【防疫紓壓 6 招 + 英文】
我記得聽過某個 podcast 說,we’re terrified of change,人很害怕改變,而最近的改變,來得又劇烈又快,對心理健康也有很大影響。
我看了一下聯合國兒童基金會的網站文章,它分享的是,如何在疫情期間,保持心理健康(How to protect your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic)
它教了 6 招,我簡單翻譯分享給你
1 焦慮是正常的
Recognize that your anxiety is completely normal.
2 找消遣
Find a distraction
3 用其他方法跟朋友保持聯繫
Find new ways to connect with friends
平時常見面的,先換成線上打 game、視訊聊天、講講電話。
像我自己的《聽新聞學英文》podcast 訪談,短期內都打算轉線上或延期了
4 趁機回應自己的需求
Focus on yourself.
5 接納負面感受
Connect with your feelings.
這次負面感受,別壓抑,讓它淡淡地來、讓它好好地去 🎵
6 支持自己、支持身邊的人
Be kind to yourself and others
以上6 個技巧的翻譯,我都是根據內文,再結合自己的感受說出來的,並不是純粹的「翻譯」喔~
台灣加油,我們曾經面對過疫情升溫,我們可以克服的 💪 很快,讓我們都施打了疫苗、都戴好口罩,又可以到其他城市走走晃晃。
This too shall pass.
#防疫 #心理健康 #播客 #podcast #中文podcast #聽新聞學英文 #社區感染 #台灣 #團結 #翻譯 #英文 #學英文 #英文單字 #英文學習
「be kind to yourself翻譯」的推薦目錄:
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 聽施姐的話-施菲亞Feiya Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 KIND TO YOURSELF《善待自己》-【中文歌詞】By Fearless ... 的評價
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 我要學英文- Be gentle with yourself. You are doing the best... 的評價
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 資源回收資訊站- be kind 中文翻譯的推薦與評價,PTT 的評價
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 聽歌學英文- YouTube | All is well, Wellness, Cover - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 聽歌學英文- YouTube | All is well, Wellness, Cover - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於be kind to yourself翻譯 在 英文Kao Easy - 你「到底」是什麼意思?... Facebook 的評價
be kind to yourself翻譯 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最佳解答
1. 係喎,今日王維基隻香港電視HKTVMall 1137(簡稱王7),10蚊了,96億市值。不過係一個月前,仲係64億市值,本人寫話升一個開,升到120億市值入港版納指不是夢(https://bityl.co/3HiE),計有文字紀錄嘅(唔計你半夜飲酒講),應該全世界最早。當時無數人一樣話不可能。AND?
2. 結果只係一個月,1137剛好升咗50%。升多三成就夠數(er,一隻股票升完五成呢,係唔使升多五成已經夠一個開)。
3. 而更重要嘅係,隻網龍777(改壞冧把?),插到一個月新低,得返110億市值左右咋。See?有時唔使你努力,你保住自己,人地仆街,你一樣有位上。當然why not both?
4. 其實我幾乎想寫自己,以前我點點點,啲友都睇死我乜乜乜,但點點點。但我制止咗自己咁飛機,太厚面皮了,本人一無成就可言,無理由拎自己去比。(雖然王維基同正版Richard Branson仲爭唔少)。事實上我好早已經崇拜王維基,佢inspire咗我,但而家出嚟講就畀人覺得我Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer了
5. 咁不如分享下我另類嘅睇法,同埋分享三句金句,呢個情況好啱用:
6. 第一句,Success is like pregnancy. Everybody congratulates you but nobody knows how many times you got fucked to achieve it。唔使翻譯啦可?即係啲人見我開Patreon 有錢收爽歪歪,但之前我寫咗幾多年一個仙都冇,仲要去求人畀我寫,你唔講?由Day one 畀人屌到而家都話我唔識嘢添。
7. 你見王維基一出呢段嘢,當然大把人附和。甚至有人祝佢生日快樂,明顯唔知道王維基12月生日(see?鐵粉呀)。今時今日王維基當然講乜都啱,我亦唔係要包拗項。但重點係,你估下今日附和呢堆嘅嘢人,有幾多係平時一樣鍾意潑人冷水嘅人?甚至有幾多潑過王維基冷水,睇死佢唔掂?不過冇所謂,而家成功咗就,屌,我一早睇好你啦。
8. 我最鍾意嘅聖誕歌,係Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,完全係馬(?)版嘅楊貴妃,一人得道雞犬升天,最重要仲有成班傍友出嚟話,屌,我一早睇好你啦,你名留青史呀。況且,其實話人無可能,真係咁差?我鍾意睇Economist,因為有時好夠cynic。呢篇係李斯特城拎英超後佢地寫嘅(https://bityl.co/3HgW),成功咗就個個會講XXX的成功秘訣,但篇文話你知,Underdogs are overrated。Leicester City’s success should be celebrated, but not sentimentalised。
9. 你老公四十幾歲肚腩一大個,睇波都捱唔到一場就訓著,然後忽然一日話要賣咗層樓去追夢去做新C朗,三浦知良都踢到五十幾歲,佢得點解我唔得?咁你應該點?唔好同佢講無可能?唔好潑佢冷水?Economist篇文話齋,f it is good and kind to suggest to people that the odds against their dreams are shorter than they think, then Las Vegas is truly a very good, kind city. But most do not think it so.
