剛剛運動的時候邊聽BBC Podcast,突然聽到台灣公司買疫苗的關鍵字,沒想到仔細一聽報導差點沒吐血。BBC竟然報導台灣政府為了"保住顏面","不願意"購買BNT疫苗。但卻隻字不提台灣所面臨來自中國的巨大外交及軍事威脅。
BBC News 中文(繁體)這麼偏頗可以嗎?
如果要報導中台關係 與其武斷下結論 希望這位記者有機會來台灣了解
BBC News, Taiwan is facing serious military and diplomatic threats from the Chinese government. How can you jump to the conclusion that the government is “RELUCTANT to purchase vaccines” in order to “SAVE FACE”. Isn't your report too biased?
Two Taiwnese firms have taken matters into their own hands to buy a large consignment of Pfizer Biontech Covid jabs after the government was reluctant to purchase the medicine because it’s being distributed by a company based in mainland China.
Asia Pacific editor Michael: “Taiwan and China are currently locked in this bitter diplomatic dispute over the future status of Taiwan. China wants it to be part of China. Taiwan thinks it should be independent. That’s the background. So in Taiwan over recent months there’s been a surge of Covid cases, and the Taiwanese government has been desperate to get hold of vaccines. It got AZ, got Moderna. It hasn’t been able to get the Pfizer Biontech. That’s because in that region, in East Asia, it’s been distributed by a Chinese company. Taiwanese government was unwilling because of those reasons I just mentioned to deal directly with a Chinese company. So what’s happened is these two Taiwanese firms stepped in: they bought 10 million doses of Pfizer Biontech vaccines from this Chinese company and they are going to hand it over to Taiwan. They spent 350 million dollars. In effect, these companies have acted as intermediate just so that the Taiwanese government can save face not to deal directly with this Chinese company.
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,220的網紅Lisa hui 許靜雯,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Lisa 的創作心靈: "沒關係"是Lisa 2016年五月份寫的原創歌曲。lisa 當時原本是為了愛情和新生命來臨而放棄了她最喜歡的音樂世界。也因為這種改變而令Lisa 那段時間意志非常消沈。 碰巧加拿大多倫多中文電台舉辦了"第九屆中文歌曲創作大賽"Lisa就藉著這個機會寫了"沒關係"參賽,因而重...
be independent of中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
之前提過, 本來想秋天來做這樣的導讀, 但台灣疫情太嚴重, 這個時候做, 或許比較好, 這樣有興趣的人可以利用在家的時間來學習, 也可以轉移對疫情的注意力.
美國上市公司的年報資訊很透明. 通常看完一份年報, 就能掌握八成的公司狀態了. 公司給的官方資訊也比網路上的優質&有系統.
這次會以一家成長型公司的年報為主軸, 其他公司的為輔, 來帶大家看年報, 並分享自己是如何抓公司的營運重點. 屆時也會有有看年報經驗的股友一起做分享.
(By the way, 我說的年報導讀, 是說看10-K(以下以PINS為例). 主要是知道公司的業務, 還有該注意的營運關鍵數字:
Anyway. 只是想先溝通一下會比較好. 要參加的人, 也比較有心理準備.)
🎯目的: 推廣看年報的好處,並藉此了解公司營運核心, 以掌握財富; 推廣疫情期間在家自學.
🎯對象: 想要了解個股基本面的美股投資人.英文能力不是問題: 可透過這次的導讀, 讓您之後找中文資料時, 能夠進入狀況. 或是之後可利用Google Translator來做輔助.
🎯時間: 台灣時間本周日(06/06)早上10點. 美國的朋友也歡迎(美東時間周六晚上10點, 美西時間晚上7點). 計畫1~1個半小時.
🎯進行方式 : Zoom (抱歉我不會露臉😅)
請用這連結加入會議: https://www.zoom.us/join
Meeting ID: 490 064 3121
Meeting passcode: 4n0tRe(輸入的時候請注意大小寫. 中間那個是數字"0")
(如果屆時不方便, 我會將影片錄下來, 之後可以觀看)
🌻曾獲諾貝爾經濟學獎的美國心理學家 Daniel Kahneman, 最近接受了Barron's的專訪, 談了一下他的新書"Noise".
1. 討論也是會帶來所謂的噪音("in some cases, discussions can cause noise.")
-->This makes me wonder: 大家在一起討論個股時, 是否真的對自己有幫助?
一位財經名嘴的方法挺好: 他會自己先把公司的資料看過一遍後, 歸納出自己的想法. 也讓自己不受到媒體的報導所影響.
2. Overconfidence spins from the fact that we tend to latch onto one interpretation of a situation. We do not see alternatives.
過於自信其實是只看到一種情境的展現, 因為這表示自己沒有看到另外幾種情境.
