there were some talking about snake bites recently
it let me think more about this topic and write down more (sorry only in english)
by "standard" snake bite treatment procedure is amazing Sasha has still leg (permanent tourniquet)
but it is hard to trust that tourniquet should not be applied as many sources said. I believe reduce (but not total) blood flow by bandage can help, especially if you are far from transportation.
there is also research about how pumps (not) work - conclusion was it can help in less muscular parts as hand, but in big muscles calf or tides has no effect (make your conclusion)
how to deal with bite can read here (but make your own opinion)
****prevention better****
- what I know snakes cannot hear, but feel vibrations (sound is also vibration), so don`t step softly. Problem can be when they are above ground as with Sasha case. Also I don`t like our dog go first for many reasons
- not sure I will wear high boots or long trousers for running (will try)
- most are nocturnal (active in NIGHT) (I met 70% of venous snakes in night), no matter on trail or road (I feel on road are more aggressive)
- my rule when I see snake - calm down and do not lost eye contact on it, you have to know its position
-When there is not another way to go (still prefer go on trail than in forest around and meet some family members). I throw branches to it (they are really really patient, until you hit them they will not move). They will move out, but still try know where it is. If snake move out doesn`t mean there was only one, second could resists on same place (it happened to us)
- it is bad reading but know snakes and recognize them little can help
- set rule No. 1 all snakes which you meet are venomous (so don`t play with any)
- once you will be familiar you will know that triangular shape means venomous (with lot exceptions)
- don`t pick dead snakes (once I saw dead snake which was just run over by car, I push it with branch - it still moved)
- interesting to know there are two types of venom (most affected blood cells (blood begun more dense as gelatin), but some try affect nervous system as in case of krait (in taiwan black-white krait, less effective, but you can have problem with moving because dizy)
- got bite from snake is bad luck, but recently we removed few wasp nest, wasp are killers (especially if you are allergic or kid, don`t protect them)
- power of thinking - don`t thing (worry) about snakes (or any another accident) when you are in nature - there is some spirit law which will cause snake (or whatever) will appear on your way (when I was worry - I saw, I don`t think it is just instinct which warning me).
(example: as anything else, if you think you are poor, you will be poor; if you think you will be DNF in race, you will be,...)
- question about equipment and preparation is for another article...
"There Are No Accidents And No Coincidences"
(entry to nature with RESPECT and good will)