10. 王維基點解講嘢多人聽?因為佢成功嘛!仲要一次又一次咁成功。但,survivorship bias啦,幾多唔聽人講而仆咗街嘅,你唔會聽得到。
11. 以上呢堆嘢當然好唔啱聽,但see?人都係鍾意啱聽嘅嘢。自己呃自己最開心。
12. 第二句,In life, as in sports, the boos always come from the cheap seats。我在「高盛的電梯」(https://bityl.co/3Hgt)聽返嚟嘅。意思亦好明顯。我在呢度都多次講,其實無論你做到點,都係大把人潑你冷水的。王維基好叻咩?間嘢100億市值都未夠,Richard Branson就真係勁啦。但即使你做到Richard Branson,一樣有人話你知,Richard Branson好叻咩?Mark Zuckerberg恥毛都未出齊(其實好齊了)就有錢過佢啦。哈,到你做到Mark Zuckerberg ,一樣有人話,超,毒撚靠品評女同學發達之嘛。搞啲咁嘅平台,對人類福利有乜貢獻?拿Elon Musk就真係勁啦,改變世界 —不過到你做到Elon Musk,一樣可以講,屌,你講錢咁膚淺,窮得只剩下錢,Nikola Telsa(*)就真係大愛啦,分文不取。
13. See?移動龍門,You can never win。而你發現講呢啲嘢嘅人,就係乜柒都冇嘅。「乜撚嘢呀?而家我要好波過美斯先可以批評佢呀?」
14. 真的,廢柴就最撚多牢騷最撚多睇法。聽聞C朗私底下應該好憎美斯,但你應該唔會聽到佢話美斯屎波。你係果個level,你就知勁過你嘅人有幾勁。
15. 但,所以就帶到去第三,亦係GS Elevator 講嘅: Measure yourself only against your previous self.
16. 呢句其實最唔仙力,最入屋,我以為最多人會接受。但好多人都仲係唔明。我唔使玩呢個同Richard Branson比嘅遊戲,我做得比我之前好就得啦。
17. 係喎,講咗一大輪,好似都冇乜結論。事實係咁,冇人係睇完啲金句成功。因為啲金句就係矛盾的。埃汾一日閒閒地都啤成萬字,你要搵我講法前後矛盾,大把。
18. 正如你可以去挑機話畢菲特打倒昨日之我呀,或者去話蘋果又話誓死唔出stylus Steve Jobs激到翻生呀,對Air Pods 牙簽仔咁撚核突邊有人買?傻的嗎?但聽聞蘋果只係賣Air Pods,收入多過你UBER成間公司(我地唔好講利潤咁膚淺啦下)。
19. 所以三大金句之四(十大勁歌金曲都唔止十大啦),卒之到我原創嘅(其實都係抄朋友):你嘅生命唔係一條直線,但係你一連串選擇嘅後果。改變未必即時見到,但慢慢會成型。點解有啲女仔遇親都賤男?因為佢地根本就係鍾意嗰啲賤男,被人中出即飛,係佢地建構自己對愛情忠貞嘅一個步驟。男女平等,咁所以點解有啲仔遇親都係派帽你帶嘅女?因為你嫌良家婦女悶,你就係鍾意刺激嘛。
20. 改變,係一點一點嘅。一單半單你唔會覺,食多杯雪糕唔會即時肥,但一路落去就會見到。正如我講,逆境時你輸得少過人,順境時你贏得多過人。投資又好,職場又好,咩都好。幾個周期,就拉開晒了。
21. 因為寫呢篇文,即係我會遲返屋企,又冇得同埃汾太晚市堂食了。記得幫我comment like and share 呀!