3. One way to discipline your thinking is independence—making sure that if you’re consulting different people, they are independent of each other. Or if you are looking at different characteristics of an investment, that you evaluate them independently of each other.
一種讓自己思考能夠有紀律的方法是獨立--也就是在跟不同的人徵詢意見時, 這些人的思考也是要互相獨立的. 不是同溫層.
運用在投資上就是, 在考量一家公司的各種特點時, 要獨立去看這些特點.
4. 這段也寫的挺好. 可用在挑股上. 也就是, 挑股時, 不能只把眼光侷限在單一個股上. 而是要把公司拿來跟其他公司一起做比較.
Aggregate judgements wherever possible. Making judgements comparatively, rather than absolutely, is [also] a very good procedure. People are much better at saying that A is riskier than B, rather than putting an exact number on how risky A is and how risky B is. Use comparative risk and relative risk, rather than putting absolute numbers on things. Simple rules tend to be very good; people who are not governed by rules tend to be extremely noisy in their judgements. When you become conscious of the problem of noise, you become conscious of the value of rules and of discipline.
Picture: 花栗鼠(chipmunk)
be independent of中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
I just signed my first major label record deal! Everyone, I’m happy to announce I have officially signed to Warner Music!
Over the past few years, I’ve gotten different record deal offers from labels in Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. However, none of them felt right. I knew what I wanted to give up and what I didn’t. So I stayed independent all these years.
When Warner and I met, we clicked right away. We had the same vision, I knew it was something I wanted to do. This was the right team for me and I wanted to be a part of it.
I’ve tried doing so many different things since moving to Taiwan. But music has been the most consistent thing in my life and the love I had for it only seemed to grow more as I gotten older.
I was just a kid making videos on YouTube, trying to practice singing in mandarin. Now I’m an artist at a huge major label. All my hard work paid off.
Today is the first day of the next chapter of my life. It’s a big transition I’m about to take and it is very important to me.
I want to say thank you to my fans, supporters, family and friends because without each and every one of you none of this would be possible. Thank you for following me and watching all the covers and originals I’ve made over the past few years. I hope you guys can come along for the ride while I team up with Warner Music to make the best music possible.
be independent of中文 在 Lisa hui 許靜雯 Youtube 的最佳貼文
Lisa 的創作心靈:
"沒關係"是Lisa 2016年五月份寫的原創歌曲。lisa 當時原本是為了愛情和新生命來臨而放棄了她最喜歡的音樂世界。也因為這種改變而令Lisa 那段時間意志非常消沈。
這是她再次回到音樂舞台寫的第一首原創歌曲,描述關於一個為音樂而生的女生,經過不同的愛情歷練,走進愛情的虛假世界而迷失,連唯一支援自己動力"音樂"也放下不管。 可惜無論她多麼的努力都只是在渴望得到真愛的邊緣遊走,現實都給她重重的打擊, 今天這女生從謊言中醒覺,痛苦中成長蛻變,終於學懂了放下,再次回到她最愛的音樂世界,站上舞臺再次發亮。 她發覺原來只要走進音樂的世界,所有的委屈和痛苦都只是一個經歷,一切都不重要,因此這首歌叫《沒關係》。
希望觀眾會感到音樂的真實和生命,無論受多大傷害, 只要有音樂, 一切的苦難都會是《沒關係》。
這首歌有在「多倫多中文電台」有播放過,「A1 Chinese Radio Toronto Canada」,與商業電台 嘅《馬路的事 我哋的事》, 還有台灣電台「獨立音樂講堂 -第二十八集」(DJ罐頭)。
"It's Okay" is an original song written by Lisa Hui in May 2016. Lisa had given up her beloved musical world for her love and new born son. The change in circumstance left Lisa very depressed at the time. This song was written for the "9th Chinese Song Writing Competition", sponsored by the Canadian Chinese radio station.
Lisa took the opportunity to write and record "It's Okay" while rejoicing in her return to music.
"It's Okay" describes a girl who is reborn to create music... capturing Lisa's return to writing original songs. The story of a woman who's experiences through a false world of love left her without her creativity. Leaving her alone in a place where no matter how hard she tries the reality of lost love leaves her on the edge. The reality of life has hit her hard.
Today, this girl wakes up from the lies, grows and transforms the pain into strength. She learns to let go and return to her beloved musical world again. Standing on the stage and shining again is where she wants to be. She has realized that as long as she walks in the world of music the pain and hurt are no longer important... "It's Okay"
Lisa hopes that her audience and listeners feel the truth and the life in her music. No matter how much damage or trauma we have experienced as long as there is music "It's Okay"
This song has been played on stations such as ; "Toronto Chinese Radio" , "A1 Chinese Radio Toronto" ,”Industrial Radio station "The Road and us", "Taiwan Radio's Independent Music Lecture ep.28"and shown live on Fairchild Television
English translation Lisa Hui & brett beattie

be independent of中文 在 Yokez 叶玉棂 Youtube 的精選貼文
PREORDER THE DEBUT EP 預購專輯 ▶︎ http://kck.st/2sbArTR
這次的EP能不能完成,就靠你們了!Yokez 叶玉棂 首張全創作EP 募資計畫 全面展開,3/23 截止。請到 Kickstarter 預購 EP,以實際行動支持 Yokez!I have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds for this EP! Being an independent musician means that all expenses have to be borne by myself. Therefore, I would be really grateful if you could show me your support by preordering my EP.
