主人因長期外國工作不在港,這對20月大的狼狗在這大半年只靠dog walker 每天餵一次及行街,其餘時間便在狗屋及平台渡過。主人工作地點不穩定不忍心再讓他們孤獨寂寞,現希望可替他們找到更合適的主人。女仔Chip(啡色),性格文靜乖巧。男仔Dale(黑色)性格活潑好動。有心者這致電Dog walker Oscar , 電話:68492673聯絡。
This pair of German Shepherds is looking for a new home, their owner not in HK most of time cause travel around for work, they just living in a big Terrance with a dog house and dog walker come once a day to feed. Owner feel bad for them so is better find them a new home with more love and care. Who interest of adopt please call the dog walker Oscar , Tel: 68492673. (Will be more consider if can adopt them both).