22. 最後 don't see 效頻咁講句,扮下廢老畀意見:知唔知寫文最緊要係乜?唔係有學識,唔係有良心,唔係有睇法,唔係有時間,唔係有文采—以上都重要,但最緊要有火!你睇我篇文嘅火,係遮唔住,隔住個mon都feel到的!就好似富士山(香港嗰個啦!)下面排隊登山啲人咁,眼中很多火!
(*)我知好爛,但都澄清返,Nikola Telsa係一個人,唔係兩隻美股。可惜佢冇middle name。
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be kind to yourself翻譯 在 聽施姐的話-施菲亞Feiya Facebook 的精選貼文
巴夏:2020年,待在暴風眼!2019-12-31 翻譯:笑笑以下是巴夏在12月8日傳訊的最新內容
All right, I'll say good day to you this day of your time日安!
How are you all!大家好啊!
This transmission has been titled 2020, The Eye Of The Storm.這次傳訊的標題為《2020,暴風眼之年》
We would at this time like to get a little bit serious with you現在,我們要和大家聊一點“嚴肅serious”的東西
Not the star system so much倒不是“天狼星Sirus”那麼嚴肅Serious
But have what would amount perhaps to be a Heart-To-Heart可以說是“敞開心扉,傾心相談”的嚴肅Serious
For what's coming up is very important, in terms of your timing.因為即將發生的事,從你們的時機看來,非常重要!
We have said that your year of 2020 is a pivotal point in what you call your history我們曾經說過,2020年,是你們歷史上的關鍵年
You are shifting through a very particular moment, crossing a very particular threshold.你們正在經歷 一個非常特殊的時期,正在跨越 一個非常特殊的門檻
And so at this timing, it is important for certain states of being to be paramount within you所以,在這期間,讓自己內心保持在的某個特定的狀態,非常的重要!
To help you through this time, to help you cross that threshold in a positive and constructive manner這能夠幫助你,以積極正面的、建設性的方式,度過這段時間,跨過這個門檻
For what comes after will be predicated, very strongly on what you do and who you are in 2020因為,2020年之後發生的事,非常大程度上,取決於你在這一年裡,你是誰?以及,你做了什麼?
We will reinforce the ideas we are about to share with you at the end of this transmission in your holotope meditation in a very particular way在此次傳訊結尾的全息冥想環節中,我們會用一種非常特殊的方式,將我們接下來要分享的觀念,強化到你們意識之中
But for now, we would like each and every one of you to know但現在,我們希望你們每一個人都知道:
how important it is for you to truly be yourselves in the coming year.在未來的一年裡,做真實的自己,有多麼地重要!
How important it will be for you to make decisions that are in alignment with your best discernment做清晰的抉擇,明智的決定,對你來說,有多麼地重要!
How important it will be and how important it is for you to remain at the center of the storm保持在暴風雨的中心,對你來說,有多麼地重要!
Because if I may use some of your colloquial language.因為,用一句你們“俗話”來講
2020 is going to be nuts.2020年,真是“見鬼”了(Nuts堅果、瘋狂)
It's going to be crazy!2020年,會很瘋狂的!