官方 MV / Official MV ▶︎ https://youtu.be/oVxExLkV-i4
Download / 下載收藏:
? KKBox: http://bit.ly/2E1FxI0
? Spotify: http://bit.ly/yokezMBL
? iTunes (Apple Music): https://apple.co/2EDo2eb
? 追踪 Yokez ?
? FB:https://facebook.com/YokezOfficial
? IG:http://instagram.com/YokezOfficial
? 官方網站:http://YokezOfficial.com
Yokez 叶玉棂 首張全創作EP第一波單曲《明白了》,2018年2月6日首次在 Henry 和 Hazelle 张颖双 主持的 YES933 #YEAH夜不打烊 首播。感謝 YES933 的鼎力支持!Yokez's debut single "Understood" was featured on Singapore's radio station Y.E.S. 93.3 FM on 6 February 2018 during it's night show YEAH夜不打烊 co-hosted by Henry and Hazelle.
《明白了》是 Yokez 叶玉棂 首張全創作EP的第一波單曲,詞曲創作一手包辦。這首歌其實在2016年早已曝光。當時Yokez參加了新加坡最大型的网络华语歌唱比赛《听见心声音》Hear Me Sing。從一開始的16強過關斬將,成功進入了大決賽。在比賽期間,外婆突然離開人世,事情來得突然且快,讓本已備受比賽壓力的Yokez一度陷入困境。
”當時媽媽在我面前接了一通電話,放下電話後就告訴了我外婆病逝的消息。本以為她會是最沮喪的,怎料她反過來安慰我,告訴我生離死別是在所難免的。後來終於靜下心來想了想,其實只要擁有過、快樂過、珍惜過,那就足夠了。“ Yokez 終於坦然面對,並寫了這首療傷單曲《明白了》。她在總決賽唱了這首歌獻給在天堂的外婆,最後榮獲亞軍。
「明白了 這一刻難以割捨 但不需要捨不得」
不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有。 面對生離死別,要放下談何容易? 直到某個經歷,讓我明白了其實放下也是一種領悟。只要擁有過、快樂過、珍惜過,就算是離別,總有一天自然能放下。
- Yokez
这次 MV 製作团队也特別邀请了在最新Toggle 網路短劇《戰備好兄弟》中參與演出的张颖双和饒梓杰来担任男女主角,大飆演技。
喜歡并支持Yokez 叶玉棂的粉丝朋友们,請继续关注她的状态!接下来将會有更多作品以及和大家見面的计划,請各位敬请期待!
Yokez 叶玉棂(1994年9月29日 - ),新加坡獨立創作歌手。7歲開始學鋼琴,從小對音樂有熱誠的她也時常在 YouTube 上傳翻唱視頻。2016年翻唱了四葉草的《好想你》,獲得熱烈迴響,上傳至今累計了超過30萬次點擊量!其他翻唱作品也曾在台灣各大媒體平台 - 台灣達人秀, VS Media Taiwan、即新聞等曝光。Yokez 從小愛聽中文流行歌曲,創作風格也自然受其影響。大多從生活中的瑣事尋找靈感。不論是好或壞的經歷,都轉化成創作的能量。
曾經參加多項作曲和歌唱的比賽,如新加坡詞曲版權協會與海蝶音樂聯合主辦的SG:SW2017 我寫我的歌、MM2 Entertainment的大型網絡華語歌唱比賽“聽見心聲音”、 “心情溶劑”歌唱比賽,及“我寫我唱我的歌2017”,后者她榮獲第一獎。近日被海蝶集團旗下大石音樂版權簽下,成為專屬作者。
Yokez is a versatile singer, keyboardist and songwriter who has melted the hearts of many with her sweet vocals. Her cover of Joyce Chu’s “I MiSS U” has garnered over 300 thousand views on YouTube, and her works have been featured by various media companies including VS Media, SheWolf and ET Today.
Yokez has participated and received awards in several music competitions, including XQRJ, SG:SW 2017 and Hear Me Sing, and was recently crowned champion in the I Write and Sing My Song 2017 songwriting competition with her motivational pop tune "Looking Forward". Her compositions are heavily influenced by Mandarin pop and she usually writes songs based on her own experiences or of those around her. She has recently signed under Touch Music Publishing as an exclusive songwriter.