最佳解答
Dear All Fans and Friends!
So sorry to delay my grateful and heartfelt THANK YOU to all of those who sent me a beautiful Birthday Card last year and took such trouble to wrap it so beautifully and send it to Hong Kong!
I really do appreciate all your wonderful hearts and all the efforts you put into choosing, buying, writing and sending the cards with all your BIG BIG HEARTS! I know how much you love me and I love you too but really don't need to go thru the trouble! I think it's better one day we find a way to MEET each other! Maybe some place in Shen Zhen or something.. then we can connect much better! Of course hope I will sing somewhere in mainland China and meet up there too! Hahaha.. It's quite amazing all the cards come from so many fans all over China! I would like to share a few photos I took when I opened all of them at the time. I also gave my Mother the Chinese ones so she can read them to me and she was very happy that I have so many dear and considerate fans in mainland China! Thank you ALL SO MUCH for taking the heart and effort to give me such JOY! I will hope to meet with you all some time soon in the near future! In the meantime please do take good care of yourselves!
WORK HARD in whatever it is you do and love to do! BE HAPPY YOURSELF so you can BE GOOD to your Parents, Family, friends and Co Workers and anyone you meet in your life! Don't worry about hardships and pressure, because that's what makes you stronger and better and gives you the edge and strength to go farther and higher! Be aware that your actions speak much louder than your words! Always be aware that your actions must match the words you speak! Be HEALTHY and BE LOVING! ALWAYS! Even when U R Angry! Know that everything will work itself out! You are ALL BLESSED!
KEEP ON SMILING! Always Yours.. Sally!!!!
Dear All Fans and Friends!
我非常感激你們美好的心,以及你們用心選擇、購買、寫和寄卡片所付出的努力! 我知道你們有多愛我,我也愛你們,但你們真的不用那麼麻煩! 我想如果有一天我們能見面就再好不過! 或許是在深圳的某個地方,或其他地方… 那樣我們就能更好的交流! 當然也希望我會在內地的某地唱歌,那我們也可以在那裡見面啦!哈哈哈… 收到內地那麼多粉絲從各地寄來的這所有卡片真的很不可思議! 我想和你們分享在當時拆開這些卡片時我拍的一些照片。中文的卡片我也有拿給我媽媽看,她讀給我聽,她也很開心我在內地有那麼多可愛、貼心的粉絲!非常感謝你們所有人用心和努力帶給我的喜悅! 我希望在不久的將來見到你們每個人! 同時,請一定要照顧好自己!
無論你們在做什麼或喜歡做什麼,都要努力! 自己先要開心,才能對父母、家人、朋友、同事以及你們在生活中遇到的所有人都很好! 別害怕困難和壓力,因為正是這些讓你們更強更好,更有優勢和力量走得更遠、飛得更高! 請一定記得行動比言語更有力! 無論何時,都要言行一致! 一定要保持健康、有愛! 即使在你生氣的時候! 要相信每件事最後都有解決方案,一切都沒問題! 你們都是有福氣的!
保持微笑!Always Yours.. Sally!!!!
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