表演場雙週刊第十三期 - 封面故事:雞蛋蒸肉餅: 獨立音樂乜乜乜 The Art Venue Bi-Weekly Issue 013 - Cover Story: GDJYB: Independent music what what what (29/08/2019)
龔志成:北歐的流行音樂作品的作曲結構有很高的藝術性,我希望一方面能讓香港觀眾更接觸有特色的音樂,擴闊他們的品味;另一方面,我希望能透過今次的交流合作,去激發本地樂隊的新思維;從而整體推動本 地獨立音樂發展。香港的獨立音樂發展仍然較為狹窄,而音樂的主題可以更為有社會性。
Kung Chi Shing: “Nordic music is unique, with extremely high artistic value because of their music structure, composition, and use of a wide range of musical instruments. I hope to broaden the taste of the Hong Kong audience and to encourage Hong Kong musicians to think out of the box.”
GDJYB(低音結他手Wing):相對上, 在台灣的獨立音樂單位會容易得到資助,去辦音樂會或執行計劃,而且政府提供很 多外國交流計劃,令他們有更大的的國際舞台曝光機會。香港仍然未有支持獨立音樂發展的資助及政策。
GDJYB: “It is not easy to be an indie group in Hong Kong. We all have other freelance jobs to make a living and to keep GDJYB alive. But that is just the norm everywhere.” GDJYB added: “In Hong Kong, we don’t have any funding or policy to support the development of indie music.”
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World Cultures Festival #龔志成 GDJYB 雞蛋蒸肉餅
#雞蛋蒸肉餅 #GDJYB #北歐 #冰島 #挪威 #芬蘭 #丹麥 #瑞典 #Iceland #Norway #Finland #Denmark #Sweden #獨立音樂 #香港 #independentmusic #hongkong #bandsoundgala #世界文化藝術節 #音樂 #music