🇨🇦 加拿大 Canada
(English below)
來到溫哥華,一定不可以錯過唯一的vegan布丁 - Vegan Pudding & Co.!老闆是日本人,所以店面也帶點日本的可愛風格,但是店實在太小了,所以只有外賣喔~
首先,口味種類非常多,包括香草、抹茶、伯爵茶、巧克力等等等等... 第二,看上去如此「邪惡的」甜點,主要的製作原料只有南瓜泥、椰子奶、楓糖,而且全是有機食材;完全沒有使用白糖和蛋奶,可以安心地吃了!口感又軟又細密,不說還真不知道沒有使用蛋奶耶!
好消息是,加國最大亞洲超市 - T&T Supermarket 大統華超級市場 最近也有零售了,可惜好像只有溫哥華有,希望其他分店趕快有吧!
Vancouver │VEGAN Pudding。the One and Only One!
You can never miss this the one and only one VEGAN Pudding when you travel to Vancouver - Vegan Pudding & Co. ! The owner is Japanese, so the store also has a cute Japanese style, but the store is too small, so there is only takeaway ~
First, there are many flavors, including vanilla, matcha, earl grey, chocolate, etc ... Second, this dessert looks so "evil". But the main ingredients are just kabocha squash, coconut milk, and pure maple syrup, and all ingredients are organic, even white sugar free, dairy free, egg free, you can enjoy it safely! The texture is so soft and fine, you will never notice there's no milk and eggs if they don't tell!
The good news is that the largest Asian Supermarket in Canada - T&T supermarket, has also recently been selling it. Unfortunately, it only seems to be available in Vancouver. I hope other branches will soon have it!
Vegan Pudding & Co.
📍 #101-422 Richards Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
⏳ 11:00 - 19:00
🚫 Sunday
#veganpudding #veganvancouver #vegandessert