And it is of paramount importance that you remain, if you wish to be on a certain train, in the eye of the storm, where it's calm, where peace and solitude rains,所以,如果你希望坐上某列火車,如果你希望待在暴風雨的中心,處在一個寧靜和平,可以怡然自樂、悠然自得的環境裡
where even though you may see the storm raging all around you, swirling around you, thundering and lightning all around you.即使你可能看見四周烏云密布、電閃雷鳴、狂風暴雨、席捲八方
It is more important than ever before, and more important than it will be for quite a long time.那麼,極其重要的,也比以往都重要的多的,並且,在很長一段時間裡,也都越發重要的
During this crossing, during this threshold. During this pivotal year就是在這個過渡階段,在這個門檻上,在這個關鍵一年裡
To be at peace within yourself, to be calm within yourself保持內心和平,保持心態平靜
To be centered within the eye of the storm讓自己待在暴風雨的中心位置
So we would highly encourage each and every one of you to really take stock of who you really are所以,我們強烈鼓勵你們每一個人,好好思量一下:你到底是誰?
And what kind of decisions you really choose to make你真正選擇做什麼樣的決定?
And how they are or are not in alignment with what you truly wish your world to be.以及,它們與你真正希望的世界,是否相符合一致?
We will give you a suggestion that may assist我們提供一個建議,可能對你們有所助益
For most of you are at least to some degree familiar with what we have told you about因為你們中的大多數人,曾聽我們說過,也在一定程度上熟悉:
how our world functions?我們的世界,是如何運作的?
who we are in simple terms?我們是什麼樣的人?
what we stand for?我們代表著什麼?
and what reality we are encouraging you to align with,以及,我們一直鼓勵著你們,調頻到什麼樣的實相去?
So that you can experience eventually more contact with us and us with you.從而使得最終,你們可以與我們有更多的接觸,我們也能夠更多地與你們接觸
It is crucial, critical in this coming year to set the stage, to set the foundation for the years to come after那麼,在明年,你們就要做好準備、打好基礎,因為這非常重要,也非常關鍵
With the state of being that represents that which is most harmonious with the vibration we have shared with you, that is representative of our reality,調整你們的狀態,讓自己與我們曾分享的、象徵著我們的實相的振頻,保持著最佳的和諧共振
if you wish to have a reality, to shift to a version of earth where we can interact openly and freely with each other, in beauty, in harmony, in creativity, in love只有這樣,你們才能在未來的歲月裡,穿越到一個與我們能夠公開、自由地接觸的實相,才能夠擁有一個美麗、和諧、充滿創造力、充滿愛的實相
And to have the ability to look deep within yourselves並且,你們還需要深入自己內心,看清自己
And not allow the idea of fear-based opinion to supersede your deep-seated knowledge of who you actually prefer to be, and what kind of a world you prefer to live in不要讓那些基於恐懼的思想,佔據你們對自我的深層次希望(喜好)的認知,也就是,你們希望(喜好)成為什麼樣的人,以及生活在什麼樣的世界裡
So we encourage you at any time in this coming year, when you allow yourself to stay at peace and be calm in the eye of the storm所以,我們鼓勵你,在明年的任意時刻,當你身處暴風眼之中,當你心平氣和、氣定神閒時
To think好好想想看:
of what it would be like if you were>如果你是我們中的一員,如果你來自我們的星球,卻生活在地球上,那麼,你會做什麼樣的決定?
How would we respond to the things that happened and come up the circumstances and situations and opportunities that will arise in your year of 2020如果是我們,將會如何應對2020年地球上發生的事,碰到的情況,遇到的機會?
And to come from that center of balance and peace and calm and solitude and assurance and confidence and knowingness靜心獨處,讓自己進入平衡的中心位置,進入和平、寧靜、篤定、自信和覺知的狀態
And come from there, in your actions,然後,以這樣的狀態出發,去行動
in your relations, in your understanding of others that you may encounter on your journey以這樣的狀態去處理你的(人際)關係,去理解你在這段旅途中可能遇到的其他人
And to not settle for those things that you think in your opinion are the things that would serve when you know in your heart they may not不要(委屈自己),勉強接受那些你腦袋認為可能對你有所助益的東西,而事實上,你內心清楚地知道,它們並無助益
Create the vision of the world that you would really prefer to live in創造一個“你希望(喜好)生活於其中的世界?”的願景(發個大願)
A world that contains the ability to interact with us and other beings like us一個讓你們能夠與我們,以及其他類似我們的存在體,自由交流互動的世界
That contains the ability to expand your senses, instead of contracting them一個讓你們可以“擴展”你們覺知力的世界,而不是“壓縮”你們覺知力的世界
So that you may receive as a more receptive antenna, higher frequency information這樣的話,你們就會像一個更加靈敏的天線一樣,接收到更高頻率的信息
By remaining in the center, in the eye of the storm, you will be far more capable of being receptive to the images and the information and the messages that we are always constantly sending通過讓自己立於中心位置,處在暴風眼之中,你們將極大增強自己的接收能力,完全能夠接收到我們持續不斷地傳送給你們的畫面、信息與消息
Remember this!記住這句話!
