沒看懂,取消全職員工制度?是指以後都沒有 full time job 了?我誤解了嗎?
quote " ...同時調整財務狀況,節省成本支出,如暫停招聘新員工、減少員工健康津貼,並取消全職員工制度等 ... "
baker quote 在 Familystaysg Facebook 的最讚貼文
You see my 🐽 face, can see I'm a cake 🍰❤️ lover right! Pretty sure #babysim3 is also one, getting the sweet tooth cravings lately! We can never get enough of yummy cakes especially from our favorite Baker Ean @lelebakerysg!
Have been ordering from Lele bakery since we did the May edd baby bash 2017 with Christian's friends, including our own birthday Celebrations! Each time we do rose Lychee, so instead going for the usual this time round we chose something different - caramelised cookies!
And as usual lor, everyone say our #pink cake was sinfully good and very soft 😆👍🏻💕! The layers were really Fluffy and the cream wasnt too overwhelming inside! You may say it's advertising la but if you looked back I have always been ordering from Lele bakery, except for one time their slot was full (Christian 2nd bdae) so I had to find another. Plus, their pricing has never burn my pocket - very affordable + the boss super friendly 👍🏻👍🏻 人太好了!
For a 6 inch 🍰 cake, the size was perfect for alll of us (we had about 10pax not including kids), though I do need to bring 1/4 portion home I didn't mind, saving it for my dessert time while the kids in school 🤤🤤🤤
Plus this is my first time doing Gender Reveal Cake, never knew it was so fun! #whyhaventwedonethisbefore!
If you aren't following @lelebakerysg, don't miss out this chance! Compare to the market nowadays some of them are really over priced, and I can always trust Boss Ean to get me what I want (very important lor) - delivery time and quality. Honestly, from the first time we ordered from them until now, never been disappointed 🤤🤤🤤🤤 thanks again Ean! You made all my friends craved your cakes and maybe that's the only reason they willing to come to my parties 😅😅
My Giveaway with @lelebakerysg is still ON! IF you want to win a 6 inch cake worth $90, head over to my previous posts and join now! Let's eat cake together! #andgetfattogether!
📷 : @sweet.escape, quote RUBY10 for 10% off + extra 20 pcs!
@ Singapore
baker quote 在 科技產業資訊室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Luis Salazar 是邁阿密一家 5 人小型律師事務所的一名合夥人。搜索線上法律資料庫 10 個小時後,他很快就發現了一宗與他手頭案件極為相似的破產案例。在輸入一個法律問題後,系統表示將在一天后給出答案,其中包括一小段總結,以及兩頁的解釋備忘錄。後來,他發現這個結果與律師撰寫的備忘錄並無二致。
Luis Salazar 使用的這個系統就是 ROSS Intelligence,世界上第一個人工智慧法律助理。目前,Ross 客戶包括諸如 Latham & Watkins、Dentons、 Baker Hostetler 和 Briesen & Roper 這樣的 AM Law 200。去年 11 月,Salazar開始在破產案件中使用 Ross Intelligence 的軟體,「確實有點嚇人。如果它做的更好,許多人可能會因此失業。」他說。
Luis Salazar 是迈阿密一家 5 人小型律师事务所的一名合伙人。搜索在线法律数据库 10 个小时后,他很快就发现了一宗与他手头案件极为相似的破产案例。在输入一个法律问题后,系统表示将在一天后给出答案,其中包括一小段总结,以及两页的解释备忘录。后来,他发现这个结果与律师撰写的备忘录并无二致。
Luis Salazar 使用的这个系统就是 ROSS Intelligence,世界上第一个人工智能法律助理。目前,Ross 客户包括诸如 Latham & Watkins、Dentons、 Baker Hostetler 和 Briesen & Roper 这样的 AM Law 200。去年 11 月,Salazar开始在破产案件中使用 Ross Intelligence 的软件,「确实有点吓人。如果它做的更好,许多人可能会因此失业。」他说。1999 年是美国律师行业的黄金时期。当时一宗大型专利案件,可能需要 3 名合伙人、5 名合作人和 4 名法律助理。如今,相同的案件只需要 1 名合伙人、2 名合作人和 1 名法律助理。
近期,麦肯锡全球研究院(McKinsey Global Institute)研究发现,虽然当前技术足以让近半数工作自动实现化,但是,只有 5% 的工作岗位完全自动化。研究预计 23% 的律师工作能被自动化。中国法律行业也开始这一领域的探索,并随着 2014 年 1 月 1 日起开始实施的裁判文书全部公开而加速。
7 月 28 日,国内外共 600 余人参加了由杭州钱塘智慧城管委会与上海百事通信息技术股份有限公司(以下简称「百事通」)主办的「2017 『法律+科技』领军者国际峰会」。来自不同领域的学术领袖、商业机构用户代表、司法机关实践者、法律互联网精英、优秀律师以及顶级法务经理人,共同探讨了人工智能、科技与法律行业创新发展。
baker quote 在 Baker Mayfield is dropping random pop culture ... - YouTube 的推薦與評價
From rap lyrics to movie lines to citing a popular commercial, Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield has been enjoying dropping random ... ... <看更多>
baker quote 在 120 Baker's Quote ideas - Pinterest 的推薦與評價
Jul 7, 2021 - Explore racquel patterson's board "Baker's Quote" on Pinterest. See more ideas about baker quotes, baking quotes, cake quotes. ... <看更多>