Remember this!記住它!
Remember this!一定記住它!
And take it to heart.並,銘記於心
We never leave you.我們,從未離開過你們!
It is you that leave us!而是你們,(選擇)遠離我們
So choose the vibration, the frequency, the energy if you wish to have that kind of a world that represents what you believe we would do所以,在面對即將到來的暴風雨中可能出現的各種情況時,(想想看)如果我們是你,如果你是我們,你認為,我們會怎麼做?
if we were you, if you were us, in all the situations that may arise in the upcoming storm如果你想要擁有這樣的世界,那麼,就選擇這個振動,這個頻率,這樣的能量吧!
Stay in the center待在暴風眼的中間
And no matter how it may seem to swirl around you. No matter how scary it may seem.不論四周看似多麼地“摧枯拉朽、翻天覆地”,不論讓人感覺多麼地“觸目驚心、毛骨悚然”
Be discerning of the vibration of those with whom you associate, of those that you would align with that in no way shape or form represent the world that in your heart of hearts you truly prefer to experience.對於那些與你有往來、有聯繫、頻率有所糾纏的人,你要“擦亮眼睛”,明辨出他們是否象徵著(符合)你真心實意想要體驗的世界
Now, of course, it is always up to you to make the choices that you believe are true for you當然了,哪一個才是你認為對自己最為正確的選擇,由你自己決定
And we would never tell you to do otherwise,我們也絕對不會叫你“另作他選”
All we do is encourage you to understand我們所做的,只是鼓勵(促進)你們明白:
That if you wish to align with a version of earth that we are aligned with in your future. And have the interactions and the freedom to play among the stars with us
That you choose to remain in the eye of the storm. No matter what rages around you
And that you look deep within your heart of hearts
And make choices,
Be strong, be courageous and be at peace in the upcoming time, in the crossing of the threshold
For everything thereafter will take its cue from the seed you plant that year.
We are always magnifying and amplifying the energies through the different vortices of your planet
to help balance your world and give you a greater opportunity to slide smoothly across that threshold
We have been talking about times of transition now for quite some time on your planet
And as we already have experienced with you things are changing rapidly on your world.
And as we have said they will only get crazier in the year to come.
So do not make the measure of who you are as a being by what you see swirling around you
Make that measure by who you know you prefer to be
And stay in the center of the eye
Where the calmness and the peace in your heart and your mind, your soul, your spirit
will allow you to have the resolve to stand firm in what you know to be true.
Really true, deep within your soul, deep within your hearts
So that you can let go of those things that are truly not vibrationally compatible with the world you prefer to create.
There will always be another path.
Just because sometimes your choices may seem limited doesn't mean they actually are.
There is always a third alternative!
So let yourself be at peace enough
to find it, to see it, to walk it, together in harmony and unison and love.
We will crystallize this idea again in the meditation at the end of this transmission
But for now, we wanted to have this heart-to-heart with you.
但現在,我們想和你們 以心傳心、心心相印
And if you simply want to allow yourself to simplify everything we have just said
So that you can make your choices, your decisions and discernment more easily
Then once again, I simply remind you
And it can be any name in this position that is representative of the same kind of energy, of the energy of your higher mind
It doesn't have to be specifically us
But if you're confused at any point
If you feel yourself being tugged away from that center at any point.
Just ask
What would the Essassani people do?
And do that
And you will be fine and back in the center
For you know us well enough to know what we would choose
Up to you.
We thank you for allowing us to have this heart-to-heart with you
And in return for that gift, we ask how may we continue to be of service to you now in your dialogues and question作為回禮,我們非常樂意,在接下來的對話環節,繼續為大家服務!
Please begin as you so desire請隨心開問!
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